Hello, U. I came across this same information last summer while going down the health rabbit whole after refusing the mandated injection to maintain my work. Now when I meet people with minor or chronic health issues, I direct them to the resources you have included here. Dr. Mercola has his own story of transformed health after he had a root canal extracted. That was a trigger for him to look more deeply at the history of root canals. And like vaccinations, nothing has been scientifically done to prove that they are actually safe! It turns out that all aspects of Rockefeller 'science-based' health is false at basically all levels.
I don't know if it was my unconscious acting to help me or not, but in 2015 I developed rampaging caries due to being stupid, and wound up losing several of my teeth, including the root canals I'd had.
And thank you for sharing your story of not-toeing the party line. You didn't come out and say point blank how that experience compares to the covidian oligarchy in place. For me, reading between the lines, it seems to me you are suggesting that we are awfully close to the same level of threat to conform.
"It turns out that all aspects of Rockefeller 'science-based' health is false at basically all levels."
Indeed. We live within "reality" chambers distorted and poisoned by the sheer volume of interested inputs from allopathic medicine. There is nothing in medicine not tainted by it.
Iraq was a dictatorship, ruled by the threat of violence, pretty straightforward really, and NOT totalitarian, because virtually nobody bought what the regime was selling.
Saddam's Iraq was child's play compared to the sheer breadth and depth of what these psychos have been able to do. Most people are still buying what they are selling.
thank you, very important article. Those microbes form biofilms that cannot be easily penetrated. In my experience, though, these films are easily dissolved by using peroxide.
I saved my mouth and probably my health by doing hydrogen peroxide (dissolved in water) mouthwashes and inhalations. I havent been to the dentist for caries or canals for years.
Um, I’ve got a question, respectfully submitted. So the theory being posited is that quantities of intraoral bacteria are, or become, resident within the dentinal tubules, and that furthermore,many of these bacteria are , or become,both pathogenic and infective, and that these dangerous would-be assassins somehow exit into the patient’s body, frequently causing great harms. Let’s see- they probably can’t exit via the sealed apical end , sealed , as it were,with either chloropercha or with root-end amalgam plug. So , I ask, do any of the dentinal tubuli continue on like a tunnel through the cementum, discharging their foul contents- into the periodontal membrane? I will defer inquiring as to relative sizes between the inner dimensions of the tubuli and the size(s) of the bacteria; further, I will defer inquiring which bacteria are aerobic, which anaerobic, and which are facultative anaerobes. There is a vast number of bacteria in the oral biota; which ones are commonly found in infected lesions of the suffering human body?
Your readers will probably not understand much of what I’ve written to you herein. It will appear merely that I am being a rude pain in the ass for no apparent or discernible reason. Pity, that. I hope you will not think of this comment in that way.
Oh, yes-nearly forgot ! There was another book published about- the title is self explanatory- entitled “Death and Dentistry “.And some dentist calling himself by the alias, “Paul Revere”wrote some stuff that...,well, you know.
And-finally-there used to be a method of unfailingly sterilizing the instrumented, finished canal . It used a little pellet of metallic sodium and metallic potassium amalgamated together, that was then dropped carefully into the open, finished canal , quickly averting one’s eyes and head from the startling mini-explosion which invariably occurred, and which did, according to reports, sterilize the canal and terrify the patient and the assistant.Ah, that was a loooong time ago. Better not to try it.
As of today 09/01/23, there has not, at least yet, been received any response(s) to my earlier questions regarding the scientific bases of the rather florid anecdotal claims by the original author pinioning endodontic procedures designed to maintain and preserve teeth from wholesale extirpation and widespread removal. Perhaps it may require further and/or more extensive research prior to answers being submitted. In the interim, I have been checking some of the factual and scientific facts regarding the bacteria putatively “inhabiting” the dentinal tubuli in the author’s posited theory, as well as factual material on inner dimensions of said dentinal tubuli compared to published materials on relative sizes of various bacteria of each of the three types classified. It seems ineluctable that the theories offered by the author and his references cannot be borne out or even assumed true, given the clear scientific evidence undermining the anecdotal theories, as yet.
Nevertheless, there may be some hypothetical arguments made that the lack of a truly hermetic seal at the apical end, whether anatomical or surgically truncated, could be a possible etiological access for purulence and/or bacterial contamination of the periapical soft tissues and bone, being disseminated therefrom by the usual routes. Is every apex perfectly sealed by chloropercha( not merely cement)? Are periapical amputations with sealing by expanding amalgam plugs always perfectly performed after visually confirmed surgical apical amputations?( They expand , on average, 0.3%, sufficient to claim hermetic sealing).
