This is an excellent, well-researched overview of ROGD, and I'm happy it led me to your Substack. I especially appreciate your urging readers to download the cancelled paper from Springer's site: I did, and hope many others will too, as it's an elegant way to vote 'yes' for scientific integrity.

I have one small clarification that might be helpful to some of your readers. You linked to an article I wrote for my Substack, TransMuted, that was cross-posted on Wesley Yang's Year Zero. You link to Year Zero, which is a quality publication by a celebrated author on a range of topics; but readers who want to know more about ROGD will find an archive of articles specific to it at TransMuted. All my subscriptions are free, so I hope some Unbekomers will check it out.

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Thank you Jenny, that’s very much appreciated, especially coming from you.

I will add a link to your Substack in the article.

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Unbekoming

When I was of high school age, I had a number of hobbies. All of them involved some sort of social participation, a stamp collecting club, a sports club with both trainers and people of all ages training, a military history club, or a teaching facility focused on high math and physics. Wherever I went, I would always find myself quickly making meaningful contacts with men much older than me, even up to 50 years or so. I was also often invited by these men to visit them at home and meet their families. It was always a great experience, and some friendships survived long after I dropped these activities. I met wonderful couples who had interesting things to say and made friends with their children who did not share these hobbies. For a 14-year-old boy with zero understanding of social dynamism, that was simply great. I didn’t miss other kids of my age, as they were sort of “too childish” in my view.

In spite of such an obvious attraction to a specific group of people, I was not worried, although I noticed it. Still, I never thought that there was something wrong with me, enjoying company of men 30 or more senior to me. To make it clear, I never was in any situation with these people where any form of intimacy would be suggested.

I had a random thought that experiencing the world from the feminine perspective would be interesting - after all, women perceive everything differently, communicate differently, and basically exist in a different world right next to the male world. I had this prophetic thought when I was about 15, once or twice, and it never occurred again. Just an introspective question.

Why is it a problem today? Do young people read and watch and hear too much about it? What is the share of the “doctors” in the creation of this problem? What is the share of chemicals and biologicals to which we are exposed? How do WE contribute to our kids becoming uneasy about what they are? Is it about demolition of authority in a family setting? Open access to school knowledge presented online, for free, in a way much better and more attractive than by real (older or old) teachers?

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Great comment, thanks Dan. You've captured the delicacy of that stage of growing up beautifully. The sheer internal privacy of it all. So much of it is fleeting. It is in this most private and delicate of moments that we have come along with our cultural blowtorch that combines a chemical assault with top-down social engineering. We are manufacturing a butchering of the young that we don't frankly have the right language to describe.

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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Unbekoming

It’s all weird, anyway. Today’s teenagers will (theoretically) be the payers of our pensions. The so-called social contract presumes continuity of mutual obligations and systematic assignment of social roles down to younger generations. We completely neglect or destroy these teenagers, and they can see it very clearly. The best we do is to make sure their future will be unstable or unpredictable (except lawyers, doctors and politicians, obviously).

What will these teenagers do to us? Sheer revenge. Even today’s grandchildren prefer smartphones over the presence of their families. Most probably, this generational split will progress. But it won’t be the progress that we mean when we say “progress”.

That’s why the whole campaign of disregard of young generations is incomprehensible. Unless the “powers” do not include ANY future for young generations in their plans. Employment and industry developments would point to that, a bit. If this is the case, the scary part is not here yet.

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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Unbekoming

Very nice assembly of thoughts and data. My own trip down the rabbit hole began after reading Dr Deborah Son’s book in about ~2018 as the social contagion seemed to be taking hold around the world “gradually and then all at once” in the aftermath of the mass psychotic break that seemed to emanate from Trump’s election in 2016. To even the most dull-witted observer, it MUST have been obvious that there was a society-wide mania behind this sudden explosion in “gender nonconforming” youth, but of course most couldn’t be asked to look past the ubiquitous “empathy and kindness” narrative being broadcast from all the media and medical bodies looking to profit from the misfortune of the victims, and the promulgation of the message.

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Thank you.

Jennifer Bilek, is I think the best journalist in this space if you haven't come across her yet.


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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Unbekoming

Thank you, adding this to my bookmarks.

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Unbekoming

I realize that I have ROGD when I am no longer willing to serve as care giving slave for my 88 year old husbands bowel accidents. I morphed into male , told him to clean up his own mess and resigned as a “wife”. No hormones or surgery needed just refusing to play the role my gender demanded of me

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I am so thankful to you for your work. I wish I could afford paid sub but my funds are very small. Please keep fighting for those who can't or don't know how to fight for themselves. Much respect

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Thank you, don’t worry about paying, all the content is free

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Great article. Well done.

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Psychiatry is the biggest fraud of the entire Medical & Pharma Complex.

This sums it up quite well... https://postimg.cc/PvYxXRr2 George KNOWS better!

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Thank you, a really great article. I’ve been in the rabbit hole since my 15 year old son’s sudden declaration 13 months ago. Thank goodness for people like Jenny Ackerman (and many other sane people) who have saved my mental health many many times. I’m vocal against this and a hated terf/transphobe by my son. It’s heartbreaking but I refuse to stop believing in truth and reality.

I was a respondent in Michael Baileys survey and followed the ridiculous fall out closely.

I’ve followed and sent your Substack to friends. Brilliant work.

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