Very good interview that sure explains a lot. I think I have avoided exploring yoga further because sitting cross legged is actually very painful for me, even since I was a young kid. I definitely have tight hips and actually tore some ligament once practicing yoga, so I’ve avoided that position. And I keep telling myself that we are her…
Very good interview that sure explains a lot. I think I have avoided exploring yoga further because sitting cross legged is actually very painful for me, even since I was a young kid. I definitely have tight hips and actually tore some ligament once practicing yoga, so I’ve avoided that position. And I keep telling myself that we are here to have a human experience and I’ll have plenty of time to know my true self after my physical body dies. So, in the meantime, I will investigate this breath work in my daily life, quiet my mind and just practice being mindful and being the best human I can be while enjoying this physical life.
Very good interview that sure explains a lot. I think I have avoided exploring yoga further because sitting cross legged is actually very painful for me, even since I was a young kid. I definitely have tight hips and actually tore some ligament once practicing yoga, so I’ve avoided that position. And I keep telling myself that we are here to have a human experience and I’ll have plenty of time to know my true self after my physical body dies. So, in the meantime, I will investigate this breath work in my daily life, quiet my mind and just practice being mindful and being the best human I can be while enjoying this physical life.