Ought the operating dentist/endodontist/ oral and maxillofacial surgeon routinely both administer post-operatively, and prescribe for post-surgical administration at home antibiotics of a powerful and widely effective type for a period of time , in order to counter the possible effects of escaped or retained bacteria lurking in soft tissues and/ or peri-radicular bone, in a manner similar to the pre-operative and post/operative surgery antibiotic regimens mandated for patients with known or suspected cardiac valvular disease(s) or anatomical valvular anomalies, even if a bit prolonged.
I hope that this interpolated explanation is not viewed as being overly critical of the esteemed author. I am sorry that he was not able to finish his dental education, and to be awarded his well-deserved doctorate. And I am happy that he ( and hopefully, his family) were able to safely leave Iraq ,for the comforting embrace of Australia.
I have a terrible habit of reading part of an article and rushing to comment before finishing. Ooops.
Anyhoo, I had a dental appointment last week for hygienist to descale & take a couple of X-rays & discuss a fragile tooth in my upper right jaw. (I was offered this fluoride paste after the descale, and declined it.) The tooth in question has a root canal! I deferred a decision whether to have it removed or have a crown fitted. Perhaps serendipity is running it's course here, with you Frank.
"Also, inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and other autoimmune conditions often go away when canal teeth are removed." I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis about 20 years ago soon after my 40th birthday. I'm pretty certain this root treatment was carried out while I was studying for my masters at UCL around 1991. Now I must find out how to manage the extraction...
Find a biological dentist if at all possible. I drove two hours to mine. They draw blood and centrifuge it to obtain the plasma. After extraction, the dentist fills the extraction site with the plasma, places stitches, then injects ozone for maximum healing. I’m three weeks out from having my root canalled tooth removed and feel like a different person.
Jeez. I've had 3 root canals for 40 years. All front teeth. The link you shared to the other stack also says implants are bad. Now I know why my new dentist showed so much interest in them. I will be getting the 3d tomography very soon.
Make sure you have enough jawbone, when I had the painful lower 10 last of them, removed the denture didn't fit, and it didn't help I'm allergic to red dye.
5 nm Nano Silver will penetrate the tooth and kill all bacteria, fungus & virus. I had a very bad infection under my root canal tooth, but the nano silver eliminated ALL pain in 1 month.
Dr. Mercola does a long discussion on the root canal and post root canal removal and the alternative options available. It turns out that removing the root canal has some important considerations.
This is the link I have from his private substack:
March 31, 2022.
*If Your Dentist Recommends This, Consider a New Dentist: It's often the reason behind 'bad luck' when people get struck down with a heart attack despite healthy cholesterol and lipids.*
Here's a short story from Burton Goldberg that illustrates the profound benefits of the form of dental care you are talking about here. Goldberg's long term focus was cancer; he went to Germany to observe how a renowned doctor took care of patients. After the initial intake, during which the doctor would ask about dental health, he advised patients to first see a competent dentist and take care of root canals cavities, gum health etc. "If you still have these issues (which could include serious heart problems, cancer and more) after having your teeth taken care of, make another appointment." Point is, many of these people did not need to see him again because their problems resolved after the proper dental work. Related to this is a chart used in Germany which I learned about in a seminar. It is a "tooth/organ" chart, and details the energetic (meridian) connections, i.e. this tooth affects breast health, this tooth is tied to liver function, etc. The connections go deeper than just bacteria and toxins seeping into bodily circulation, and you can see the potential when you look outside of the US/Rockefeller health paradigms, and what happens when you put these powerful insights into practice.
Yikes! I wish I'd gotten a dental implant instead of a root canal and a crown; it would've been twice as expensive, but clearly would've been the better choice and I would've done it in a heartbeat if I'd only known.
Have you seen the documentary THE GREAT CULLING? It's about fluoridated water, which is supposedly for good teeth, but has some terrible health impacts. The documentary is about the US, but apparently this issue affects two-thirds of the Australian population. (It varies here in Canada, but fortunately the water in my province is only flouridated in three communities and not where I live.)
Hello, U. I came across this same information last summer while going down the health rabbit whole after refusing the mandated injection to maintain my work. Now when I meet people with minor or chronic health issues, I direct them to the resources you have included here. Dr. Mercola has his own story of transformed health after he had a root canal extracted. That was a trigger for him to look more deeply at the history of root canals. And like vaccinations, nothing has been scientifically done to prove that they are actually safe! It turns out that all aspects of Rockefeller 'science-based' health is false at basically all levels.
I don't know if it was my unconscious acting to help me or not, but in 2015 I developed rampaging caries due to being stupid, and wound up losing several of my teeth, including the root canals I'd had.
And thank you for sharing your story of not-toeing the party line. You didn't come out and say point blank how that experience compares to the covidian oligarchy in place. For me, reading between the lines, it seems to me you are suggesting that we are awfully close to the same level of threat to conform.
"It turns out that all aspects of Rockefeller 'science-based' health is false at basically all levels."
