For those new to this substack, I have written quite a bit about cancer.
Cancer is one of Cartel Medicine’s earliest and longest rackets.
The Cartel doesn’t want you to know what causes cancer. In fact, it wants you to donate more money for “research,” especially genetic research.
It doesn’t want you to cure it.
The MD Emperor Has No Clothes - Lies are Unbekoming
Chemotherapy was proven to be 97% ineffective in the treatment of adult onset cancers by a study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. Why are you recommending I do it?
It only allows poisoning, burning and cutting within the approved confines of a major, and often end of life, wealth transfer.
Those that participate in this racket are rewarded handsomely, and those that don’t are hunted.
It certainly doesn’t want you to draw any connection to vaccination.
Vaccinated (60%) vs Unvaccinated (2.64%)
Unvaccinated individuals showed lower rates of specific conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, digestive disorders, eczema, asthma, allergies, developmental disabilities, birth defects, epilepsy, autism, ADHD, cancers, and arthritis.
With thanks to Robert Milligan who survived the “standard of care.”
1. Robert, can you please share the story of your personal battle with stage 4 metastatic melanoma and what led you to explore holistic treatment approaches?
In late 2018, I noticed a small lesion on my right shoulder, about 2cm, that would not heal for several months. In May of 2019, I finally decided to get it checked by a dermatologist and subsequently was told the biopsy taken had come back positive for melanoma. It was initially quite a shock, as I had always been very healthy, but, in retrospect, I understood that excessive and irresponsible sun exposure here in Florida probably led to my predicament.
In June, I had surgery to remove the lesion and had the closest lymph node checked for any cancerous cells, which came back negative. My first visit with an oncologist was in late June, during which he said it appeared the surgeon had successfully removed the melanoma and there was no lymph node involvement, which was good news, but because melanoma can be tricky, he thought a PET Scan would be advisable just to be sure I was cancer free.
I had the scan in mid-July, with a follow-up appointment the next day at the oncologist's office, during which he solemnly shared the news that I had tumors throughout my body, in most of my major organs, and one particularly troubling tumor that was encroaching on my spine and, if left untreated, would lead to my losing the ability to walk. He shared with me that the aggressiveness of the tumors and their extensive infiltration throughout my body suggested I did not have much time, a few months at best, and that I should "get my affairs in order."
Along with the terminal diagnosis, I was now experiencing excruciating pain. It's difficult to describe the intensity, but suffice to say that tumors slowly broke two bones in my back, caused severe abdominal pain, and I was indeed losing the ability to walk. My oncologist suggested I start targeted radiation immediately to shrink the tumor on my spine and that I begin immunotherapy, which had shown promise in treating melanoma.
I followed his recommendations and began both in late August. After seven days of daily radiation treatment, the tumor was not responding, so the decision was made to stop. I was weak, in intense pain, not sleeping, incoherent, hallucinating, and bedridden. The only other immediate solution for the tumor on my spine was surgery, which was very risky, but the only way to save my ability to walk.
I had the procedure in mid-September, which was successful in removing the tumor, but the recovery, on top of all the other cancer-related issues, was brutal. In addition, I was having a negative reaction to the two immunotherapy drugs I had started in August, with a fever and flu-like symptoms. My entire health situation continued to decline over the next few weeks. I was in and out of the hospital, and my family members flew in to essentially say "goodbye."
At one point in the hospital, I had a heart-to-heart conversation with God, thanking Him for the life he had given me and letting Him know I was ready if it were His will. I added, however, that if He had anything else for me to accomplish here on earth, I had myriad reasons to live and would be grateful if He chose to spare me.
It was after this divine conversation that I began to investigate everything having to do with cancer, right down to the cellular level. I spent most of my waking moments reading articles and watching videos about patients who were at death's door and miraculously survived. My resolve to survive was hardened through the healing stories I found in Kelly Turner's book "Radical Remission," Chris Wark's book "Chris Beat Cancer," and Dr. Rudiger's book "Cured-The Life-Changing Science of Spontaneous Healing," and through the anecdotal experiences of patients who had healed through alternative treatments like cannabis, nutrition, supplements, fasting, and the mind/body connection.
It became apparent to me that the path back to health would require a multifaceted approach, one that dealt with mind, body, spirit, and emotions, and included all treatment protocols, both allopathic and alternative. As a result, in late October and early November, I made adjustments to the immunotherapy to reduce the side effects, began medical cannabis tincture, started juicing, began intermittent fasting, took supplements shown to either kill cancer stem cells or boost the immune system, got more sleep, and consciously reduced stress.
