I’m also beginning to question if the supposed Japanese attack of the Elwood oil field in California (and then the “battle” of Los Angeles)which was the basis for the internment of Japanese-American citizens was also a staged scam, it seems like their preferred MO to scare the shit out of everyone to justify their actions.
In today's (2024) news, the internment camps for the Japanese/Americans on the West Coast has these questions. The local son of an internee, chairing a Japanese/American organization, claims there were NO camps for German/ Americans living in the Americas, yet USA records/documents/survivors show there were over 12,000 German/Americans interned in the USA. The Japanese/ Americans were awarded $20,000.oo each, while German/Americans received nothing for being imprisoned. WHY?
I read the same. Can you think of another country more demonized for 100 years than Germany? I can't. Goes to show me the fear, loathing and jealousy Britain had/has for this competitor that has become a shadow of what could have been. The one and only reason Hitler was dragged thru the mud. No other leader did what he did for his country. Same with Libya. They took that whole country OUT.
CM Maccioli: I went to a meet at the local library by the Japanese/ American, even gave him an article on the German/Americans which he would not read. After his presentation, he had a question session, which I was 1st one up and talking. He refused to acknowledge my questions or my article. Two other people asked him to acknowledge my questions, but he would not. I did get 2 letters to the editor to our local paper, the editor did acknowledge and confirm my 12,000 German/Americans. He has not returned. Regretfully, the librarian said verbally to me, he did acknowledge my letter, showing her bias (or ethnic background). The problem is: joos control of the U.S.media, U.S.Congress and federal reserve. 88&8s,Dave
All of it is a scam if vaccines works against "viruses" as they say they do then there is no action to be taken. No work mandates, no school mandates, no protecting your neighbour, no coercion required. The minority who are immune compromised have to live their lives with caution as there are (so we are told) countless viruses in our environment and there is nothing that can be done about that regardless if their neighbour is vaccinated or not. The "health" measures in today's meaning of it is authoritarianism gone mad.
Strongly Agree. Strange that a very Nasty Flu Epidemic in 2017 that killed Thousands of People (though very unreported) turned into C19 after the Great Plandemic 201 in late 2019.
Yes, Very Strange. Then after the 201 Plandemic Event these bastidios went about Controlling the Western World Orchestrated of All Western Militarily Nations to DELIVER via Fly-In-Fly Out Contrived Save their Nation Jabs.
May Western Nations People have the documentation at a State Level.
Thanks for mentioning the Japanese. I just found out the other day from Kyle Young that these people lost their land, had no homes to go back to after their internment.
Actually, I could give a shit from shineola about that provable climate hoax. I fought my way thru covid with non-compliance to every measure out there and will no doubt have to do the same for whatever comes next. My thoughts went straight to the American Indians, the Palestinians and the 2008 mortgage debacle no right of return. Their whole lives down the toilet.
Then again, no virologist can prove any transmission of any virus particles between humans. They can never explain how people get ill from viruses and how that mechanism works. The ultimate purpose of Q-camps is to murder those inside them, not to shield anyone from fake viruses.
> Q-camps is to murder those inside them, not to shield anyone from fake viruses.
REPLY: Actually the ultimate purpose of the camps is cover for those who commit the murder. We didn't kill them the virus did. Thank G_d we put them in those camps. Imagine what would have happened to the humanity if these people were left free.
Not only can they not explain transmission, they can't explain how, in a world ostensibly jam packed with gongajillions of these dangerous tiny particles, continually seething and roiling and enthusiastically using living creatures to reproduce and evolve...the only times they tend to rear up on their hind legs and cause ! PANDEMICS ! is when Pharma business interests, various political interests, and media interests suddenly cooperate to inform us of such. To their mutual and individual benefit. (Perhaps you've seen the graphics of the revolving career doors between those industries. The insta-camp construction/infrastructure industry is squeezing through the doors as well.)
Prior to the Age Of Viral Profits there was a widespread belief/conviction that plagues were caused by "atmospheric influences," including the passing of comets, solar activity, and conjunctions of planets. This was well studied in the Age of Electricity, before Mainstream Physics took over cosmology and reduced the universe to a bunch of billiard balls smacking into each other randomly out of forces generated in an ur-explosion 13.7 billion years ago. Or maybe 27.4. Or something.
