As usual, a very interesting and informative article. I would love to see you write a similar in-depth article on nebulized H2O2 - how it works on a molecular level. I've read much about it, but the usual explanations - it's the FM effect (f'ing magic) - do nothing to satisfy my curiosity. Does it just work and stay in your lungs? Does it enter your bloodstream? If so, in what form? Does it improve your zeta potential, and if so, how much and for how long? How effective is it for other infections besides respiratory? Would it beneficial to do it on a regular basis - maybe weekly?

I've seen it work wonders, both on covid and also other respiratory infections on family members and myself. It's also dirt cheap if you have a nebulizer, and I intend to keep a good supply of food grade H2O2 on hand for the foreseeable future.

Thank you for every word that you write.

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I was diagnosed with Lyme in 2019 and did auto-hemo ozone therapy at that time. My symptoms escalated during the Covid shutdown and have not gone away since. I will not take antibiotics and have been using homeopathy for two years to mitigate the symptoms. I also did 34 hours of hyperbaric oxygen therapy which also did nothing for me. Perhaps I'm not recovering because the heavy burden of non-native EMF's are an "Obstacle to Cure" as Samuel Hahnemann would say. Maybe ozone worked in Africa for Ebola because they weren't bombarded with cell phone towers. I wonder if it would work today? In case anyone is interested, what Google says the symptoms of Lyme Disease are and what Dr. Robin Murphy's "Nature's Materia Medica" say are not the same. Probably because if people new that a bacteria could cause sleep disturbances and panic attacks they wouldn't be prescribed addicting anti-psychotics and sleeping drugs. Or, they can call it Menopause and give you drugs for that too. Why not antibiotics? I haven't met anyone who didn't relapse after taking antibiotics for many months. Here is what Georges Lakhovsky, inventor of the Multi Wave Oscillator with Nikola Tesla, had to say about the nature of dis-ease in his book "The Secret of Life". "The cell is nothing but an electromagnetic resonator, capable of emitting and absorbing radiations of very high frequency. These fundamental principles cover the whole field of biology. What is life? It is the dynamic equilibrium of all cells, the harmony of multiple radiations which react upon one another. What is disease? It is the oscillatory disequilibrium of cells, originating from external causes. It is, more especially, the struggle between microbic radiation and cellular radiation. If microbic radiation is predominant, disease is the result. If cellular radiation gains ascendant, restoration of health follows." Borrelia Bergdorferi, the causative agent for Lyme is a spirochete bacteria, the same type of bacteria that causes syphilis. Interestingly, the homeopathic remedy for syphilis is Aurum Arsenicum 200C, twice daily, the same remedy that works for Lyme. I just started taking it. Fingers crossed.

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Have you read about Jerry Tennant (his book is called Healing is Voltage)? He talks some about lyme disease (in his videos too), you mught find it interesting!

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will do. I have not heard of him. Thanks

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You may want to look up Dr. Mark Su who is the president of ISEAI. He may resonate with you or find a doctor with ISEAI. Good luck in your journey. I personally Aurum Arsenicum for so many ills successfully.


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I wasn't exposed to mold but probably over exposure to EMF's living in high density area.

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Check out https://www.emfsol.com/how-it-works/. I would start with the wrist band if you can tolerate something on your wrist. :) My family suffers from ION channel problems and we all detox when we installed the home system and devices in the house. My boys calcium levels in blood have normalized and their hemoglobin, hematocrit, and RBCs are now normal. As you know, EMFs can increase any pathogen in the body.

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Yes, I tried their products. I kept the wristband but sent everything else back. I was living in a development with 5G everywhere and it did not help my symptoms at all. I've been consulting with a building biologist and he has introduced me to this, https://waveguard.com/en/how-qi-technology-works/. I haven't ordered yet, but I'm planning to. We moved to Vermont where I feel much better but I feel really sick every time I have to drive back to NJ to see family. That is amazing that your boys' blood normalized with their products. Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you.

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The cost figures at the beginning of this article are at the core of the problem. And are far from actual costs.

The actual cost of “being sick” depends on who counts the figures.

For the starters, let’s check the chemical plant which manufactures the so called drugs. It was built centuries ago, most probably with the support of public funds, thus it depreciated many times over. For the current owner, it is a free facility. It certainly needs some repairs, upgrades, new technology, but the largest cost (land, structures, installations, permits) is far below zero. How far? It is no secret that net profits of this branch of the chemical industry are absurdly inflated. Moreover, the P&L calculations account for unaccountable and unverifiable huge costs of advertising, marketing, licensing, patenting, legal, and similar. Removing these costs from the equation will reduce the “cost of being sick” probably several times.