Just a few weeks later, my wife and I agreed that the tumors that were visible under my skin were shrinking. Bottom line, this holistic approach led to my being almost cancer free only four months later when a PET Scan in January of 2020 showed most of my tumors had disappeared. I am now just over 5 years from my initial diagnosis with no signs of cancer and feeling better at age 74 than I did in my fifties. My journey is chronicled through a video and interview on the Home Page of the Holistic Cancer Care Foundation's website.
Home - Holistic Cancer Care Foundation
2. What inspired you to establish the Holistic Cancer Care Foundation after your recovery?
My deep dive into cancer was incredibly enlightening and saved my life, but it was also extremely disappointing and discouraging. I had been raised in an allopathic environment in which my mother, father, and uncle, a nurse, internist, and surgeon respectively, were my only family. I was pre-med in college and revered our healthcare system as the best on the planet.
Unfortunately, during my deep research into cancer, I learned that, with respect to chronic diseases, our entire healthcare system has been hijacked by the pharmaceutical industry's deep pockets. It was a very bitter pill for me to swallow to learn that decades ago, the curriculum of our med schools was manipulated to drive Big Pharma's agenda and produce glorified pharmacologists ready to prescribe a drug to deal only with symptoms. At the same time, the holistic med schools were shut down and natural medicinal botanicals like cannabis were vilified or dismissed as quackery, despite, in some cases, thousands of years of medicinal efficacy.
After 50 years and trillions of dollars spent on the "war on cancer," that effort has failed miserably, except for successfully lining the pockets of the entrenched healthcare system. I established the Holistic Cancer Care Foundation to "pay it forward" to other patients diagnosed with cancer, so they would not have to go look under every rock or into every nook and cranny of the Internet, as I did, to learn that there already is a cure for cancer. Tragically, that integrative, holistic cure just does not economically suit the existing allopathic healthcare system.
I created HCCF to provide a forum for patients to learn directly from the expert doctors, researchers, scientists, survivors, authors, and professors about the effectiveness of a holistic, epigenetic approach to cancer prevention and treatment.
3. How has your understanding of cancer treatment evolved since your own diagnosis in 2019?
Based on the extensive research I have done since the cancer diagnosis, my perspective on treatment of the disease has transformed dramatically. Three observations stand out in what created this shift for me. First, our current allopathic approach to cancer does not work because of a misconception that cancer is a genetic disease. Secondly, the economic incentives to maintain the status quo in treatment are obscenely powerful, and thirdly, only your God-given immune system can actually heal you from cancer.
Cancer is not a genetic disease. Genes may load the gun, but it takes lifestyle and environmental influences (epigenetics) to pull the trigger. As it turns out, the current "standards of care" (surgery, chemotherapy, radiation) in isolation, are actually carcinogenic and typically lead to a more aggressive form of cancer down the road. The reason behind their ineffectiveness is that none of these treatment modalities kill circulating cancer stem cells, which have a lower metabolic rate than tumor cells.
In order to understand why a holistic, epigenetic approach to treatment is more efficacious, you have to accept the "metabolic theory" of cancer, which argues that all cancers begin with some type of damage to the mitochondria of normal, healthy cells. This damage forces the cell to revert to an ancestral way of creating energy for survival, which is fermentation rather than oxidative phosphorylation. Professor Thomas Seyfried, a cell biologist at Boston College, does a magnificent job of explaining this theory in a video on HCCF's website: Main Cause of Cancer - Holistic Cancer Care Foundation.
Getting cancer in the first place is the manifestation of an imbalance between the rate at which cells' mitochondria are being damaged through epigenetic factors and the attendant effectiveness of a patient's immune system. Bottom line, the current standards of care may have a role in specific tumor management, but they are not a cure for the disease and can even exacerbate the situation. Once you understand cancer as a metabolic disorder, you begin to truly appreciate how a holistic, epigenetic approach both minimizes the potential for mitochondrial damage and maximizes the functioning of the immune system.
4. Your foundation emphasizes epigenetics in cancer treatment. Could you explain what epigenetics means for cancer patients in practical terms?
Epigenetics is simply the study of how lifestyle and environmental factors change the way genes are expressed. While epigenetic changes do not alter the sequence of a person's genetic code, they play a critical role in which genes are switched on or off and, therefore, have a direct impact on the biological functions of an individual. Examples of epigenetic influences would be nutrition, exercise, sleep, emotional trauma, chronic stress, and environmental toxins, among others. The healthful management of these factors will result in a reduction of mitochondrial damage and, at the same time, maximize the effectiveness of the immune system. Dr. Bruce Lipton, a reformed med school genetics professor, is a pioneer in epigenetic theory and can be seen in this video from HCCF's website:
Epigenetics – YOU Are In The Driver’s Seat! - Holistic Cancer Care Foundation
5. You've mentioned that 95% of cancers result from environmental factors. What are the most crucial environmental factors people should be aware of?