A good intro to the concept is The Predicted Plague, published in 1900 by one Hippocrates Junior. Facsimile editions have been printed in recent years, and there is at least one copy of the 1900 edition at Internet Archive.
Will do. For my money, E Michael Jones is a man among men. The Slaughter of Cities and Libido Dominandi were mind blowing works. I have many more but was saving Logo's Rising till the time was right. Your recommendation reminds me of Living Buddha Living Christ that I read, gosh, 40 years ago and 20 years before that was The Prophet, both small books that I have never forgotten. But, EMJ goes into an exquisite surreal realm, much of which I have never considered, connects the dots like no other, has brought deep reflection upon me, as he has a supreme comprehension of the subject matter.
How amazing. I was thinking about but couldn't remember the name of that TNH classic in the last month or so while talking to a Catholic veteran friend struggling with grief. He nervously admitted he "had gone through a Buddhist phase when younger, and sometimes returns to it." I thought of the TNH, and couldn't remember the name. So you just did an inspired/magical/Providential thing.
It came out in the mid-'90s, no? I was grappling so hard at that time with trying to interleaf many fronds of faith and doubt.
The Gibran was in the mix much earlier ('70s), and I distanced from it because, although I found inspiration in it at that age, as I later tried talking to others who quoted from it, they weren't my kind of people (what later would be called "new age" or such). I don't mean to be judgmental, just that I grapple with an instinct to stand apart from whatever is considered popular. Thank you for the mention. I will try it again, now that Gibran is not as popular. :^>
I will try the Jones. I am not big on that 20th century/academic style of writing, but enough respected Stackers enjoy it that I will try to overcome my hesitation. And still, I'd be interested in your reflections when you have them. Thank you for your kind and thoughtful reply.
Deborah tavares was the first to expose this years ago. She also predicted the tele-medicine tela-health, fires caused by direct energy weopans, attended meetings in California about ICLEI which was part of agenda 21/2030. (She was friends with the late rosa koire whose videos on that subject are among the best, possibly the best sources on the subject) Her website is STOPTHECRIME.NET.. In the US at least, (idk how other countries governments work) we need to be involved more on a local level. Most people don't even know who their local legislators are. Look up Frank Burns, Johnstown vision 2025. He stopped what is part of agenda 2030, a global movement under different but similar names. Look up your city and 2025 and see what you find. This all ties together
The shielding approach with it's 'green zones' and quarantine plans were in place for most states long before kathy hochul came along in New York. I still believe in viruses but it's not as simple as they portray. Everyone exposed to a virus will not get sick. We have God given immune systems that protect us. The simple fact that churches aren't speaking out against 'vaccinating' a newborn (who according to the bible would have everything he/she needs when coming into this world) tells us that churches have been bought, with their 501c3 status and money for high tech security systems (shootings at Jewish temples were enough to scare people to accept this). Theres even information out there on how pastors have been recruited to help lead their congregations into the fema camps. There are forces out there, some of us call it evil others may not but it doesn't matter so long as we fight against it. They will continue to come at us from every direction so we cant ever stop fighting them. Get involved at the local level and dont let them divide us.
It is to be understood that 'being someone's problem' is known to be malignant narcissism rhetoric: "They are both human “outputs”, defined by large bodies of oligarch “science”, that can be limited, consequenced, demonized and taxed. 'They are the tools used to explain why YOU are the problem'." According to esteemed and outspoken clinical psychologist Jordan B. Peterson, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau is a severe case of narcissistic malignancy. How unfortunate for Canadians.
Mr Tucker posted his piece without referencing Dr. Jonathan Couey, which puts him in line with a considerable number of "freedom fighters" who will not pick up Couey's lead. Instead it seems Brownstone goes the same direction as CHD in stone-walling Couey.
It is not to put Couey on a pedestal. Some people are critical of him, I am aware of that. But he is the single most consistent voice out there who is raising the same exact question on a scientific level: Viruses are not 'pattern integrities' (Buckminster Fuller) - which is why they can not pandemic. RNA Virology is DNA-synthetic-clone-technology. Intramuscular injections of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system "is dumb" (Couey). You may disagree with him, but to not discuss his hypotheses is disingenious!
I’m a supporter of Couey’s work and have written about him multiple times but unfortunately his message doesn’t get the support and reach it should because of how he goes about his work. It’s a real shame as far as I am concerned.
Regarding your 'Constructed Quarantine Facilities', don't forget the many in CHINA.
