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Jun 2Edited

Good Day Unbecoming,

Great work on this article. Sadly I hadn't read the whole thing before I commented. You covered almost all the bases. Thank you!

The one question that has puzzled me since high school, is why? Why would you NOT want people to have optimal health? I get the money angle in away. But greed can't be the only agenda.

The other point is the destruction of small farms beginning with the Nixon Ford administrations and Ag Secretary Earl Butz telling farmers to "Get Big or Get Out". Even USDA Organic has been commandeered by corporate interests. It is easy to suggest GREED. But is it? Why poison the whole planet if GREED is the only reason. Killing the goose that lays the golden egg seems dumb. There must be more to this madness.

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I cannot claim to know the answer to the Why question.

It would be like saying the sheep has come to understand the shepherd.

Or the krill has come to understand the whale.

The entity is of a different specifies to us, and we live within the fractals it creates.

I do believe certain things to be true though, that maybe hint to an answer.

There are three versions of me, Healthy, Dead and Unhealthy. Only one version has value on scale. At the scale of 8 billion. I don't think this is a financial explanation, I think it's actually a spiritual one. There is a clear incentive for Unhealth at play.

Rancourt talks about Empire's desire to "suppress development" at the Nation State level. This is an old, Mercantile ethic. But for me, how do you suppress the development of a nation, without suppressing the development of the individual? Which brings me back to Unhealth.

It's also true that there are "too many people" is a very real, very old, oligarchical belief system. Unhealth directly connects with that.

Anyway, you get my point, I think we are living in a constructed Reality that is interested in far, far more than money.

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> I cannot claim to know the answer to the Why question.

It would be like saying the sheep has come to understand the shepherd.

Or the krill has come to understand the whale.

The entity is of a different specifies to us, and we live within the fractals it creates.

I do believe certain things to be true though, that maybe hint to an answer.


> It's also true that there are "too many people" is a very real, very old, oligarchical belief system. Unhealth directly connects with that.



Good day Unbekoming,

Thank you for the like and thoughtful reply. It may be true what you say "The entity is of a different specifies (species?) to us" but I have my doubts. Serious doubts.

Have you read the works of Dr Lynn Margulis? She was the key collaborator with James Lovelock who proposed the Gaia Hypothsis, now an accepted as theory in about the year 2000.

With the Gaia theory fading from peoples minds we are easily conned into accepting this madness. Dr. Lynn Margulis demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt the true masters of the Earth/Gaia for the last 3+ billion years are the microcosmos/bacteria. James Lovelock speculated that we are the creations of these beings.

All one has to do is consider all the bacteria have done to terraform the Earth. Consider just one thing CRISPER CAS 9, totally created by the bacteria and now most people don't even know it's origins and consider it created by man. We owe all our ideas to the many faceted life forms on this Earth, which owe their existence to the Microcosmos.

I grew up in the 1950s and 1960s. We were well aware of the threat of population growth. We were told not to worry about population growth by the same folks who say we need to prune humanity back to about a billion people.

In the 1950s and 60s... were prepared to do that by using reason and intelligence to guide our actions and relationships. Not by environmental poisoning, via water, soil, air and food. Our biological environment is now poisoned.

My guess is ( I have no proof ) that bacteria are just giving the part of humanity that is destroying the Earth via their expensive planes, boats, mansions and needless expenditure of fossil fuels, a nudge to our hubris and we will off ourselves.

I speculate this because of the gut/brain axis and as you pollute the gut with polluted food etc. you change the biome and it's messaging. Here is a link you may have already read a while a go; https://www.quantamagazine.org/cells-talk-in-a-language-that-looks-like-viruses-20180502/

If I seem terse it's nothing to do with your work. It is this was all so obvious many decades ago and now we have become by in large clueless.

Keep shinning the light!

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Thanks wm

Indeed I looked up Margulis when you mentioned her to me about a year ago, and have some familiarity with her work now (so thank you).

BTW, that nudge of yours helped me discover Jennifer, and as you know I've done a wonderful interview with her, and amplified her work (so thank you again).

I will read the article above, and reflect on the bacteria "giving us a nudge" idea. That's an interesting thought!