In my opinion, the realization that cancer is a metabolic disease driven largely by lifestyle and environmental factors is incredibly empowering. There are so many of these factors that are within our personal control, have no adverse side effects, and, in many cases, can be implemented at little or no cost. The HCCF website is loaded with information on these various epigenetic influences, but the ones I believe can create the greatest impact in a surprisingly short period of time and do not require sophisticated medical facilities, are nutrition ("Let food be thy medicine"), physical activity, stress reduction, fasting, supplements, and detoxification. These are all covered in detail by the experts on the HCCF website and collectively create the most formidable and effective anti-cancer roadmap.
6. How do you integrate conventional and alternative treatments in your holistic approach?
As you can gather from my cancer journey, I used radiation and surgery to mange a specific tumor, but my educational process made it clear that these conventional tools are not long-term solutions to the disease. A word of caution is necessary in undertaking a holistic approach. The current allopathic system for dealing with cancer will be resistant to anything outside the accepted "standards of care."
In many cases, traditionally trained oncologists will dismiss any deviation from chemo, radiation, and surgery as quackery, with no grounding in science, which could not be further from the truth. Cancer is a very personal journey, and it requires the patient to take full command of the healing team. In my opinion, the most beneficial first move in deciding on a treatment team and protocol for recovery is to engage a "functional" oncologist, someone who has been medically trained in the conventional approach, but who now fully understands and appreciates the contributions that can be made through alternative treatment regimens.
7. Your recent article discusses off-label drugs like Ivermectin and Fenbendazole. What can you tell us about this treatment option?
I did not include either of these drugs during my healing process, so I cannot comment on their use from personal experience. However, since my recovery, there has been a plethora of healings attributed to these drugs, and they have been subjected to increasing clinical scrutiny to determine the mechanism that makes them effective in treating cancer. An article in the Blog section of the HCCF website presents the first peer-reviewed article published in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine (Volume 39, Number 3) explaining the mechanism behind the success with using off-label drugs like Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, and Mebendazole to treat cancer:
Off-Label Drugs Effective in Treating Cancer - Holistic Cancer Care Foundation
8. Could you elaborate on the mitochondrial-stem cell connection (MSCC) theory and its importance in cancer treatment?
The MSCC theory is merely an extension of the metabolic theory of cancer. It proposes that the formation of tumors results directly from an alteration of the mitochondria, specifically a chronic oxidative phosphorylation insufficiency in stem cells, which forms cancer stem cells and leads to malignancy. As was mentioned earlier, insufficient oxidative phosphorylation in normal cells leads to a shift in cellular energy production to fermentation, which allows cancer stem cells to proliferate unchecked in an oxygen starved environment and to survive primarily on glucose. This has become a promising approach to treatment in that fermenting cancer cells require huge amounts of glucose to survive, and they are unable to use ketones for fuel. Normal, healthy cells are able to utilize ketones for the production of energy, and there are several articles on the HCCF website that point to a ketogenic diet as a mechanism to essentially starve cancer cells:
How To Starve Cancer - Holistic Cancer Care Foundation
9. You've written about the benefits of walnuts in cancer treatment. What other foods do you consider particularly beneficial for cancer patients?
Once again, I am the very fortunate survivor of a terminal cancer diagnosis who decided to follow the advice of several different experts, particularly when it came to foods that fight cancer directly and that also boost the immune system. I would like to refer you to a few expert articles on the HCCF website that are very specific about what foods are most effective against cancer:
Autophagy & Six Foods That Kill Cancer - Holistic Cancer Care Foundation, Anti-Cancer Diet - Holistic Cancer Care Foundation, 12 Amazing Foods That Prevent And Kill Cancer - Holistic Cancer Care Foundation, An Edamame A Day Keeps The Cancer Away! - Holistic Cancer Care Foundation, Eat Broccoli, Crush Cancer - Holistic Cancer Care Foundation
10. Your blog discusses the impact of music on cancer treatment. How do you see the role of non-medical interventions in cancer care?
One of the most important and powerful influences on cancer is the mind/body connection. Certain interventions may appear to be non-medical, but to the extent they affect a patient's emotional state, spirituality, psychology, attitude, and core beliefs, they quickly become medically related. Positive emotions, whether they come from music, relationships, communing with nature, prayer, meditation, or expressing gratitude have a profound effect on the course of cancer.
If you read Kelly Turner's books "Radical Remission" and "Radical Hope," in which she identifies the ten common factors among thousands of patients who have survived terminal diagnoses, you will see that practically all of them would not be considered medical interventions within the current "standards of care" for cancer. This is another example of why a holistic approach is so critical in effectively preventing or reversing cancer, because you are dealing with a patient's emotional, spiritual, and psychological state of mind, along with purely physical interventions.