I was living in China during C19 and there were camps all around the country. They even bused pre-schoolers (3 to 5 year-old) dressed in full hazmat suits (without their parents) FFS. Watching the videos of these very young kids boarding those buses (at midnight, mind you) was very disturbing to say the least.
Perhaps Mr. Tucker can look into the WHO's "Implied Consent" in regards to injections and children stating "if you send your child to school on that day." "PODS or Points Of Dispersement Sites if schools took the C.O.V.ID money," per a local elementary school superintendant, may be of interest as well.
"Our protocols of antisocialization to "stop the spread" of dis-ease disrupted and devastated so many lives that we now have a big substance abuse problem. So we have to design better psychological coping behavioral programs to help mitigate the disruptions and devastations we caused with our massive antisocialization campaign." (My translation of their 'scientific' study)
Instead of just not disrupting and devastating lives pretending to "slow the spread" in the first place.
Somehow, the individual contributing authors of this ‘shielding’ document must be uncovered., as well as the authority necessary to post on the CDC website. There will be a long line of those responsible. There will be no single authority creating this aberration; it will have been a group effort. Name them all. Dangerous people who do not even recognize the true science of natural immunity. Think ‘brainstorming around the table’, as in ‘oh, let’s expand on that idea’. Using somewhat neutral tones so as not to raise alarms - shielding, shelter/group, green zone, humanitarian, protection, mitigation, logistics. Logistics? As in ‘herding the population into the quarantine camps’, with the authority to do so granted under ‘pandemic emergency powers’. https://web.archive.org/web/20200728203549/https:/www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/global-covid-19/shielding-approach-humanitarian.html?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Health Security. Quarantine came out of their 9-11 timed Model Public Health Emergency Response Act rapidly passed in most states with the Cheney planned anthrax toxin attack.
Thank you. Was remembering research when preparing for legal appeal against gov’t issued ‘environmental protection’ permits (long story). This link details Event 201 as the fourth such ‘plannng session’: https://hub.jhu.edu/2019/11/06/event-201-health-security/
If you ever stumble across their Steering Committee list and their affiliations let me know. They seemed to have scrubbed it from existence. I recall one of them was with Victoria Nuland's Center For a New American Security and one notable named Dr. Lawrence D Kerr formerly with DHHS Global Health.
Anytime I think of any of these I immediately feel like Kissinger's NSM200 was being moved from policy to implemented procedures.
> Quarantine camps are the inevitable outcome of virology’s logic.
If “viral particles” can pose a deadly risk to others, then the “vulnerable” must be shielded and protected, and those who are “infected” must be separated to prevent harm to others. In this view, a “virus” becomes a social “externality”—a risk that justifies extreme measures.
REPLY: As you have stated earlier in this series of posts, you are not up to speed with bacteria and you have also stated to the effect that the existence of viruses has not been proven.
Life on earth is about 3.5+ billion years old. This is so important to understand and the work by Dr. Lynn Margulis ( University of Massachusetts Amherst ) makes it clear. She was the main collaborator with James Lovelock who put forth the Gaia Hypothesis. When you spend the time to understand what bacteria have done and faced for the last 3.5+ billion years that makes Earth habitable and when you consider carefully the Gaia Hypothesis now theory (and buried from the public memory) you can push back intelligently against the nonsense of Quarantine camps and viruses.
It would be nice if at some point in the future you can explore Gaia, Jennifer Margulis would be most helpful on this subject. She is the daughter of Dr. Margulis.
not concentration camps or gulags but public health quarantine camps because they protect the public..... those not so housed can feel safer and support this protective action by the govt that loves us
If you have any concerns about the past 4 years and the notion of quarantine camps and what they will be used for watch the UK tv series "Years and Years". The last scene of series one is riveting!https://www.flicks.com.au/tv/years-and-years-season-1/
I don’t even like to use the scammer term COVID.
I’m also beginning to question if the supposed Japanese attack of the Elwood oil field in California (and then the “battle” of Los Angeles)which was the basis for the internment of Japanese-American citizens was also a staged scam, it seems like their preferred MO to scare the shit out of everyone to justify their actions.
In today's (2024) news, the internment camps for the Japanese/Americans on the West Coast has these questions. The local son of an internee, chairing a Japanese/American organization, claims there were NO camps for German/ Americans living in the Americas, yet USA records/documents/survivors show there were over 12,000 German/Americans interned in the USA. The Japanese/ Americans were awarded $20,000.oo each, while German/Americans received nothing for being imprisoned. WHY?
