Many Migraine and Cluster headaches are stopped by Vitamin D, Magnesium, Omega-3, Zinc, etc.

44 studies at https://vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=3437

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Another perspective:

I saw a health documentary where they filmed a migraine. I don’t know how they did that. But the brain lit up like Christmas tree lights and it moved like a storm across a city. According to this theory, Migraines are electrical storms in the brain.

Our body electricity is wrong. How do you fix it? Call in an electrician.

Electrolytes govern hydration and body electricity. I think most of us are deficient in electrolytes and other minerals because of very wrong farming methods. As Jane points out, we are salt deficient. We need Celtic Sea salt or other similar salt which has 65-85 minerals. Regular table salt has sodium and chloride along with aluminum and fake Iodine. It is toxic. We’re also deficient in Iodine, magnesium and potassium. Man-made EMFs displace calcium and potassium. (Martin Pall)

Reverse osmosis water, which many of us drink, takes out the toxic stuff, but RO also removes minerals and alters the electrical potential. When we guzzle down liters of water without adding minerals, it is a formula for disaster.

Additionally, we are inundated with aluminum and other metals which replace necessary minerals and cause things to go wrong.

Our heads must be on straight – literally. The cranial bones must be in alignment. If they are not, nothing works quite right. This is sometimes called the “bowling ball syndrome.”

Nerve supply is compromised. Nerves and muscles are pinched or pulled. Nerves misfire. Everything is compromised. Communication is wrong. There is pain.

I think of nerves like electrical wires.

Anyone remember the olden days when we had … wires? Wires needed to be the correct metal so we got great stereo sound. Remember? 😊 And the wires had to be straight, parallel, not kinked or smashed! Wires had insulation. What is the myelin sheath made of? Where does vitamin E come in? What about fatty acids?

The tendons and ligaments in the neck may be lax and literally not hold the head up right. This is called Upper cervical Instability. I call it floppy neck syndrome. Serious as well as minor accidents cause misalignment. Then the electricity isn’t right. My niece developed Grave’s disease after being rear ended at a stop light. Head injury causes repercussions in the gut. The gut becomes leaky within hours of a head injury.

Cell phones and tablets (text neck) make this worse.

Upper Cervical Chiropractic and Craniosacral Therapy or Myofascial Release Therapy or similar therapies put the head on straight, and the nervous system calms down and works better. It stops over firing. The vagus nerve is balanced. Communication is restored.

Aligning the neck and cranial bones is helpful with conditions like ALS, Alzheimer’s, Autism, and Parkinson’s.

… Then there’s wireless! Our remote controls can turn the TV off or on, change channels, adjust the volume all from across the room. How does it do that? My son bought me a little robomop. He can run it from anywhere. My sister-in-law was on a trip across the world, and she could see who was at her front door from her cell phone. How is this possible?

What do you suppose wireless can do to our brains? Can it turn our brains off or on? Do you suppose wireless can scramble brain waves? Do you suppose it can cause electrical dysfunction? Do you suppose it could cause migraines?

Smart meters are essentially directed energy weapons. Where is your smart meter located?

I think too many people are unaware of the importance of electromagnetic fields and how they affect us. What you can’t see or feel can cause great harm. Two problems are indoor lighting and dirty electricity. LEDS and all fluorescent lights should be avoided. Use Incandescent or halogen lighting only. Clean up the dirty electricity with Stetzer or Green Wave filters. Even plasma TVs are problematic. LEDs and computer blue lights damage the brain and nervous system as well as vision. EMFs exacerbate neurodegenerative conditions. Prof. Magda Havas has excellent videos on YouTube showing how damaging EMFs are and how cleaning up the environment improves neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson’s and Multiple Sclerosis.

… This is from my personal experience having migraines, cluster headaches, and pressure headaches much of my life through several accidents that misaligned my neck and cranial bones causing non-relenting head and jaw pain for a long time. My whole body was a migraine! This was “fixed” through Upper cervical chiropractic and craniosacral therapy as well as a few dozen other things.

Now, I’m using DMSO to try to heal the neck and jaw area. It is helping.

I do have occasional migraine auras without the headache. They come with stress and eye strain. They last twenty minutes and then they’re gone.

Green Light for migraines and for other pain:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1JRftuuCD0 There are many other videos on green light.

Some general info:

I realize not all headaches are migraines. Migraines are electrical.

Headaches are calmed with water, electrolytes, Essential oils, magnets, green light, and Reflexology.

Essential oils are frequency medicine. Essential oils such as Frankincense, cedar, peppermint, rosemary, cinnamon, and cloves are anti-inflammatory and anti-pain. They must be true oils and not synthetic. Peppermint is supposed to have the best frequency for the brain. I have found that cedar oil works well for nerve pain. Lemongrass is especially soothing and a mood uplifter.

Magnets: Usually, the north side of the magnet is put against the body. This adjusts pH. It corrects the electromagnetic field, brings more hydrogen to the area, decreases pain and increases healing. Magnets also affect water. At least, that’s what the books say. I use magnets often, and I magnetize my drinking water. I believe magnets structure water. We are mostly water.

The toes refer to the head, brain, eyes, and ears. Just massaging the feet brings some relief.

I apologize for the length of this. It's a subject I'm passionate about. Too many people are in too much pain. There are answers.

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WOW! Thank you.

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I am glad you brought up the essential oils, but green light? I would have thought red light would be the choice, can you explain this to me. I read about that decades ago, and no longer have the books.

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Look at the rainbow. Do you see only red? Look towards the sun. How many colors are there in sunlight?

We need all the colors. We need all the frequencies. We are Light and Color deficient.

Red is the color of blood. It is a stimulating color. Red corresponds to the musical note G. Green corresponds to the musical note C. Green is the center of the color spectrum. It is a balancing color. It is the color of vegetation. Green foods are high in magnesium. People who spend no time in nature, or who don’t eat green foods are deficient in the frequencies green provides.

Our bodies are powered by Light. When beings die, the Light withdraws. This has been filmed in both plants and humans. (Kirlian photography.)

Research green light and pain on YouTube or elsewhere. When it comes to color and light devices, incandescent bulbs are best. Most devices use LED light. LEDs aren’t the best choice.

The people on the site Timothy referred to are extraordinary in their knowledge and practices. You might be interested in John Stuart Reid and Cymatics. Sound organizes matter. Our bodies are musical instruments. The spine is a keyboard. Play it. We can tune or tone our bodies with just the solfeggio notes. Use tuning forks, a musical instrument, or just sing or hum. Sound and Light.

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Lifelong migraine sufferer.

Headaches are only one part of my symptoms and often not the worst.

Too often people conflate headache with migraine as he says...

Migraines can present without headache.

For some people it can be visual disturbances, vertigo, abdominal pain, and a whole slew of other neurological symptoms...

One question I would have is what to do if two common migraine therapies, vitamin D and riboflavin both give me headache?

I have had more luck with fish oil...

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A classic example of dehydration is a HEADACHE. This includes migraines.

Women need more salt than men because they are built to carry more fluid. Women are fluid-full or beauti-full.

Women also loose fluid regularly when fertile. Salt is needed to onboard water to replace blood lost. Salt is the lead in the dance of dehydration. Salt leads water follows.

Hyponatremia or low salt is an emergency. All emergencies are managed by the adrenals. All the adrenocorticol hormones are produced. This has repercussions for the thyroid.

Chronic dehydration from salt restriction causes the hormones to act chaotically because the adrenals are running the show. Adrenal fatigue/exhaustion is the real name of chronic fatigue, caused by salt restriction.

Salt turns off the adrenals because it brings hydration. Rest and recovery can now occur.

Our physiology is amazing, the more one studies it the more amazing it becomes. The design is robust. It doesn’t require the expense of pHARMa pills or vitamins.

It requires hydration. Every part of our physiology requires moisture. Salt brings the moisture.

Experiment: carry a natural salt baggie, at the slightest sign of stress, dryness and or pressure in the head, put a pinch of salt under your tongue, let it melt, take a swig of water. Notice how you feel in a few minutes.

Read my article: how does salt restriction lead to heart dis-ease and fear based reactionary thinking?

I explain the adrenal - dehydration connection and I explain we must stay hydrated. We do this in a dynamic way. We monitor symptoms of dehydration or low salt and remedy with salt plus water.

Some signs of dehydration:

Dryness, cough, colds, flu, dizzy on rising, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, cramping and ticks and restless legs, fatigue, muscle weakness, slow reflexes- clumsiness, increases heart rate, confusion, foggy thinking, forgetfulness, not sleeping, anxiety for no good cause, irritability, mole hills becoming mountains, panic attacks, seizures

Notice the range of symptoms low salt or the salt restriction directives can bring.