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Jun 10Edited

Hi Unbekoming,

Sent along this reply from Jennifer Margulis's "Learning to Love Flowers", in response to a comment I made. I send this along because it cuts to the heart of Dr. Lynn Margulis work, "But especially the microbes!".

Her big thing was symbiogenesis which took main stream science many years to accept. At base for all of life and its evolution to today are the microbes. I hope when you have the time to read the books by Lynn Margulis ( with reverence) you will gain a panoramic view of life. She is some what redundant in some of her books, it always helped me see an aspect of the microcosmos I had missed.

Keep up the good work. See Jennifer's comment below.

Jennifer Margulis

Jun 3


I am glad my mother had such a profound influence on you, William. She was born with a love of nature and appreciation for all the creatures on earth, big and small. But especially the microbes!

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The same question has bothered me. Tentatively, the answer may be nearsighted assumptions about the race are incorrect. Some assumptions are:

That humans are the top of the food chain. If so why are they farmed?

That humans are not prey animals.

That 'utopia' existed, is possible. Why assume a utopia includes humans?

Progress. 'Evolution' is automated.

"Progress" includes the mass of humans. Onward and upward, etc.

And some permutations of those including that the present day 'madness' is insanity or greed or malice rather than merely business as usual.

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Psychopathy? They seem to be in charge of a lot these days.

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I ask myself the same questions on a daily basis. I had a friend who was a rather prominent biochemist a long time ago. He said, “There’s no profit in a cure” as though he were discussing the price of tea. I was stunned. I do not understand, either.

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While we try to understand the trick is to doge this collective madness that poisons the Earth and all of life. Those who seem to profit from this insanity should be exposed in public forums. Not shamed, but exposed.

Later if we are lucky we can have our questions answered by examining their way of life.

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Interesting point of view. I will think about that for a while. I am all about dodging the collective madness. I recently read a book, A Bold Return to Giving a Damn by farmer/businessman Will Harris. He writes about returning to old ways of farming and raising livestock, sans chemicals and such. I just know I want to be a part of that. He managed to restore the actual life and health to his land and in doing so, the unintended consequence was restoring a healthy little economy to his little town. It was a hopeful book.

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Jun 3Edited

> the unintended consequence was restoring a healthy little economy to his little town.

REPLY: Precisely what was destroyed when the small New Deal subsistance was taken from the small farmer forced to Get Out. Small town America dried up and blew away. Even my uncle who was a small truck farmer could not sell his produce to the store only 100 yards away from his farm.

With corporate control of law, food processing and distribution to mention a few, the small farmer was doomed. However there is a 300 year history of agriculture that thrives in Lancaster County PA. The Amish. No banks etc. because the people care for each other. There are house raisings, barn raisings, sewing circles and much more. The land still fertile. Still one should take a deep look into these cultures. A good book written in the early to mid 1970s by Kenneth Rexroth is Communalism: from its origins to the twentieth century.

My wife are on this adventure. She is Korean born on the cusp of the Korean war. She knows a lot about the old ways (didn't have a frig in home until she was in High School). She can do a lot and teaches me. A great teacher. For us this is the path to the future. Amish farming for 300 years the same land and is still very fertile. Corporate farms ruin the soil in just a few decades with an abundance of subsidies. I will take the Amish as an indication of the direction I should go.

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I will get the book you referenced. Thank you! Your wife sounds brilliant…knowing the old ways! I’m happy for both of you on your new adventure. I left my old life, worked on ranches for a few years to learn some old ways, animal husbandry, old-fashioned irrigation, etc. I now have an honorary redneck engineering degree (ha) & a PhD in post-hole digging to offset my rather useless college education. I’m fascinated by the Amish. What you are doing with your wife is so cool. Everything “corporate” is a soul killer. Been there, done that and I’m not ever doing it again. Thanks for all that amazing information! Best wishes to you both!!!

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You are welcome. Actually we both in our own way (much like you) were on this journey since childhood.

Another book with reading, it is our guide, though we let the conditions we find ourselves dictate the process is; Masanobu Fukuoka was a Japanese farmer and philosopher. Book the One Straw Revolution. It is my heart guide.

May your way bear much fruit and joy.

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Thank you so much! I will get that book, too. Farming and philosophy are right up my alley.

“May your way bear much fruit and joy”…that is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read in terms of a salutation! I wish you the same.

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