Apr 4Liked by Unbekoming

Bravo. You are doing a yeoman’s service reading, summarising and popularising this content. I recall first coming across the phrase “the queering of everything” in about 2017 as part of some reading about Judith Butler I was doing trying to understand the transgender craze that was sweeping the globe and infecting Australian politics through the “Yes” campaign for same sex marriage ... having just read through the bulk of the WPATH files, it’s so obvious now that healthcare has been sufficiently “queered” to the point not just of absurdity but outright predatory, clinical violence aimed at vulnerable, neurodiverse and brainwashed children anxious to belong to whatever the hell modernity embraces. Keep it up, you are fast becoming one of the more important substacks out there.

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Apr 4Liked by Unbekoming

Thanks Unbekoming. I remember talking to people about some of this two decades ago after seeing a report from Switzerland or Sweden (cannot remember now which) that all toddlers there would henceforth be referred to as "chicks" (as in baby chickens), letting them choose their gender when they got older.

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Coming after the children and a path to normalization of pedophilia. That's always been the goal.

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The book, while pointing out some zealous self-protective overcompensations by queer communities and theorists that do exist in small tolerable quarters, is quite apparently a fear-mongering screed. Being queer gay or whatever, used to be highly contested and even dangerous. Just because it is becoming normalized ( with social acceptance and safety for queers ( which I am not, incidentally) with the help of activists and “queer theorists” does not suddenly make it an evil to be battled and challenged. All theoretical schools have extremism factions. Just take extremist capitalism for example, now there’s a scourge I can’t get behind. Yes children are gullible and yes some school boards and teachers go to far ( usually for personal reasons), but attacking queer theory at its core is stupid and ignorant, and and yes, homophobic.

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