They insist on GMOs and glyphosate which not only are poisoning us,but are causing decreasing yields as well destroy topsoil and cause erosion in addition to strip mining fertility,while we could easily grow 10x as much food on the same amount of land ,using permaculture principles w/o strip mining fertility,while also building back our topsoil
We never talk about how much more clean drinkable water is actually available underground aka " primary water "
They seemingly hate Elon ,I'd argue for designing things like power plants that don't require any rare earths
They insist on light bulbs that don't last very long aka the Phoebus cartel
They love wars that both destroy and consume copious resources
They admit they have mothballed 5-6k patents,most around energy , supposedly for " national security" but in actuality with much more to do about the price of oil and oil company profits ntm the petrodollar
They insist on the asinine " fossil fuel " model of hydrocarbons,instead of the vastly superior model of oil being " abiotic " which means it's actually a renewable resource
As I've stated below, and many other places: 'Scarcity really is a myth', perpetrated by "Exclusionist megalomaniacs:" who self identify as being Exceptional??????
Have you noticed that 'energy availability' is the greatest extortion in our world, and how "Consumption" is regulated by the same people who seek to monopolize energy distribution?
When rooftop solar is punitively taxed, we can see that "Scarcity" was never a problem!
I would argue the plan has almost nothing to do with " resources "
These people invented planned obsolescence and marketing to convince the plebs to consume more things that we don't need
They increasingly don't believe in the " right to repair "
They ignore models of economic development/energy that would require almost no consumables
They refuse to allow more nuclear power ,much less technologies superior to nuclear power like Cold fusion/LENR
They insist on GMOs and glyphosate which not only are poisoning us,but are causing decreasing yields as well destroy topsoil and cause erosion in addition to strip mining fertility,while we could easily grow 10x as much food on the same amount of land ,using permaculture principles w/o strip mining fertility,while also building back our topsoil
We never talk about how much more clean drinkable water is actually available underground aka " primary water "
They seemingly hate Elon ,I'd argue for designing things like power plants that don't require any rare earths
They insist on light bulbs that don't last very long aka the Phoebus cartel
They love wars that both destroy and consume copious resources
They admit they have mothballed 5-6k patents,most around energy , supposedly for " national security" but in actuality with much more to do about the price of oil and oil company profits ntm the petrodollar
They insist on the asinine " fossil fuel " model of hydrocarbons,instead of the vastly superior model of oil being " abiotic " which means it's actually a renewable resource
We could use way less energy to heat our homes with things like earth sheltering, geothermal,rocket mass heaters, radiant floors
We could have produce grown locally in the winter almost anywhere
Carrying about resources is a figleaf ,meant to cover up Globalists wanting to mass cull the plebs,build skynet and a new world order
The Ultimate Resource 2
We could have basically free energy tech, permaculture, asteroid mining etc etc
As I've stated below, and many other places: 'Scarcity really is a myth', perpetrated by "Exclusionist megalomaniacs:" who self identify as being Exceptional??????
Have you noticed that 'energy availability' is the greatest extortion in our world, and how "Consumption" is regulated by the same people who seek to monopolize energy distribution?
When rooftop solar is punitively taxed, we can see that "Scarcity" was never a problem!