“Robert Kennedy Jr.’s book The Real Anthony Fauci hit me like a sledgehammer. I would tell anyone that would listen to stop what they were doing, put down any other book they were reading, and just read Robert’s book.”

YES!!! You perfectly captured my own eye-popping experience with this book. I also have ”Inventing the AIDS Virus” in my Audible queue and “House of Numbers” tabbed off for viewing as soon as I can (before YouTube disappears it, which is likely to happen soon given all of the new attention on AIDS/HIV).

I am currently reading “Dissolving Illusions,” which I first learned about from Anne Gibbons (https://annecantstandit.substack.com/p/eye-opener) and was motivated to bump to the top of my queue after reading this mind-detonating article (https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/the-smallpox-pandemic-response-was) that cites it extensively. I recommend adding it to your reading list pronto.

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We are on the same journey of discovery Margaret. I've got Dissolving Illusions on my desk right now. Forrest Maready pointed me to it. You would enjoy "The moth in the iron lung" if you haven't come across it already.

Yes, the smallpox piece incredible! I came across this the other day that I think you might enjoy from 1887!


Thanks for the tip about Anne Gibbons.

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It is an enthralling journey, isn’t it?

Thank you so much for the rec—that looks captivating! I purchased the audiobook and will likely listen to it next. I have read a lot about polio (e.g., David Oshinsky’s “Polio”) because my mom was a victim of the early polio vaccines. She was four when she got it and went from perfectly healthy to sickly. It is believed although not confirmed that she developed polio from the vaccine. She had to get back surgery while she was in high school and was bedridden for nearly a year. She has had serious back issues ever since, along with developing an array of autoimmune diseases, including lupus.

That 1887 reference looks fascinating—thank you!

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It is indeed.

Thanks for sharing your mother's story. She and you have actually lived through the long term consequences of vaccine injury while I've just recently arrived at the subject matter intellectually so my connection to it is abstract...and it still makes my blood boil!

I really believe that by overplaying their hand they have given birth to a mass awakening that is just getting started.

Isn't Substack amazing?!

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Despite my mother’s experience, neither of us have ever been against traditional vaccines—even though I fainted and was ill for days after getting my measles shot when I was little. I also developed a rare lung disease (hypersensitivity pneumonitis) within 48 hours of my tetanus shot a few years ago, although I didn’t put the puzzle pieces together until last year when I was beginning to question the safety of vaccines.

I am now re-evaluating my entire stance on vaccines and realize I had been brainwashed to view “anti-vaxxers” as science-deniers. Obviously, I’ve come a long way since then, although my primary focus is on the COVID vaccines as they are infinitely deadlier than all of their predecessors combined.

I agree about overplaying their hand! I said in another comment that transitioning from covert to overt tyranny will shake the middle 40% awake as they will no longer be able to deny the totalitarianism, and then we will have a critical mass awakening that will make the populace impossible to govern.

And YES to Substack being amazing!! Being a part of this community; sharing my writing; being able to speak freely; and learning from/interacting with so many brilliant, funny, loving, and thoughtful human beings has completely changed my life! I feel like I am fulfilling my deepest purpose in the company of fellow foot soldiers in the battle for freedom and truth.

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I've moved in the last 12 months. I was cynical about modern medicines already and being on the left in my 20s in Europe meant that I loitered in the sort of bookshops (say Camden Town) where I picked up the occasional tome on why I was justified to be cynical. But I didn't question vaccines proper until the last few years. Retroviruses went first, and I still don't know why a retrovirus is not a virus. Now all viruses are dead to me as they are to themselves. They literally do not exist. There's more chance of the flying spaghetti monster existing.

Anti-vaxxer though is a derogatory term. I instead laugh at vaxxers trying to explain their pseudo science to me. Because they are science deniers. Vaccine 'science' is pure crap.

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I just want to thank you for not being religious about your beliefs regarding viruses and aggressively evangelizing, attacking, and branding as heretics anyone who disagrees with you. I have not been convinced by Andrew Kaufman, Sam Bailey, and others who have presented that perspective, but I do feel Dr. Zach Bush’s arguments regarding pesticides causing cancers and some other diseases compelling and perfectly compatible with the existence of contagious diseases. I have too many questions that cannot be answered solely by terrain theory and the absence of infectious diseases, let alone germs, the immune system, autoimmune diseases, etc.

