One, easy and simple way to acquire electrons in your body is through grounding. I’ve been doing it for over 6 years now. We are firstly, electrical bodies. I used to get shocked all the time, static electricity would build up in my body because I wasn’t getting enough electrons to counter balance the excess of positive ions I was accumulating. It was a running joke in my family. I was shocking me, shocking my pets and literally on eggshells not wanting to get shocked. This went on for years and years. As soon as I started grounding, it all went away. https://www.earthingmovie.com/

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Thanks for once again refreshing my knowledge of Levy's work. I just wish my feeble brain could hold onto a fraction of his writing.

His Chapter 4 is in line with much of Jerry Tennant's work in his Healing is Voltage books. In it, he states that a cellular voltage of -50 mv is needed to make new cells, which is twice the voltage that is normal for adults (-25 mv). He provides a scale of health, basically, that associates voltage with disease states (+30 mv is where cancer thrives). The one thing that Tennant adds, if I'm remembering correctly, is that frequency is also important. That organs operate at specific frequencies. He calls this scalar energy - which if I understand it correctly is energy at specific frequencies.

Cellular dysfunction is a hallmark of chronic disease, and I've often puzzled what leads to cellular dysfunction? I watched a webinar for a nitric oxide supplement the other day, and the answer is now obvious - loss of micro-capillaries! When micro-capillaries are gummed up, the cell loses its supply of oxygen and nutrients. When O2 and nutrients are insufficient, cells begin to fail, when they are cut off completely, there is no way for the cell to survive, short of cancer (a response to an anaerobic environment).

For a long time I've known that blood that is too thick (as when the Omega 6 ratio is too high) is highly problematic. It can be a cause of joint degradation, due to loss of synovial fluid, for example. Synovial fluid is a super-filtrate of blood, so if the micro-capillaries through which this filtration occurs are gummed up, synovial fluid production wanes and eventually the joint deteriorates (compromised nerve supply can have the same result).

But my thinking about clogged capillaries was largely limited to peripheral issues in hands, feet and eyes. My ah-ha! moment was in realizing that all organs have a massive amount of micro-capillaries. So chronic disease is largely due to loss of capillaries - a slow moving cascade that picks up speed as we age.

My age related macular degeneration is caused by impaired micro-capillary circulation. So is my toenail fungus. So is the dry skin on my lower legs. So are the actinic keratoses on my scalp. They are all warning signs that my body's ability to achieve homeostasis is waning because I'm losing micro-capillaries faster than they can be replaced. If these things are happening, then the functioning of all my organs has also declined, and yet mainstream medicine has no way to send up a warning flare. I'm told that blood tests don't detect kidney failure until you have less than 20% function remaining!

I've recently read Casey Means' Good Energy, where she calls out 5 basic metabolic markers that are supposedly suggestive of 'good health,' and claims that only 6.8% of the population has markers within the ranges she recommends. At 68 years old, I'm part of that 6.8% (though just barely on blood glucose). Yet I have signs of early heart failure, and a range of minor ailments that all seem to point back to impaired micro-capillaries (the heart has the highest density of micro-capillaries).

The NO supplement that I mentioned contains a number of NO-boosting ingredients (not just beet juice), together with a full complement of vitamins, minerals and a few botanicals. It's basically a huge multivitamin (a shotgun approach that I have always avoided up until now), but a friend recommended it to me, based upon a doctor friend of his, Josh Helman, who is one of the partners for this product (G. Edward Griffin, Dr. Christiane Northrup and Judy Mikovits are also partners). There are many, many testimonials that using the product for a couple months can have a dramatic impact on many facets of health. At the recommended dosage, the product has been shown to keep circulating NO levels above baseline for more than 24 hours.

NO can increase access to micro-capillaries to boost oxygen and nutrition at the cellular level. It also can help heal endothelial linings, which is where the body's natural production of NO occurs.

I've used the product for about six weeks. I've been an avid bicycle hill climber for nearly twenty years, and I've watched my performance decline steadily in the past ten years. This year, I got a late start on training, due to weather, travel, etc. A month into training this year, and I'm already at a level that I would not expect until the end of the season (typically mid-September for me). I'm also seeing my HRV improve compared with last year's readings (by around 20%).

Right now, I'm waiting to see what sort of improvement I see in my various minor ailments that seem to likely be due to impairment of micro-capillaries. That will be the true test of whether NO is indeed a big part of the puzzle of maintaining cellular energy levels.

