"And for all those years, staff watched and participated without a single one of them speaking out."

Mankind in a nutshell. No need to wonder or speculate why most people have become what they are. Despicable.

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There seems to be only one principle, that is "to belong".

"Morality" is whatever gets you to "belonging".


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Third "need" in Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Truer of Sensory types than iNtuitive types on the Myers-Briggs scale. These two systems of understanding human behavior make at least some sense of what may seem to us nonsensical.

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“Repent.” By Don Wilson, LLB: https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/repent

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Fantastic. Thank you.

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You're more than welcome to share it! 😘

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Such a powerful piece. I’m sad for what you and your kids went through. This has taken place in many homes. The nightmares continue in similar places. Is Bettelheim the one who kept children in crib cages? Or recommended them? My grandkid decided she was a boy at the very beginning of lockdown. Her parents have gone along with everything, including a mutilation. Sterile at the age of 16 and I have no idea if “he” is happy. Off to college this year? I worry. I believe he was injured by the gardisil vax and then psychotropic drugs as none of this was displayed before the gardisil shot I’m sure he got. Horrors engineered by the “experts” in the trail of Satan is how I see it. Child sacrifice 2020’s style.

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What a sad story @Janet. Four of my five are spectrum; the oldest two in their mid thirties and only one affected. The third child (now 19) has a mental age of 9-11 and is severely autistic; MMR and overnight regression. Mental strain on us was unbearable. I hope that one day the truth does come out. With US autism rates at 1 in 36 (was at 1 in 1,500 when I was little) and

1 in 28 for boys then at this rate society will implode unless we reverse very quickly and reconsider all jabs.

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All jabs revetted. All immunity clauses revoked. All bioweapons research defunded. Any legislato r not willing to make it happen should never see office in Washington DC

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Absolutely and unequivocally. But what a swamp to drain first…

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Your last two sentences... 😳 Possibly you have no idea how close to the truth, you truly are..

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Yes. It it becoming more clear everyday since September 2021.

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Brilliant and searing piece .

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Wish I could hug Andrew’s mom and stepdad and say they are good parents and so sorry.

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That read was more horrific than your usual posts....

When I read about bad men in prison or watch stupid hit- man movies, mostly the bad men have a code of conduct or a tiny thread of decency left " no women, no kids!."

Everyone has been effected by this story, but there is no butterfly analogy to make it less dreadful.

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This story makes bombing civilians, or cold blooded violent murder seem like a kind thing to do.

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Depopulation by any means necessary is where the eugenicists, the handmaids of evil reside. Their power is stopped when we never consent.

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Isn't it interesting though, how the controllers in some countries incentivise having children?

I understand this as a way to weaken human improvement. For example-

In Australia



When this was initiated my hackles went up.

The basic economics was wrong. It takes, on average about $10000 a year to raise a child. It takes 10 times that to keep someone in prison for a year.

Given that ONLY an idiot would actually have a child for $ 5000, who would take the money? Ongoing payments for having children whilst unemployed are significant.

So we have low socioeconomic people being paid to have kids. If the child has good grandparents, they are the fortunate few.

So they have bred from the poor... I can't see a problem!👍

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one of the aspects that is important is that both men and women perpetuated the abuse. i say this because, in part, i've been looking into the societal denial of women as capable of being bad.

and, sadly, this tale really shows that the people running the 'show' aren't that creative: same methods and same outcome. and that make it confounding why this type of thing has been going on for decades. and really underscores why there is increasing pressure to censor people: keeping everyone ignorant of the past and present will allow this present to repeat itself.

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Bettelheim was the ultimate mentally disturbed person given too much power that has led to horrible abuses, including Ms Ann's (and Andrew's) nightmare.

The weirdest thing to me is that he was released from two "death camps". How does that work?

I must also ask that if he was such a liar on a grand scale as he was, why would anyone believe any aspect of his "story"?

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Because, as recovering addicts put it, alcoholics can sell refrigerators to Eskimos.

That is by far the best explanation for his misbehaviors.

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We are supposedly talking about professional mental doctors and the such. Even to this day, his stuff is promoted.

So, the question begs: how does this dumb ole redneck understand these things and the genius doctors do not?

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This is heartbreaking, infuriating, and somehow still not very surprising.

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Wow Incredible piece Loaded with grief, power, clarity, & tenderness. Thank you for sharing it

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Wow! This made me sad. So much so I am crying. Not easy for me.

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Just became a paid subscriber. I have learned so much from your work!

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Thank you Dave!

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Bettleheim blamed mothers for schizophrenia too.

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A tremendous essay. Thank you for re-publishing it and introducing me to Ann Bauer.

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Like the Catholic priesthood, how the white-robed acolytes of the medical profession retain a shred of credibility is beyond comprehension.

But they do.

And in addition you've proved -- as if I didn't already know -- the Academic Racket is as big a scam as the Religion Racket, and the Medical Racket.

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Once you invert truth, a racket emerges to maintain the inversion.

It's like a scaffolding built to hold up an unstable structure.

Large volumes of money and power seem to invert everything they touch.

So, we have, rackets everywhere.

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Wow, what a story!

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Intense, truthful and illuminating account

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Wow. Powerful and heart breaking. Thank you for posting this - A real gem I will save.

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