I don’t care if others hold these beliefs; I just want them to be equally tolerant of my beliefs, like you, Kyle Young, and other sensible people in your camp are. By and large, though, the people I’ve encountered on your side of the argument have been unbelievably fanatical, abusive, and even threatening, and they vilify anyone who disagrees with them. To me, they are as rabid and irrational as Covidians when they reach that level of cultlike monomania.

The worst part is this splinter group is dividing the Resistance with their fundamentalist insistence on purity of beliefs, and they are ankle-biting some of the people working hardest to end democide and tyranny.

All that to say that I appreciate your tolerance and your willingness to work together with people who don’t share your identical set of beliefs so we can focus on quashing the urgent, life-threatening totalitarianism and global mass murder.

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The description of that book kind of lets the Jennerites off, I think they invented vaccines knowing full well that they would do damage.

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Please see Alfred Wallaces’s brilliant analysis of the data ‘Vaccination a delusion’ presented to the government in 1898.

“This brief statement of the early history of vaccination has been introduced here in order to give what seems to be a probable explanation of the remarkable fact that a large portion of the medical profession accepted, as proved, that vaccination protected against a subsequent inoculation of small-pox, when in reality there was no such proof, as the subsequent history of small-pox epidemics has shown. Again and again they asked the witnesses above referred to to explain how it was possible that so many educated specialists could be thus deceived.” http://people.wku.edu/charles.smith/wallace/S536.htm



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My shorter demolition of HIV/AIDS theory with pictures https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/the-importance-of-intellectual-freedom

I found it easier to get my head around the lies of HIV than SARS as we have some distance to it. The House of Numbers are brilliant videos.

Nancy Turner Banks in her book ‘AIDS, Opium, Diamonds and Empire’ argues convincingly that the HIV/AIDS story was deliberately written to mask the effects of allowing drugs, particularly crack cocaine, into deprived Black and Hispanic areas of the US, as well as illnesses suffered by black people who were economically forced to work in dangerous, run on the cheap, dust-filled diamond mines in Africa.

Dissolving Illusions is a fantastic eye opening book.

I recommend Virus Mania by Englebrecht and Köhnlein next!


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you might also want to read AIDS Inc by Jon Rappoport or watch the movie. I was working for an AIDS nonprofit in Los Angeles in the early 90's, did a lot of research and although I did not realize Fauci's role at that time, I did come to the conclusion that HIV did not cause AIDS via Rappoport and a few other books and situations. I also learned that what was considered AIDS could be cured thru several books including a friend now in my neighborhood did (she also wrote a book).

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Thanks CelieSue...will look up the book and movie.

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great... seems I left out that AZT is a very toxic drug that was / is given to people & was/is regularly given to folks. An author interviewed survivors of AIDS years ago who all did very different treatments/protocols, macrobiotic diet, fasting, herbs, etc. one thing they had in common was they either never took AZT or took it for a very short time.

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Yes, I first heard about AZT in the Kennedy book. Unbelievable that they have managed to repackage chemo therapy and sell it all over the world!

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So much of what we believe is manufactured and it's not until we confront real life evidence that it raises doubt. My early career in Washington spanned from Watergate to Bush Sr election when I left because the corruption was more than I could stomach and take part in.

One of the adages we lived by remains as a recurring warning in my mind with every high priced solution that comes from official Washington sources and I share it widely now in current pandemic "emergency" policy and funding as well as other political priorities hoping it helps add context to claims of protecting or saving lives.

"An ounce of facade is worth a pound or substance."

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Thanks Pamela. That adage will stay with me now.

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Always my pleasure, knowledge is power that multiplies when we pass it on, lucky us! :~)

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Your newsletter deserves much wider readership than it apparently has based on "likes"! I'll be linking in another round-up.

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Thank you Monica, much appreciated :)

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Granting RFK Jr.'s heroism, his family is substantially to blame for this situation, it was they who helped create the totalitarian, unconstitutional agencies in the first place, which make such corruption inevitable. RFK Jr. does not seem to understand this, nor do most people. It is akin to the "Ring of Power" in the Lord of the Rings; the power itself is corrupting, there can be no avoiding such consequence.


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Yes, it's the inevitable end of statist/leftist/totalitarian philosophy, always aided by sinful, fallen human nature.