Indeed. We live within "reality" chambers distorted and poisoned by the sheer volume of interested inputs from allopathic medicine. There is nothing in medicine not tainted by it.
Iraq was a dictatorship, ruled by the threat of violence, pretty straightforward really, and NOT totalitarian, because virtually nobody bought what the regime was selling.
Saddam's Iraq was child's play compared to the sheer breadth and depth of what these psychos have been able to do. Most people are still buying what they are selling.
Have you read anything from Thehealedplanet.com so much research and history of the medical cartel you will find interesting.
unfortunately that link isn't working and cannot find a domain by that name.
Whoops sorry folks, it should have ahealedplanet.net (accidently put the instead of "a" and .cominstead of .net) please try again.
I haven't. thank you for the reference, KP.
PS: The link is broken? Came back with DNS name not found.
Yes. "The Party". Orwell. Totalitarianism.
It's all so prescient.
thank you, very important article. Those microbes form biofilms that cannot be easily penetrated. In my experience, though, these films are easily dissolved by using peroxide.
I saved my mouth and probably my health by doing hydrogen peroxide (dissolved in water) mouthwashes and inhalations. I havent been to the dentist for caries or canals for years.
Dentistry is 90 percent bad for patients. Here are my other dental posts:
Thank you for your incredible work! I love every article you write.
Thank you 🙏
Um, I’ve got a question, respectfully submitted. So the theory being posited is that quantities of intraoral bacteria are, or become, resident within the dentinal tubules, and that furthermore,many of these bacteria are , or become,both pathogenic and infective, and that these dangerous would-be assassins somehow exit into the patient’s body, frequently causing great harms. Let’s see- they probably can’t exit via the sealed apical end , sealed , as it were,with either chloropercha or with root-end amalgam plug. So , I ask, do any of the dentinal tubuli continue on like a tunnel through the cementum, discharging their foul contents- into the periodontal membrane? I will defer inquiring as to relative sizes between the inner dimensions of the tubuli and the size(s) of the bacteria; further, I will defer inquiring which bacteria are aerobic, which anaerobic, and which are facultative anaerobes. There is a vast number of bacteria in the oral biota; which ones are commonly found in infected lesions of the suffering human body?
Your readers will probably not understand much of what I’ve written to you herein. It will appear merely that I am being a rude pain in the ass for no apparent or discernible reason. Pity, that. I hope you will not think of this comment in that way.
Oh, yes-nearly forgot ! There was another book published about- the title is self explanatory- entitled “Death and Dentistry “.And some dentist calling himself by the alias, “Paul Revere”wrote some stuff that...,well, you know.
And-finally-there used to be a method of unfailingly sterilizing the instrumented, finished canal . It used a little pellet of metallic sodium and metallic potassium amalgamated together, that was then dropped carefully into the open, finished canal , quickly averting one’s eyes and head from the startling mini-explosion which invariably occurred, and which did, according to reports, sterilize the canal and terrify the patient and the assistant.Ah, that was a loooong time ago. Better not to try it.
Appreciate the comment, I think they are all fair questions, but I don't have the answers (yet).
As of today 09/01/23, there has not, at least yet, been received any response(s) to my earlier questions regarding the scientific bases of the rather florid anecdotal claims by the original author pinioning endodontic procedures designed to maintain and preserve teeth from wholesale extirpation and widespread removal. Perhaps it may require further and/or more extensive research prior to answers being submitted. In the interim, I have been checking some of the factual and scientific facts regarding the bacteria putatively “inhabiting” the dentinal tubuli in the author’s posited theory, as well as factual material on inner dimensions of said dentinal tubuli compared to published materials on relative sizes of various bacteria of each of the three types classified. It seems ineluctable that the theories offered by the author and his references cannot be borne out or even assumed true, given the clear scientific evidence undermining the anecdotal theories, as yet.
Nevertheless, there may be some hypothetical arguments made that the lack of a truly hermetic seal at the apical end, whether anatomical or surgically truncated, could be a possible etiological access for purulence and/or bacterial contamination of the periapical soft tissues and bone, being disseminated therefrom by the usual routes. Is every apex perfectly sealed by chloropercha( not merely cement)? Are periapical amputations with sealing by expanding amalgam plugs always perfectly performed after visually confirmed surgical apical amputations?( They expand , on average, 0.3%, sufficient to claim hermetic sealing).
Ought the operating dentist/endodontist/ oral and maxillofacial surgeon routinely both administer post-operatively, and prescribe for post-surgical administration at home antibiotics of a powerful and widely effective type for a period of time , in order to counter the possible effects of escaped or retained bacteria lurking in soft tissues and/ or peri-radicular bone, in a manner similar to the pre-operative and post/operative surgery antibiotic regimens mandated for patients with known or suspected cardiac valvular disease(s) or anatomical valvular anomalies, even if a bit prolonged.