I read the same. Can you think of another country more demonized for 100 years than Germany? I can't. Goes to show me the fear, loathing and jealousy Britain had/has for this competitor that has become a shadow of what could have been. The one and only reason Hitler was dragged thru the mud. No other leader did what he did for his country. Same with Libya. They took that whole country OUT.
CM Maccioli: I went to a meet at the local library by the Japanese/ American, even gave him an article on the German/Americans which he would not read. After his presentation, he had a question session, which I was 1st one up and talking. He refused to acknowledge my questions or my article. Two other people asked him to acknowledge my questions, but he would not. I did get 2 letters to the editor to our local paper, the editor did acknowledge and confirm my 12,000 German/Americans. He has not returned. Regretfully, the librarian said verbally to me, he did acknowledge my letter, showing her bias (or ethnic background). The problem is: joos control of the U.S.media, U.S.Congress and federal reserve. 88&8s,Dave
All of it is a scam if vaccines works against "viruses" as they say they do then there is no action to be taken. No work mandates, no school mandates, no protecting your neighbour, no coercion required. The minority who are immune compromised have to live their lives with caution as there are (so we are told) countless viruses in our environment and there is nothing that can be done about that regardless if their neighbour is vaccinated or not. The "health" measures in today's meaning of it is authoritarianism gone mad.
Strongly Agree. Strange that a very Nasty Flu Epidemic in 2017 that killed Thousands of People (though very unreported) turned into C19 after the Great Plandemic 201 in late 2019.
Yes, Very Strange. Then after the 201 Plandemic Event these bastidios went about Controlling the Western World Orchestrated of All Western Militarily Nations to DELIVER via Fly-In-Fly Out Contrived Save their Nation Jabs.
May Western Nations People have the documentation at a State Level.
Thanks for mentioning the Japanese. I just found out the other day from Kyle Young that these people lost their land, had no homes to go back to after their internment.
Humm, doesn't that sound familiar.
Exactly! This time they'll try to take people's homes away using a carbon tax...what do you think?
Actually, I could give a shit from shineola about that provable climate hoax. I fought my way thru covid with non-compliance to every measure out there and will no doubt have to do the same for whatever comes next. My thoughts went straight to the American Indians, the Palestinians and the 2008 mortgage debacle no right of return. Their whole lives down the toilet.
Then again, no virologist can prove any transmission of any virus particles between humans. They can never explain how people get ill from viruses and how that mechanism works. The ultimate purpose of Q-camps is to murder those inside them, not to shield anyone from fake viruses.
> Q-camps is to murder those inside them, not to shield anyone from fake viruses.
REPLY: Actually the ultimate purpose of the camps is cover for those who commit the murder. We didn't kill them the virus did. Thank G_d we put them in those camps. Imagine what would have happened to the humanity if these people were left free.
Not only can they not explain transmission, they can't explain how, in a world ostensibly jam packed with gongajillions of these dangerous tiny particles, continually seething and roiling and enthusiastically using living creatures to reproduce and evolve...the only times they tend to rear up on their hind legs and cause ! PANDEMICS ! is when Pharma business interests, various political interests, and media interests suddenly cooperate to inform us of such. To their mutual and individual benefit. (Perhaps you've seen the graphics of the revolving career doors between those industries. The insta-camp construction/infrastructure industry is squeezing through the doors as well.)
Prior to the Age Of Viral Profits there was a widespread belief/conviction that plagues were caused by "atmospheric influences," including the passing of comets, solar activity, and conjunctions of planets. This was well studied in the Age of Electricity, before Mainstream Physics took over cosmology and reduced the universe to a bunch of billiard balls smacking into each other randomly out of forces generated in an ur-explosion 13.7 billion years ago. Or maybe 27.4. Or something.
A good intro to the concept is The Predicted Plague, published in 1900 by one Hippocrates Junior. Facsimile editions have been printed in recent years, and there is at least one copy of the 1900 edition at Internet Archive.
See also Chapter 43, Part 2 of Edward Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.
Dag, you guys are too smart. I'm in the middle of Logo's Rising and now you throw a 400 pager at me? Thanks for the links.
You're welcome.
Hey, will you post a review of/your reflections on LR when done?