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I remember well when AIDS was all the fear, and I was in my early 20s. Well, I was dating a little then, and one time I freaked out that maybe I had caught it, because who knows right, so I went and got the blood test to check. I waiting anxiously for the results, and after a few days, my GP called to ask that I come in to see him. I will never forget the night drive to his surgery, all the way thinking that this was the end for me, that I had the AIDS.

When I got there, he declared that my AIDS tests was negative (phew), but that he wanted to see me personally to discuss an offer he could facilitate where I would receive $20K for a ‘pretend’ marriage to some foreigner, but I would be required to keep the truth of it a secret, and not even tell my parents (and I was still living at home at the time). This doctor was also my second cousin!! I’m happy to say I easily declined his offer!

What a can of worms has been opened in recent months in my world though, and in the world of many others, who maybe aren’t so afraid of seeking, finding, and accepting the Truth. Actually, I think I’m still working with the ‘accepting’ part of it, as more and more of the hidden deceptions and atrocities are revealed at a mind-boggling pace...

Just read what you wrote re the movie ‘Never Look Away’ - I think I will need to watch that one! Yes indeed, I prefer to know the truth and face it rather than fear it and pretend all is rosey. Interestingly as well, in the last few days the acceptance of all the new information I’ve been trying to process seems to be getting easier - grotesque in many ways for sure, but also like there is a new logic (symmetry?) to how many things are working. I’m almost excited to feel a huge veil being lifted, as I believe I have always sought the Truth, and would rather know it, whatever it reveals, as surely that would improve my awareness and discernment in my actions, which then should consequently benefit those I connect with.

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What a story Samantha with your second cousin doctor! You dodged a bullet.

But the bigger bullet dodged is the HIV test. Image it had come back positive and your second cousin had put you on AZT...now that would have been a disaster and most likely you wouldn't be with us today.

I'm glad you bumped into the Never Look Away reference...it's my favourite movie and has one of the most profound lines in it, which is the foundation of the whole movie, and that is..."everything that is true is beautiful". It took me a while to understand that line.

I watch that movie once a year.

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Yes, it does seem like I dodged a bullet! I guess they were treating with AZT here in Australia as well. Criminal! Makes me angry now as well with what I’ve come to learn recently about many vaccines - so many unnecessary toxins people have been conned into taking - but makes me most angry about the harm inflicted on children. I wish I’d known more about it all when I had my son, as I did question it a little - but better late than never, and this time at least we have dodged the bigger bullet 🙏

I have placed a bid on a ‘Never Look Away’ video, so should be watching it soon 🙂 That line, ‘Everything that is true is beautiful’, is confusing, and I’m not sure how to understand it properly yet, but I haven’t even seen the movie, so will work on it. ‘Beautiful’ is a perplexing word to describe the truth of the horrors that take place, but must be a different angle to look at it from, and I always look forward to exploring different perspectives. Good to know you have made sense of it eventually.

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Come back to me after watching the movie and we can share notes on what we think it means 😊

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As I listened to Dr. Duesberg talk about the large financial investments of the people in the HIV/AIDS world, I recalled PEPFAR. I wonder where, exactly, that money went. To whom.

"Through PEPFAR, the U.S. government has invested nearly $100 billion in the global HIV/AIDS response, the largest commitment by any nation to address a single disease in history, saving 21 million lives, preventing millions of HIV infections, and accelerating progress toward controlling the global HIV/AIDS epidemic in more than 50 countries."


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I didn't know about that. Thanks for the note. $100 billion!! for that type of money people can come to believe anything. Duesberg is really the kid that saw the emperor having no clothes. When I listen to him in the doco, sitting in his lab, and laughing at the silliness of their "theories" there really is a childlike, simple and very pure spirit to him.

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For some reason, a lot of the money got funneled through the military for it. So did a lot of breast cancer research money, for some reason - an organization made up of 85% men, 15% women, and all young. The money didn't come *to* the military; they just made the military distribute it for some reason. I was in military medicine, so I knew people who were involved in PEPFAR; that's why I knew about it.

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Read Virus Mania also and listen to the videos by Dr Sam Bailey on her website and available on Odyssey

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Excellent collection of materials!

Jon Rappoport was one of the first to publicize the fraud around AIDS.

Considering Fuxxi was involved in AZT (just like in Remdesivir recently) that also caused "AIDS" symptoms, it can be conjectured that some of the "covid" vials also include AZT


and/or the gay population is under concerted attack:


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