For now, I'm going to go back and re-read Tennant's chapter on Nitric Oxide, and check the indexes my books by Thomas Levy and others for their references to NO.

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What is the NO supplement that you mentioned? I’ve re-read your comment and am not finding you mentioning the name of it?

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Cardiac Miracle. It's worth finding a YouTube webinar video by Robert Scott Bell. It's an hour and 45 minutes long, but worth it to understand the potential benefits of the product.

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Nitric Oxide

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Levy is brilliant, but this is all theory. Chlorine dioxide destroys most toxins, and it is an oxidizer. There is a yin/yang to oxidation/antioxidants, and we do not know how it works.

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Could that help my poor daughter suffering what has been diagnosed as psoriasis all over her body? This is new and I'm trying to learn.

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Look up the - doctoryourself .org website. There is a mountain of scientific natural advise on all manner of conditions. It’s my go to for almost everything health wise

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Saturated fatty acid molecules carry extra electrons, which is why these are more stable, i.e., harder to oxidize via heat, air, time, light. The closer to raw (unprocessed) and the fresher these are when consumed, the better. Other oils (primarily plant oils) are fragile, carrying less electrons per molecule, and thus, they oxidize swiftly. In addition to this, they often (mostly) contain naturally-occurring toxins/pesticides produced by these plants as their only defense mechanism to avoid being consumed.

Unstable oils are starving for electrons. When they are consumed, they scavenge these electrons from our tissues, even from our DNA, causing DNA fragmentation, inflammation, and health problems. Hence, the term "free radicals." Of course, this term is used to describe the absolute worst of the plant oils which have been "ultra-processed" - referred to as "transfats" which are known to increase the risk of cancer and heart disease.

The most healing fats are the most inherently stable fats, having extra electrons to spare, and therefore carrying the ability to spare them for correction of our injured DNA which is missing needed electrons. And yet, the most stable fats are fraudulently blamed for "heart disease." The latest solid science on this issue has proven that high blood cholesterol is not in fact causing heart disease. The true measure of risk for heart disease, (and myriad other health problems) is seen in a person's triglyceride levels. Carnivores enjoy VERY low triglyceride levels, and many have swiftly reversed heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, brain and nervous system disorders, etc.

Those making money off of statins (cholesterol lowering drugs) tell us that if a person dies earlier, (and with dementia) this is a success, because their cholesterol was kept low while they were dying from the use of these drugs. If you understand how electrons work, how unstable molecules have less electrons, then you have to at least investigate how a high fat carnivore diet heals mitochondria to correct metabolic disorders, inflammation, etc.

The evidence is now showing that carnivores don't burn through, or need, much vitamin C, due to the fact they are not suffering severe oxidative stress from their diet. Interestingly, even my emotional stability has improved from eating a high fat animal-based diet. So I am experiencing less emotional stress, which I also know improves health. In fact, historical data is now surfacing which shows that "scurvy" was successfully prevented and treated with meat.

So maybe putting limes on the ships that were crossing oceans reduced meat preservation limits, and cost by supplementing with a plant. However, citrus, (which can be a great urgent medicine) also causes photo sensitivity. So if one uses citrus to heal, they must remain conscious of the fact they will have extra sensitivity to the sun. If fact, some people have suffered devastating burns after consuming citrus. Interesting too, is that citrus comes into season as we move into winter;-)

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Great informative comment. Thank you

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I downloaded your paper - it looks very technical but I am going to give it my best shot

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Major brain overload here. Gotta go back and read again to allow all this to sink in. Muy interesante. Chelation treatments enervated me, oxidative treatments I could leap tall buildings in a single bound, Vit C intravenous I never took because they were too expensive. So I took the capsules and powdered Vit C which gave me yeast infections every time. Anyone know why? Drinking citrus gave me heartburn so I opted for broccoli instead.

There's a series of videos I watch on youtube about a couple living rurally in Azerbaijan. He farms, she cooks. Many times during the day, wherever they are located, they stop, make a little fire to boil water, collect plants and flowers and steep them into a blue, yellow, purple or orange colored tea. It's rare they actually use tea leaves but instead make and drink tea from what I would consider weeds. Exactly what Dr Levy noted in this article.

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"So I took the capsules and powdered Vit C which gave me yeast infections every time. "

Not possible for Vitamin C to induce yeast infection. Crappy supplements w citric acid from gmo corn (yes corn) and assorted binding agents might have enough %$#@ in there to cause some adverse reaction but abso-frigging-lutely not a reaction to Vitamin C which is like saying peroxide causes an infection when poured on an open wound.. can't happen.