If you're exploring/befriending Logos, another recommendation:
Will do. For my money, E Michael Jones is a man among men. The Slaughter of Cities and Libido Dominandi were mind blowing works. I have many more but was saving Logo's Rising till the time was right. Your recommendation reminds me of Living Buddha Living Christ that I read, gosh, 40 years ago and 20 years before that was The Prophet, both small books that I have never forgotten. But, EMJ goes into an exquisite surreal realm, much of which I have never considered, connects the dots like no other, has brought deep reflection upon me, as he has a supreme comprehension of the subject matter.
How amazing. I was thinking about but couldn't remember the name of that TNH classic in the last month or so while talking to a Catholic veteran friend struggling with grief. He nervously admitted he "had gone through a Buddhist phase when younger, and sometimes returns to it." I thought of the TNH, and couldn't remember the name. So you just did an inspired/magical/Providential thing.
It came out in the mid-'90s, no? I was grappling so hard at that time with trying to interleaf many fronds of faith and doubt.
The Gibran was in the mix much earlier ('70s), and I distanced from it because, although I found inspiration in it at that age, as I later tried talking to others who quoted from it, they weren't my kind of people (what later would be called "new age" or such). I don't mean to be judgmental, just that I grapple with an instinct to stand apart from whatever is considered popular. Thank you for the mention. I will try it again, now that Gibran is not as popular. :^>
I will try the Jones. I am not big on that 20th century/academic style of writing, but enough respected Stackers enjoy it that I will try to overcome my hesitation. And still, I'd be interested in your reflections when you have them. Thank you for your kind and thoughtful reply.
Thanks for this, good research on bad product.
Get free, stay free.
Deborah tavares was the first to expose this years ago. She also predicted the tele-medicine tela-health, fires caused by direct energy weopans, attended meetings in California about ICLEI which was part of agenda 21/2030. (She was friends with the late rosa koire whose videos on that subject are among the best, possibly the best sources on the subject) Her website is STOPTHECRIME.NET.. In the US at least, (idk how other countries governments work) we need to be involved more on a local level. Most people don't even know who their local legislators are. Look up Frank Burns, Johnstown vision 2025. He stopped what is part of agenda 2030, a global movement under different but similar names. Look up your city and 2025 and see what you find. This all ties together
The shielding approach with it's 'green zones' and quarantine plans were in place for most states long before kathy hochul came along in New York. I still believe in viruses but it's not as simple as they portray. Everyone exposed to a virus will not get sick. We have God given immune systems that protect us. The simple fact that churches aren't speaking out against 'vaccinating' a newborn (who according to the bible would have everything he/she needs when coming into this world) tells us that churches have been bought, with their 501c3 status and money for high tech security systems (shootings at Jewish temples were enough to scare people to accept this). Theres even information out there on how pastors have been recruited to help lead their congregations into the fema camps. There are forces out there, some of us call it evil others may not but it doesn't matter so long as we fight against it. They will continue to come at us from every direction so we cant ever stop fighting them. Get involved at the local level and dont let them divide us.
...This seems but a TEST....
.....Does one think the 'powers' which constructed these areas are DONE?
Here in Boston a lawsuit arrived in Mayor Wu's office on Friday morning and the vax passports were cancelled immediately.
It is to be understood that 'being someone's problem' is known to be malignant narcissism rhetoric: "They are both human “outputs”, defined by large bodies of oligarch “science”, that can be limited, consequenced, demonized and taxed. 'They are the tools used to explain why YOU are the problem'." According to esteemed and outspoken clinical psychologist Jordan B. Peterson, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau is a severe case of narcissistic malignancy. How unfortunate for Canadians.
Mr Tucker posted his piece without referencing Dr. Jonathan Couey, which puts him in line with a considerable number of "freedom fighters" who will not pick up Couey's lead. Instead it seems Brownstone goes the same direction as CHD in stone-walling Couey.
It is not to put Couey on a pedestal. Some people are critical of him, I am aware of that. But he is the single most consistent voice out there who is raising the same exact question on a scientific level: Viruses are not 'pattern integrities' (Buckminster Fuller) - which is why they can not pandemic. RNA Virology is DNA-synthetic-clone-technology. Intramuscular injections of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system "is dumb" (Couey). You may disagree with him, but to not discuss his hypotheses is disingenious!
