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Always amazes me how much of science that was known and validated in the 50s, 60s, and 70s, taught in medical and nursing schools, has in the past several decades been denigrated without any evidence or science supporting it. In place of real science are theories and speculation pushed and sold as science…it’s not! Like Ancel Keys, a psychologist who decided all fats were unhealthy. He had the means to travel to numerous medical conventions, sell his manipulated findings on fats, and convinced the medical establishment and world for years that a No Fat diet, filled with sugar and other chemical flavorings, was healthy. Just proved that when you tell a lie loud enough, long enough, to enough people it will become the truth without any further investigation needed! Took an investigative reporter to finally debunk Keys and wake up some. Sadly, too many were indoctrinated completely and still believe that garbage!

Or the great egg debacle telling folks eggs are dangerous to eat more than once a week. The fact that the whites have lecithin and it binds with the cholesterol of the yolk, leaving only what body needs. That science has been known as true for decades and yet somehow nutritionists and docs forgot or simply didn't learn it.

Also the fact that by our body NEEDS cholesterol to function at the cellular level and the brain a,d nerve sheaths are made primarily of cholesterol. The so-called bad cholesterol LDL is created by our bodies from the processed oils and garbage in over processed foods sold as healthy conveniences. Cut those out and you have fewer problems. I have helped many folks lower their cholesterol levels w diet changes alone…get rid of boxed cereals, margarine, fake creamers, white breads, daily candy and deserts, etc. Instead eat oatmeal, wheat hearts, butter ,bacon, eggs, whole grain bread's, real cream, etc. and your cholesterol will become what your body makes and needs.

As to why we have been sold a bundle of lies to destroy our health? Remember, Big Pharma has a goal to assure that every child, adult, and elder needs at least 5 or more toxic prescriptions to maintain a false sense of health. GREED pure and simple, nothing more.

Humpty Dumpty is cracking with the help of those like yourself you gamer the truth out there for those seeking answers and willing to make changes. Keep doing what you do…shining a light on the lies and deceits out in place to cripple humanity. Thank you!

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