If you start at page 59 they even factored in Vaccine Injury, in fact that's what the chapter is called!!
That's where the playbook is up to now I feel... they write these things as if it's "history" already, to better frame the media messaging narrative.
For example page 63...
"Moreover, no national leader had publicly acknowledged the public's broad willingness to accept a prescribed COUNTERMEASURE that promised to end the pandemic, but whose long-term consequences were NOT FULLY UNDERSTOOD AT THE TIME". **
**That old chestnut
They've actually practised in 2017, how to deal with vax deaths and injuries after a hypothetical "Pandemic"...
Even down to vac injuries..
Okay then, if they KNEW this is a potential outcome, why was the whole world FORCED to take the vax, when they MODELLED in death and injuries from an experimental vaccine already?
Why wasn't it voluntary??
With informed consent about the potential for disaster? 🤔
Anyway I noticed that in SPARS and had those thoughts...
The Asch conformity experiment and Milgram authority experiment certainly was relied upon to get this crap through with a heavy dose of propaganda.
I think Yuval Noah Harari either inadvertently gave the game away, or deliberately did, in his many talks to his eager listeners... Good montage, it seems the plan is definitely contained in this short clip.
I've been following the SPARS document almost since the beginning! My theory is that RFK will be the one to push the announcement about the vaccine injured.
Re: "the monster, our non-existent empire, is the first global empire in human history." How can we know that this is truth? Now feels like before in a way. Upsetting and Uncomfortable. The monster follows the ways of a parasite. Biology, pure, simple, complex, habitual. Perplexing.
This got me thinking about Daniel chapter 7 - the 4 great world empires, compared to a lion, a bear, a leopard, and a "fourth beast, dreadful and terrifying and extremely strong; and it had large iron teeth. It devoured and crushed and trampled down the remainder with its feet; and it was different from all beasts before it...". Historians and bible scholars identify these 4 with the Babylonian, Persian, Greek, and Roman empires. But the 4th one, Rome, seems like it may have been a foretaste of the beasts in Revelation chapter 13, where "no one could buy or sell" without the mark of the beast.
Not to fear, though - Jesus is coming - put your trust in Him.
Trump, Macron and Zelensky are all in Paris to consecrate/dedicate Notre Dame. Remember the Olympics? Technically, none of them are 'really' the Presidents' of their respective countries.
Why would anyone need to control the world? Controlling a few hundred million is a lot easier than trying to corral 8 billion. Thus the only possible conclusion from all this is that the Rockheads want you dead and gone. In the meantime, they will use the fake medical complex to keep you sick before they murder you. That way you have contributed something to them...money on your way off the planet.
The Rockefellers, Rothschilds, oil, minerals, medicine, banks, CIA, Gladio, heroin, wars, assassinations, lies, brainwashing, Tavistock, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the hippies, false flags, 911, freemasons, the Vatican - what a heck of an octopus!
There was a pandemic in 2012? Truly, I don't remember. It certainly didn't hit my neighborhood. Didn't even read about it. No matter. I wouldn't have believed a word of it anyway.
"Bill Gates’ trial in Netherlands. Orchestrated as a 'military operation' under direct orders from NATO, the pandemic played out with forced vaccinations & brutal lockdowns having nothing to do with public health & everything to do with advancing a hidden agenda"
OK, I remember the 2009 BS, but I researched the bogus Ebola. If ever a shit hole was, it was Liberia. It wasn't viral, it was chemical. Wasn't widespread at all. Unless one lived among same conditions. Rather than name it what it actually was, the worst environmental pollution known to man that made India look like Beverly Hills, they covered their ass by naming it a virus. It was never a virus nor contagious.
Great post ... Brilliant, detailed work as always...
I'll just add in this bit from SPARS that I didn't notice in your excellent article.
If you start at page 59 they even factored in Vaccine Injury, in fact that's what the chapter is called!!
That's where the playbook is up to now I feel... they write these things as if it's "history" already, to better frame the media messaging narrative.
For example page 63...
"Moreover, no national leader had publicly acknowledged the public's broad willingness to accept a prescribed COUNTERMEASURE that promised to end the pandemic, but whose long-term consequences were NOT FULLY UNDERSTOOD AT THE TIME". **
**That old chestnut
They've actually practised in 2017, how to deal with vax deaths and injuries after a hypothetical "Pandemic"...
Even down to vac injuries..