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Yes, I see your point, thank you very much, my doctor told me the very same and I agreed, but I've tried it many times, and every time I took, let's say 10,000 IU's a day, something would develop. For example: That ridiculous adage about taking the entire dosage prescription of antibiotics till finished, when symptoms are already gone and health appears to have been restored, puts me in a state of hives and anaphylaxis. That severe reaction tells me I am overdosing and my body is rejecting something it no longer needs. I have since taken2 spaced daily tablets and backed it up with Theramil Forte to get at least a subsistence level of VitC. Shit! I gave up all corn 20 years ago and never gave a thought to my vitamins being contaminated.

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It's awful how Sherlock Holmes skills are required to have toxin free foods & supplements but it's where we are.. check to see it notes gmo free and citrus derived or who knows what miracle of science you're swallowing. :~)

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Will do.

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Thanks for an excellent summary. Fascinating I definitely want to know more.

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I find this very interesting especially having listened to this interview with Dr Jerry Tennant. This is an interesting primer for the basis of his work in my opinion.https://open.substack.com/pub/anamihalceamdphd/p/healing-is-voltage-conversation-with?r=118pld&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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IOS? ROS? I've read that ROS are part of a homeostatic loop -- beneficial when things are working as they should, and useful for disposing of things that shouldn't be hanging around. This author seems to move in this direction, but labeling the problem "chronic" oxidative stress while also referring to "increased" oxidative stress. Odd, that. There's quite the difference. I read rather quickly -- did I miss something?

By the way, how sure are we that our atomic model is not more "official story"? One in which Franklin (now there's a topic) got the + and - symbols switched.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

Good day Unbekoming,

Love the picture at the beginning of your stack.

> The real light bulb moment for me was understanding that what Levy was really talking about was an electrical phenomenon. Health is electrical. Disease is electrical.

REPLY: The idea of health being electrical is not new.

The Body Electric : Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life by Becker, Robert O; Selden, Gary

Publication date 1985.

I used to have a first edition copy. A small group of Organic gardeners and nutrition nuts read from the book every week and discussed it's implications.

Another group was De La War Laboratories, their book,

New Worlds Beyond the Atom

by George De la Warr

Publication date 1957

Contributor Internet Archive

Language English

Nor is the idea of oxidative stress. All of this can easily be resoved by caring for an nurturing the Planet Earth and life.

Some foods that mitigate oxidative stress.

Organic Wild Harvested Red Palm Oil

All Organic vegetables grown on deeply mineralized soil with abundant and vibrant soil bacteria.

All Organic Grains grown on deeply mineralized soil with abundant and vibrant soil bacteria.

All Organic Animal products grown on deeply mineralized soil with abundant and vibrant soil bacteria.

Importantly Ocean vegetation harvested from pristine Ocean waters has a broad spectrum of all the minerals life including human needs. Said Kelp and sea weed should be composted and worked into to the soil to enrich and mineralized the plants grown on it and thus life sustained on such soil.

Sadly all the Oceans of the world are polluted. This is a travesty and contributes to malnutrition and IOS

Additional info regarding the Sun - https://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/2024/05/18/michael-clarage-solar-filaments-and-you-thunderbolts/

You may have seen or read many of these. Thanks for all your work.

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In ref. to toxins as described in this article. Most "toxins" have a biphasic dose response. This means that a low-dose/concentration results in stimulation (beneficial) and a high-dose/concentration results in inhibition (toxic). This has been throughly researched by Ed Calabrese. This summarizes around 4 decades of Calabrese's work on the subject. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41514-017-0013-z

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Another piece to this is Ray Peat’s work which Mercola cites in numerous articles regarding optimizing mitochondrial function. Mitochondrial support through proper diet and supplementation (CoQ10) for one is crucial to supplying the necessary energy/electron flow/electricity to offset the deleterious effects of a toxic planet. Oxidative stress is inevitable, avoidance of the toxic effects of drugs and vaccines, a proper diet, exercise, and optimally functioning nervous system are essential to countering this. All part of a lifestyle that could bankrupt the fraudulent allopathic mode of poisoning.

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Wonder how you explain oxygen and its benefits since the presence of oxygen results in oxidative stress. LEARN ABOUT MITOCHONDRIAL HORMESIS. I prefer the concept of OXIDATIVE DISTRESS which implies in imbalance.

Oxidative stress is beneficial and necessary for optimum health. What do you think exercise is in this context?

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