11. Can you share some success stories of people who have benefited from your foundation's approach?
Fortunately, the Foundation has been a meaningful resource for patients willing to look beyond the allopathic approach, or where the "standards of care" have failed them. The following is just one example of the patients we have guided:
"To Whom It May Concern:
My disease was first diagnosed in January 2020, stage 1 throat cancer. I went through the conventional treatment of 7 weeks of daily radiation and concurrent chemotherapy. While it was a horrible experience, I was declared cured and spent the next 2 years recovering from the treatment.
In February 2023, I had a reoccurrence and was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic cancer which had spread to my spine, hips, and liver. I refused the standard treatment which includes chemo and immunotherapy. I opted for radiation 10 treatment fractions which was successful in eliminating the pain for 2 months.
In May 2024, the pain became unmanageable and I returned for treatment. Again refusing the standard of care (horrible side effects and not a cure) and opted again for radiation. After 5 visits, I still had the pain and could hardly get out of bed. Stomach pain and gastric reflux as a result of the radiation.
An internet search led me to Mr. Robert Milligan's Holistic Cancer Care Foundation, which I found very interesting. I contacted Bob and he advised me to stop radiation and start his program. I did so immediately and I have to say that within one month I was so much better it was astounding. My pain is much reduced and I can walk a mile now as opposed to 100 yards before. I truly believe my next Pet scan will show no evidence of disease. Thank you, Bob, and bless you for starting the Holistic Cancer Care Foundation. More people need this information.
Dr. Bruce K Robinson Stage 4 Cancer survivor"
12. You've raised questions about conventional chemotherapy treatments. What alternatives do you propose?
I have actually gone beyond raising questions about chemotherapy and have outright challenged its efficacy and the ethics behind even prescribing it. If you really examine the underlying clinical data relating to chemo, which are included in this article: Ethics In Oncology - Holistic Cancer Care Foundation, you will begin to understand that patients are rarely afforded true "informed consent." Just using common sense and intuition would beg the question, "How can you expect to poison a patient back to health?" As for alternatives, I proudly and loudly offer the holistic, epigenetic approach as presented through the experts on our website.
13. How do you evaluate and integrate new research findings into your treatment recommendations?
We are careful not to make specific recommendations, but merely share information presented by credible experts that we feel cancer patients should consider. I am just a fortunate survivor of an insidious disease who has taken a deep dive into the research around cancer and is eager to share that knowledge with others affected by the disease. I try to keep up with new research findings, some of which I was unaware during my recovery. An example would be this article that was recently added to the website:
Off-Label Drugs Effective in Treating Cancer - Holistic Cancer Care Foundation
14. Could you share some of the most promising recent developments in holistic cancer care?
In my opinion, the most promising recent development is the momentum behind this entire holistic, epigenetic approach to cancer prevention and treatment. Despite the huge entrenched economic interests within our healthcare system that are threatened by and try to discredit this approach, the improved and seemingly miraculous outcomes of patients following this treatment protocol cannot be ignored.
There are an increasing number of doctors, scientists, researchers, authors, professors, clinicians, and treatment facilities who are embracing the metabolic theory of cancer and a holistic, epigenetic approach to prevention and treatment. The Internet and social media have provided a mechanism to communicate with anyone affected by cancer, and are resources HCCF is leveraging to broadcast the message globally.
15. How can people stay connected with your work and access resources from your foundation?
The best ways to stay connected with our efforts at HCCF are to register your email on our website (Home - Holistic Cancer Care Foundation), follow our group pages on Instagram (Holistic Cancer Care Foundation (@holistic_cancer_care) • Instagram photos and videos), Facebook ((4) Facebook) and YouTube (Holistic Cancer Care Foundation - YouTube). You can also submit comments or questions directly to HCCF here: Let's Talk - Holistic Cancer Care Foundation. I read all these submissions personally and may be contacted directly to arrange for private consultations.
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For COVID vaccine injury
Consider the FLCCC Post-Vaccine Treatment as a resource.
Baseline Human Health
Watch and share this profound 21-minute video to understand and appreciate what health looks like without vaccination.
wonderfully written article
Re "The Cartel doesn’t want you to know what causes cancer."
Our medical systems don't want us to know what cures cancer. Cancer cured is not even medically defined. Even though the book Radical Remission documents over 1000 cured cases, the book is not titled "Radical Cures." There is no medical test for "cancer cured." Cancer cured cannot be proven medically outside of a clinical study, so... The cause of the "cured" cannot be investigated medically, much less proven. Clinical studies of "cancer treatments" do not contain definitions for "cured" - much less definitions independent of the treatment used, so a cured case cannot be documented. According to medical statistics, most cases of cancer are cured, but no cured cases can be proven cured. Fundraisers often claim to be "moving closer to a cure," but they can never actually get to a cured status in any case - except that when a cured case is accomplished, they cannot see it.