My sister adopted 5 dogs and bought 3 from breeders. The last adopted dog we got had already gone thru 3 homes and returned to the kennel. Barney was a lovely mini poodle who walked like a champ, stayed with you every step. He was loved and playful with other dogs. When Barney would jump on the couch to be near you, the mere act of touch…
My sister adopted 5 dogs and bought 3 from breeders. The last adopted dog we got had already gone thru 3 homes and returned to the kennel. Barney was a lovely mini poodle who walked like a champ, stayed with you every step. He was loved and playful with other dogs. When Barney would jump on the couch to be near you, the mere act of touching a certain body part would spark a growl and bite, some severe. We attributed that to mistreatment by previous owners and tried to keep in mind the manner in which we approached him.
My nephew from a state far away came to visit and the connection made by him and Barney was immediate. Behavior we had never seen visited upon us. He had just lost a beloved pet and wanted to take Barney home with him. I told my nephew that I do not vaccinate dogs ever.
He said his wife would never go along with that as they could be sued if Barney bit the mailman. That immediately set off alarms and I said no, you can't have him, but my sister who was bitten more badly than I ever was decided to let Barney go. As Barney got in the car he never once looked back at us, even tho I cried for days afterwards, I felt we made the right decision. It appeared Barney loved men more than women.
Three years later, he called last week to tell me, Barney was dead at 10 yrs old. I told him his stupid wife vaccinated Barney to death, 12 vaccines in 3 years killed Barney. No one can tell me differently. He cried like a baby as I showed no compassion for his loss. It was my loss as well. Dog companions are not disposable and in my case, not replaceable. I am different.
I have long ago done my research on rabies, so this article is simply a refresher course for me. THERE IS NO RABIES. It's a lie, a con, to get laws passed to force vaccinate, just like they do for kids. Kill a 20 year lifespan of a dog in 10, make money for vet practices that don't give a shit about dogs, only their bottom line of cash. Of all medical specialties, allopathic vets are the most disgusting, disgraceful, disturbingly malicious people on par with pediatricians.
My sister adopted 5 dogs and bought 3 from breeders. The last adopted dog we got had already gone thru 3 homes and returned to the kennel. Barney was a lovely mini poodle who walked like a champ, stayed with you every step. He was loved and playful with other dogs. When Barney would jump on the couch to be near you, the mere act of touching a certain body part would spark a growl and bite, some severe. We attributed that to mistreatment by previous owners and tried to keep in mind the manner in which we approached him.
My nephew from a state far away came to visit and the connection made by him and Barney was immediate. Behavior we had never seen visited upon us. He had just lost a beloved pet and wanted to take Barney home with him. I told my nephew that I do not vaccinate dogs ever.
He said his wife would never go along with that as they could be sued if Barney bit the mailman. That immediately set off alarms and I said no, you can't have him, but my sister who was bitten more badly than I ever was decided to let Barney go. As Barney got in the car he never once looked back at us, even tho I cried for days afterwards, I felt we made the right decision. It appeared Barney loved men more than women.
Three years later, he called last week to tell me, Barney was dead at 10 yrs old. I told him his stupid wife vaccinated Barney to death, 12 vaccines in 3 years killed Barney. No one can tell me differently. He cried like a baby as I showed no compassion for his loss. It was my loss as well. Dog companions are not disposable and in my case, not replaceable. I am different.
I have long ago done my research on rabies, so this article is simply a refresher course for me. THERE IS NO RABIES. It's a lie, a con, to get laws passed to force vaccinate, just like they do for kids. Kill a 20 year lifespan of a dog in 10, make money for vet practices that don't give a shit about dogs, only their bottom line of cash. Of all medical specialties, allopathic vets are the most disgusting, disgraceful, disturbingly malicious people on par with pediatricians.
This saddens me and tears for you. I am so sorry. It pisses me off too. People have lost their reasoning powers. Mental illness.