Okay then, if they KNEW this is a potential outcome, why was the whole world FORCED to take the vax, when they MODELLED in death and injuries from an experimental vaccine already?
Why wasn't it voluntary??
With informed consent about the potential for disaster? 🤔
Anyway I noticed that in SPARS and had those thoughts...
The Asch conformity experiment and Milgram authority experiment certainly was relied upon to get this crap through with a heavy dose of propaganda.
I think Yuval Noah Harari either inadvertently gave the game away, or deliberately did, in his many talks to his eager listeners... Good montage, it seems the plan is definitely contained in this short clip.
Seems Harari isn't human since he can't recognize humanity as a useful class. AI?
I've been following the SPARS document almost since the beginning! My theory is that RFK will be the one to push the announcement about the vaccine injured.
Re: "the monster, our non-existent empire, is the first global empire in human history." How can we know that this is truth? Now feels like before in a way. Upsetting and Uncomfortable. The monster follows the ways of a parasite. Biology, pure, simple, complex, habitual. Perplexing.
This got me thinking about Daniel chapter 7 - the 4 great world empires, compared to a lion, a bear, a leopard, and a "fourth beast, dreadful and terrifying and extremely strong; and it had large iron teeth. It devoured and crushed and trampled down the remainder with its feet; and it was different from all beasts before it...". Historians and bible scholars identify these 4 with the Babylonian, Persian, Greek, and Roman empires. But the 4th one, Rome, seems like it may have been a foretaste of the beasts in Revelation chapter 13, where "no one could buy or sell" without the mark of the beast.
Not to fear, though - Jesus is coming - put your trust in Him.
Trump, Macron and Zelensky are all in Paris to consecrate/dedicate Notre Dame. Remember the Olympics? Technically, none of them are 'really' the Presidents' of their respective countries.
Even so, come Lord Jesus!🎺
The Committee of 300
Dr. John Coleman
The Committee of Two: Jacob Rothschild and David Rockefeller.
Why would anyone need to control the world? Controlling a few hundred million is a lot easier than trying to corral 8 billion. Thus the only possible conclusion from all this is that the Rockheads want you dead and gone. In the meantime, they will use the fake medical complex to keep you sick before they murder you. That way you have contributed something to them...money on your way off the planet.
Because they want to control the world's resources, chiefly energy, minerals, and precious metals. And they do.
Great post. Thank you.
"In times of war, the law falls silent."
-- Cicero
Very creepy. Echo of the beast in Revelation. But Jesus is coming. soon, I hope.
Excellent article to show someone that wants to be red pilled.
The Rockefellers, Rothschilds, oil, minerals, medicine, banks, CIA, Gladio, heroin, wars, assassinations, lies, brainwashing, Tavistock, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the hippies, false flags, 911, freemasons, the Vatican - what a heck of an octopus!
There was a pandemic in 2012? Truly, I don't remember. It certainly didn't hit my neighborhood. Didn't even read about it. No matter. I wouldn't have believed a word of it anyway.
No, there was no pandemic. "Dutch Gov't Admit Pandemic Was 'Military Psy-Op' To Prepare Public for 'Extreme Depopulation'"
"Bill Gates’ trial in Netherlands. Orchestrated as a 'military operation' under direct orders from NATO, the pandemic played out with forced vaccinations & brutal lockdowns having nothing to do with public health & everything to do with advancing a hidden agenda"
The 2009 swine flu pandemic, caused by the H1N1/swine flu/influenza virus and declared by the World Health Organization from June 2009 to August 2010;
The 2013–2016 epidemic of Ebola virus disease, centered in West Africa, was the most widespread outbreak of the disease in history.
OK, I remember the 2009 BS, but I researched the bogus Ebola. If ever a shit hole was, it was Liberia. It wasn't viral, it was chemical. Wasn't widespread at all. Unless one lived among same conditions. Rather than name it what it actually was, the worst environmental pollution known to man that made India look like Beverly Hills, they covered their ass by naming it a virus. It was never a virus nor contagious.
RFK Jr. Says Bill Gates and Fauci Will Both Be Arrested Under Trump
That's the starter and the main course, but who are we having for dessert?
I’d forgotten about the wonderful Harry Vox. Thank you for reintroducing me!
I knew about most of this information (not all), but having it in one place is fantastic!
Great article. Operation Lockstep needs to be better known! Harry Vox who I have also never heard of before does a great job of summarizing it.
Shared. Thank you.
Been going on a LONG time!