Check him out: https://gigaohm.bio
I’m a supporter of Couey’s work and have written about him multiple times but unfortunately his message doesn’t get the support and reach it should because of how he goes about his work. It’s a real shame as far as I am concerned.
Regarding your 'Constructed Quarantine Facilities', don't forget the many in CHINA.
I was living in China during C19 and there were camps all around the country. They even bused pre-schoolers (3 to 5 year-old) dressed in full hazmat suits (without their parents) FFS. Watching the videos of these very young kids boarding those buses (at midnight, mind you) was very disturbing to say the least.
Perhaps Mr. Tucker can look into the WHO's "Implied Consent" in regards to injections and children stating "if you send your child to school on that day." "PODS or Points Of Dispersement Sites if schools took the C.O.V.ID money," per a local elementary school superintendant, may be of interest as well.
About that little substance abuse from antisocialization thing...
Trends in Alcohol Use After the COVID-19 Pandemic:
A National Cross-Sectional Study
Annals of Internal Medicine
American College of Physicians
"Our protocols of antisocialization to "stop the spread" of dis-ease disrupted and devastated so many lives that we now have a big substance abuse problem. So we have to design better psychological coping behavioral programs to help mitigate the disruptions and devastations we caused with our massive antisocialization campaign." (My translation of their 'scientific' study)
Instead of just not disrupting and devastating lives pretending to "slow the spread" in the first place.
Somehow, the individual contributing authors of this ‘shielding’ document must be uncovered., as well as the authority necessary to post on the CDC website. There will be a long line of those responsible. There will be no single authority creating this aberration; it will have been a group effort. Name them all. Dangerous people who do not even recognize the true science of natural immunity. Think ‘brainstorming around the table’, as in ‘oh, let’s expand on that idea’. Using somewhat neutral tones so as not to raise alarms - shielding, shelter/group, green zone, humanitarian, protection, mitigation, logistics. Logistics? As in ‘herding the population into the quarantine camps’, with the authority to do so granted under ‘pandemic emergency powers’. https://web.archive.org/web/20200728203549/https:/www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/global-covid-19/shielding-approach-humanitarian.html?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Health Security. Quarantine came out of their 9-11 timed Model Public Health Emergency Response Act rapidly passed in most states with the Cheney planned anthrax toxin attack.
Thank you. Was remembering research when preparing for legal appeal against gov’t issued ‘environmental protection’ permits (long story). This link details Event 201 as the fourth such ‘plannng session’: https://hub.jhu.edu/2019/11/06/event-201-health-security/
If you ever stumble across their Steering Committee list and their affiliations let me know. They seemed to have scrubbed it from existence. I recall one of them was with Victoria Nuland's Center For a New American Security and one notable named Dr. Lawrence D Kerr formerly with DHHS Global Health.
Anytime I think of any of these I immediately feel like Kissinger's NSM200 was being moved from policy to implemented procedures.
When found will posts. Thank you for your reminders.
Search CDC terms " Shielding Approach AND Green Camps" from 5 years ago.
> Quarantine camps are the inevitable outcome of virology’s logic.
If “viral particles” can pose a deadly risk to others, then the “vulnerable” must be shielded and protected, and those who are “infected” must be separated to prevent harm to others. In this view, a “virus” becomes a social “externality”—a risk that justifies extreme measures.
REPLY: As you have stated earlier in this series of posts, you are not up to speed with bacteria and you have also stated to the effect that the existence of viruses has not been proven.
Life on earth is about 3.5+ billion years old. This is so important to understand and the work by Dr. Lynn Margulis ( University of Massachusetts Amherst ) makes it clear. She was the main collaborator with James Lovelock who put forth the Gaia Hypothesis. When you spend the time to understand what bacteria have done and faced for the last 3.5+ billion years that makes Earth habitable and when you consider carefully the Gaia Hypothesis now theory (and buried from the public memory) you can push back intelligently against the nonsense of Quarantine camps and viruses.
It would be nice if at some point in the future you can explore Gaia, Jennifer Margulis would be most helpful on this subject. She is the daughter of Dr. Margulis.
Thank you,
not concentration camps or gulags but public health quarantine camps because they protect the public..... those not so housed can feel safer and support this protective action by the govt that loves us
If you have any concerns about the past 4 years and the notion of quarantine camps and what they will be used for watch the UK tv series "Years and Years". The last scene of series one is riveting!https://www.flicks.com.au/tv/years-and-years-season-1/