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The infantile solutions of Eugenicists are not new. They stem from 'Ultra Conservative' thinking going back centuries. The atavist yearning for a "Mythical" Utopian past, ignores all reality and fact.

The promoters of these ideologies have self-deluded to the point they cannot comprehend that they too will suffer.

Further more, "The Myth of scarcity" is an economic invention, rather than a fact.

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As my wife Medea remarked, at some point very soon the Iron Law of Unanticipated/Unintended Consequences is going to kick in, and kick in hard.

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Hat tip to Medea.

The hubris of "intellectuals" is long recognized.

Robert Burns: "The best laid plans of mice and men are aften gang aglea."

Ordinary people also fell into shock, when they realized that they were not exempt from the "Great Culling".....D

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In the words of another great Scotsman (Robert Louis Stevenson):

"Sooner or later, we all sit down to a banquet of consequences."

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