I hope that this interpolated explanation is not viewed as being overly critical of the esteemed author. I am sorry that he was not able to finish his dental education, and to be awarded his well-deserved doctorate. And I am happy that he ( and hopefully, his family) were able to safely leave Iraq ,for the comforting embrace of Australia.
I have a terrible habit of reading part of an article and rushing to comment before finishing. Ooops.
Anyhoo, I had a dental appointment last week for hygienist to descale & take a couple of X-rays & discuss a fragile tooth in my upper right jaw. (I was offered this fluoride paste after the descale, and declined it.) The tooth in question has a root canal! I deferred a decision whether to have it removed or have a crown fitted. Perhaps serendipity is running it's course here, with you Frank.
"Also, inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and other autoimmune conditions often go away when canal teeth are removed." I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis about 20 years ago soon after my 40th birthday. I'm pretty certain this root treatment was carried out while I was studying for my masters at UCL around 1991. Now I must find out how to manage the extraction...
Find a biological dentist if at all possible. I drove two hours to mine. They draw blood and centrifuge it to obtain the plasma. After extraction, the dentist fills the extraction site with the plasma, places stitches, then injects ozone for maximum healing. I’m three weeks out from having my root canalled tooth removed and feel like a different person.
Now, back to the article.
Jeez. I've had 3 root canals for 40 years. All front teeth. The link you shared to the other stack also says implants are bad. Now I know why my new dentist showed so much interest in them. I will be getting the 3d tomography very soon.
Make sure you have enough jawbone, when I had the painful lower 10 last of them, removed the denture didn't fit, and it didn't help I'm allergic to red dye.
5 nm Nano Silver will penetrate the tooth and kill all bacteria, fungus & virus. I had a very bad infection under my root canal tooth, but the nano silver eliminated ALL pain in 1 month.
terral.substack.com/p/how-to-purchase-mix-use-and-store has the best and cheapest supply.
If taken regularly, you will not have to worry about fillings either...
BTW, I do not receive any commissions from terral.
Peroxide based mouth rinses.
Coconut oil pulling.
Toothpaste, flouride, useless shite.
Celery juice is good too, rinse a bit and drink the rest.
Unbekoming, would you mind reading this and if you feel it's worthy, amplifying it?
What’s the alternative? Implants?!
Dr. Mercola does a long discussion on the root canal and post root canal removal and the alternative options available. It turns out that removing the root canal has some important considerations.
Link please.
This is the link I have from his private substack:
March 31, 2022.
*If Your Dentist Recommends This, Consider a New Dentist: It's often the reason behind 'bad luck' when people get struck down with a heart attack despite healthy cholesterol and lipids.*
Here's a start https://takecontrol.substack.com/p/the-hidden-dangers-of-root-canals
I think the nuts-and-bolts is behind a paywall.
I couldn’t find a free version of the article but I was able to track this video Dr Mercola channel https://www.bitchute.com/video/FlSxiMBRl15O/
Here's a short story from Burton Goldberg that illustrates the profound benefits of the form of dental care you are talking about here. Goldberg's long term focus was cancer; he went to Germany to observe how a renowned doctor took care of patients. After the initial intake, during which the doctor would ask about dental health, he advised patients to first see a competent dentist and take care of root canals cavities, gum health etc. "If you still have these issues (which could include serious heart problems, cancer and more) after having your teeth taken care of, make another appointment." Point is, many of these people did not need to see him again because their problems resolved after the proper dental work. Related to this is a chart used in Germany which I learned about in a seminar. It is a "tooth/organ" chart, and details the energetic (meridian) connections, i.e. this tooth affects breast health, this tooth is tied to liver function, etc. The connections go deeper than just bacteria and toxins seeping into bodily circulation, and you can see the potential when you look outside of the US/Rockefeller health paradigms, and what happens when you put these powerful insights into practice.
As someone with multiple root canals in my mouth, including one front tooth which I would hate to have extracted, this is upsetting.
Yikes! I wish I'd gotten a dental implant instead of a root canal and a crown; it would've been twice as expensive, but clearly would've been the better choice and I would've done it in a heartbeat if I'd only known.
Have you seen the documentary THE GREAT CULLING? It's about fluoridated water, which is supposedly for good teeth, but has some terrible health impacts. The documentary is about the US, but apparently this issue affects two-thirds of the Australian population. (It varies here in Canada, but fortunately the water in my province is only flouridated in three communities and not where I live.)
I filter my water through a ceramic slow filter system with a ceramic filter, it takes out everything including fluoride, so then it is safe to drink.
4 root canals on my right side, diagnosed with breast cancer on right side at age 44. This is infuriating!
Yes and topics rarely addressed. Here are my dental posts: