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I said NO to the hard-sell they were giving me to get my 7 & 11 yr old girls the HPV gardisil vax. Thank GOD for the tingling of my spidey-sense ! They’d have gotten HPV gardisil 1. It’s even worse than gardisil 9, which is what’s currently given. Both have rendered girls as young as 12 “safely & effectively” into extremely early menopause and infertility.

Then a friend’s wonderfully precocious toddler got a bunch of catch-up vax after having been out of the country a few months. On the way to the appt., their video shows her clapping and singing, being a regular Shirley Temple. Within hours after the appt., she stopped eating, smiling, clapping, singing, making eye contact, couldn’t poop, harmed herself by bashing her head on her crib, never again made eye contact, never cuddled, barely slept 3 hours a night, rushed to ER 3-4 times, was mainly “hand waved” regarding whether hers was a vax injury. A kindly, wise nurse pulled them aside and declared it an absolute vax injury. The darling little girl died 3 weeks later, having basically screamed herself to death with the “DTaP Scream” for the final weeks of her little life.

I don’t know how the vax program has been perpetuated all this time. I DO know that nations which have cut down on childhood vax have seen less SIDS, fewer cases of autism and better health in general of their children. The US spends far more per capita than anyone yet our health, even the babies and toddlers, is worse than many far poorer nations.

HOW do they get away with it???

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Hard to read.

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It WAS hard to read, both grammatically and because of the horrible situation. I fixed the grammar. I so wish I could fix the vaccine situation.

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Japan doesn't mandate kill shots. Any. SIDS doesn't happen there; it's not "fewer cases."

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