May 28, 2022Liked by Unbekoming

Great read. Learned a lot. Many thanks. Didn’t vote Green for the first time in 20 years and now I have even more reasons why. C19 woke me up and applied to other issues this lens of ‘science as expressed by a mortgage’ makes it all look different now. Hope and Fear - so human. We ain’t transcended yet but you’re right, all this computer modelling is leading us away from reality as lived experience. Binary thinking is bad enough but modelling makes the positions impenetrable.

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Waaaay to much detail. If you want easier versions, read Patrick Moore’s or Alex Epstein’s most recent books. Or see my substack posts: https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/107-dr-patrick-moore-founder-of-greenpeace?s=w#details

Or https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/the-pandemic-has-given-us-a-keener?s=w#details

The whole thing is a pack of lies from start to finish.

Great sperger observation about Gates. So obvious when you look for it.


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Thanks Robert for the book tips, much appreciated. I've now subscribed to your Substack.

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Is that also what makes him have no conscience? Or is that plain 'ole sociopathy?

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May 28, 2022Liked by Unbekoming

Gates et al are satan incarnate. Perhaps not literally, but at a minimum, figuratively. Pure. Fucking. Evil.

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Yep, describing the whole collective, and its spirit, that he fronts as "satanic" is apt.

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May 29, 2022·edited May 29, 2022Liked by Unbekoming

Well, I must say that I'm quite disappointed that my land along the Ohio River will not become ocean front property anytime soon. 😡🤬 😉😋

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May 28, 2022Liked by Unbekoming

Really great write up. I think you’re right about sea level rise being the lynchpin to the whole scam. It certainly drives much of the fear and is a simpler metric to explain than temperatures, etc. Its certainly valuable to point out the hypocrisy of the fear pushers buying oceanfront properties.

Of course it all resembles the covid scam very closely, being a product of the global crony capitalists by which to control resources.

And people’s resistance to facts follow a similar vein as in covid. We even have similar epithets, in “denier” to shut down dissidents.

I’m from Florida, originally, and down there we understand land subsidence well. Miami, and pretty much anything south of Lake Okeechobee is really a swamp so when you build heavy, tall structures on it you’ll get soil compaction and the land level will go down. Add in the occasional king tide and sometimes random streets that are already below sea level will flood. Cue the hysteria.

I’ve been following this scam for a long time. You’re probably already aware, due to the references you shared here, but a great site for info on climate is wattsupwiththat.com

Thanks for all you do. I really enjoy your content.

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May 28, 2022Liked by Unbekoming

All the facts about the lying (thank you 'Tony Heller'), as driver for a global tyrannical one world governance, have been exposed but the greater numbers of the public has not read or heard them. The cartoon "Facts Don't Matter" sums up this dire situation perfectly.

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Here in the Netherlands, the historical records indicate the North Sea has risen 18cm over the past 150 years. We can handle this rate of change, plumping up the dykes from time to time where needed, regardless of whatever is causing it. The climate alarmism is utter bollocks; the IPCC's own data, buried in the full report, not in the summary, don't support the "hockey stick" model, which still gets fecklessly and irresponsibly pushed in the MSM.

As for the Greens, who are now in power in various places, including the profoundly anti-democratic EU, they are an utter disaster, and leading us to economic ruin. I've just written about this on my substack: https://cbrace.substack.com/p/greens-let-em-eat-cake

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I had a look at the raw NASA figures in 2015. They showed a rather steep increase at the time with some places rising faster (Philippines, Louisiana) than other places such as (as here) Scandanavia & Scotland which have isostatic bounce due to there no longer being any ice putting downward pressure on the land there. This has been the case for a while but the land continues to rise as it recovers from several millions of years of ice pushing downward on it.

I'm not convinced from the video that Heller is even close to being correct. He uses maybes (maybe they changed where the guages were, maybe NOAA is right and NASA wrong and the most ridiculous one of all - maybe a bunch of Australian scientists pushed over a tree). Mentioning 3 Austrian scientists doesn't negate anything either, so what. Cambridge isn't on the coast either, Oxford definitely isn't, does scientists work get negated by these facts? No of course not.

I'm not going to rule out some mischief making but that mischief making is just as likely to be funded by the Homeland Institute (which denies climate change and is funded by the gas billionaires the Kochs) as it is by NASA. There's definitely the potential for both to be making up stories.

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deletedMay 28, 2022Liked by Unbekoming
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Tertiary Educated Activistic Lunatics (TEAL)

Love it! 🤣🤣

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