Look into Jordan Ps "ARC" international globopolitico group, then I think his apparent "naivete" will make perfect sense.

Re Michael F. He has been held up as an "enlightened" icon of the liberal left. If you didn't agree, you were an illiterate, crass working neophyte. πŸ€”πŸ€¨πŸ˜‘πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈHe found fame through his exploration (exploitation) of sexual identity, his real obsession was only about exploring power.I nearly threw up when I came a cross his disturbing recollection of the boys in Tunisa. It was less the sexual aspects, more the disgusting joy he took in knowing that it was purely a product of poverty and not choice.

Re the appropriation of health as an extension of marxism- yep. The term "wellth" has been bandied about in various industries for about 20+ years now. A term used to describe the future of society class, where those that have health, are the privilege class, able to access everything in preference to the sub classes.πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€¨πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜

Fast forward to today where disabilities are at an all time high, at the same time all cause mortality is skyrocketing.πŸ€”πŸ€” isn't that just convenient for all those who make money off of sickness...🀨

Another awesome pieceπŸ‘πŸ‘ always a pleasure reading your work. πŸŽ©πŸŽ©πŸ€—

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Thank you. I'll check out the ARC project.

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Great synthesis of the various threads. Much food for thought.

BLUF: Old corked wine; new shiny bottle.

They have been at war with us since before we were born.

Attacking the family. Attacking religion. Though that latter is neck deep in the Agenda.

Eroding freedoms. Dulling minds. Destroying trust.

One long arc of history. Arguably, uninterrupted as they have gone from strength to strength.

Question is: With a Juggernaut so empowered and moving so swiftly now, how does one defeat it before the looming cliff?

How do we vote their Voice into the dustbin of history, when it is - per Stalin - those who count the votes who count, NOT those who vote? Even then, look at the recent Swiss numbers, the prisoners are voting to remain in jail.

Too many threads; too many attack vectors. With too much momentum. The culminating point is too near.

And they have already come for the children.


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Keep calling it out, say it's name, over and over again. It's like the old joke: Q: How do you eat an elephant? A: One bite at a time.

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As much as I get out of your articles, I get even more from the commentary between the readers.

Thank you all.

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Summery of this post: Make Western Civilisation Great Again.

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"I’d like to come back to this article in 10 years and see what I think about it (assuming Substack didn’t sell out)."

And assuming free speech on the internet is still allowed.

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Jun 25, 2023
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Once "they" determine the lines of communication once used to control information and people are no longer needed, we may cease to exist.

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Jun 25, 2023
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it's good to see you providing some levity today

why can angels fly?

because they take themselves lightly

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Is Lindsay aware that Mao was backed by Yale Skull-and-Bones guys?

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Jun 25, 2023
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CLIMATE will guide you πŸ™‚


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Thanks, great doco!

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Thank you for another excellent write up demonstrating how all the madness is connected.

James Roguski today posted a warning to his readers agreeing with what you show us here today: that the new agreements being worked out at the WHO are (obviously) not about health but to enrich the oligarchs with crony capitalism.


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*Thank you* for doing this! I've listened to that speech over and over, many times, trying to absorb it so well that I can recapitulate it, but I do much better by reading than by listening.

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I think it was this substack that that introduced me to Contemplations on the Tree of Woe, this ties in with what you are explaining https://treeofwoe.substack.com/p/practical-idealism

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