The medical industry devours huge amounts for ongoing activities, both in supplies and the allegedly necessary technologies. Like any “surgical robot” of your choice: several pieces of metal, a lot of plastic, displays and buttons, all imported from far away for cents, plus some software, and you are billed in excess of a million. For what really?

How far this system can go, we saw in 2020 and we still suffer from this systemic disease. A simple “test” is made up of 3 g of plastic, 0.05 g of paper with some substances which cost practically zero per kit, and a packaging - the most expensive part of the “test kit”. Manufactured in billions, bought in bulk, it should cost what, $0.1? Including shipping from China. Now compare it with wholesale or retail prices, and you know why you are so dear (literally and not) for the handful of money masters.

The same game is played in all other industries. The more “serious” the business, the surcharges go farther in the space.

If all these calculations were made in actual prices + reasonable margin, you would see that every single citizen is a trillionaire robbed of unimaginable earnings for the “public funds” pool.

The actual cost of being sick, that is the disruption in the functioning of the economy, is a different story. Not very much different from the above, though.

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While we normally breathe oxygen (O2)

I would say this is false

We breathe air not oxygen

Oxygen is made by stripping air of water

Medical oxygen has only 67ppm of water - it’s extremely dry

Air is measured by its moisture or humidity.

Lungs prefer 30-50% humidity.

The lung mucosa conditions the air to reach 100% humidity at the alveoli sacs. That’s dew point.

Can you see the mis-match?

The lungs rehydrate the red blood cells as they pass through the alveoli capillary beds, with salt water.

Just like the IV saline drip rehydrates RBCs.

Oxygen and ozone being man made gases, are not going to play any part in mammalian physiology.

There is no oxygen or nitrogen in the atmosphere. There is only air.

Oxygen is a manufactured product of air not a constituent of air.

Nitrogen is made from oxygen by the addition of carbon particles. It’s the nonflammable version of oxygen. Both invented to solve metallurgical problems not medical.

Look up experiments where a mammal survived in an artificial environment of 21% oxygen and 78% nitrogen. Tis a deadly environment. Because it’s extremely dry and nitrogen’s carbon particles are lung pollutants.

The animals died of dehydration. The lungs of mammals must have moisture in the air they breathe.

Lungs need salt and air. Sanatoriums were built along coastlines to use the salty air to heal lungs.


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Excellent note. Thank you.

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It has also been proven that humidity kills bacteria in hospital settings. humidity levels in hospitals are the determinant factor in avoiding sepsis.

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Me: I say that the vaccines are a lie and what we have been taught for generations, is that the vaccines and the content of vaccines make "anti bodies" against a disease and protect your body from that disease.

But the human body does NOT make anti bodies, because it has never been designed to, it does not know what anti bodies are, so whatever is injected into it, damages it, sometimes with immediate devastating results, like being given a kill shot for your injury or extermination, by weakening your immunity and making you easier to kill.

Big Pharma and vaccines are a deliberate lie to injure or kill you for money.

Do not take vaccines - I theorize that vaccines cause the injected virus to spead amongst those around the vaccinated person, causing and creating the pandemic, because there were over 250 reported escapes of dangerous viruses and pathogens last year from Level 4 BioLabs reported to the CDC and none eventuated into any pandemic - but Moderna's injected Covid-19 Neucloids virus, patented 2013, is the only one that did and that is injected at the time of the vaccine, you just had and why it did.

The Great Reset is based on vaccines and deliberate population reduction, amongst other "vaccinated things".

I say: Stop taking all vaccines immediately, your life depends on it.

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I wonder how this therapy effects our good gut bacteria?

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Yet another indicator that the single best investment one can make is in a healthy lifestyle & not buying into medical propaganda.

And I noticed "... author used data compiled by Fidelity Investments..."

Many don't realize the volume of 401k accounts this company holds. It has one goal - to keep that money in fidelity accounts, and in the stock market. Ask anyone who has rolled (or tried to) his/her money out of fidelity & into an external retirement plan just how difficult it is to get fidelity to let it go. There could be more to this $tory...

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Jane 333. The "air we breathe is made up of 80 percent nitrogen and 20 percent oxygen." The level of oxygen percent has decreased from many years ago from 32 percent. So we basically are breathing more nitrogen than oxygen. In relation to oxygen in room air or pharmaceutical pure oxygen there is a big difference. Medical ozone used in medicine uses 100 percent oxygen to create ozone and does have many positive effects on the human body.

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