Become friends with natural salt and reclaim your healing abilities.

Click on my blue icon to read my notes and articles.

Salt plus water is the missing information we need to understand and manage health. Yes, it really is this simple.

Salt is the elixir of life we have been searching for. Read and ponder, then become your own experiment. Befriend salt and notice, calmness returns.

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Great article, brought back memories. Thirty years ago, in a Thai restaurant I ordered a salad. In that salad were black walnuts. I still can't forget those walnuts and nothing here in the US comes close. Like looking thru a filthy window, seeing nothing, then cleaning that window and seeing clarity. Delicious beyond belief. Left Thailand and never ate walnuts again, why bother?

Years later my homeopath did a Food Sensitivity Panel on me to find the root cause of my unknown anaphylactic struggles. Walnuts and grapes came up. I never understood that because those 2 foods I hadn't eaten my entire life except for one time, decades earlier. Needless to say, I never popped a walnut or grape since that test but curiosity got me to thinking about the ingredients in those foods, showing up in other foods, unbeknownst to me.

Thinking back, before my sensitivity test, wine gave me a skullbuster headache. Curiously, German wines, never Sicilian wine. I stopped drinking wine altogether. When I found out what canola oil was I started using natural oils, walnut oil being one. Big mistake. Although walnut oil is not in our food supply, too expensive, I believe that one experience of eating a perfect walnut put me over the edge. Like my son. He's not allergic to shrimp. He's allergic to the mercury in the shrimp. Children aren't allergic to peanut butter. They've been pumped with so much peanut oil used in vaccines that the first time they have peanut butter is usually the last time. That's the correlation I have come to understand and believe. Right or wrong, don't know.

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I am in my mid 70's (male) and have never had a migraine. In fact, I may get only one or two headaches a year and none are very severe. I would suspect that like with most "ills" this is caused by food. What we eat is of paramount importance and over time people become susceptible to illnesses due to this factor. Eating wrong things over long periods does not help the body function well. We are not born with having headaches. There is no one-size-fits-all.

..."Why can’t doctors cure migraines"...for the same reason doctors can't cure much of anything. They are mainly endless testing, procedures and drug pushers, not healers.

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I appreciated this interview with Dr. Baker. His discussion of triggers and root causes is an essential concept that has been missing in mainstream medicine. As a practicing clinician, these ideas are excellent foundational ideas to work with many chronic illnesses. Our healthcare system could be radically improved by train ing the next generation of physicians to think as Dr. Baker does.

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I cured a migraine the other day by putting one of my structuring disks on my head (temple)!


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What is a structuring disk?

Those are remarkable people on that site.

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Top secret, but it works.

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Very interesting. Would love to know more.

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It's complicated. Suffice it to say, water, when placed on these discs, alters it's absorption spectra of infra red light indicating a quantulelectrodynamic shift in its behavior which we believe has biological relevance. The quantum electrodynamics theory of water put forward by Del Giudice and colleagues provides a useful foundation for a new science of water for life. The interaction of light with liquid water generates quantum coherent domains in which the water molecules oscillate between the ground state and an excited state close to the ionizing potential of water. This produces a plasma of almost free electrons favoring redox reactions, the basis of energy metabolism in living organisms. Coherent domains stabilized by surfaces, such as membranes and macromolecules, provide the excited interfacial water that enables photosynthesis to take place, on which most of life on Earth depends. Excited water is the source of superconducting protons for rapid intercommunication within the body. Coherent domains can also trap electromagnetic frequencies from the environment to orchestrate and activate specific biochemical reactions through resonance, a mechanism for the most precise regulation of gene function.

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I totally understand the excited water factor. This is so amazing. When will your disc be available to purchase? Or is it already? I am all about anything that is a solution without chemicals (synthetic). We are all natural chemicals I suppose. Thank you for explaining.

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Send me a private message.

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Hmm, again. Complicated! Fascinating. :)

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Most headaches will go away when people stop consuming caffeine, alcohol and other poisons as if they were food. I never had headaches until the increases in radiation exposure were imposed on me.

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Caffeine actually reduces headaches... I can stop one if I catch it early enough with coffee, aspirin and homeopathy.

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Sounds like you are having withdrawal from caffeine headaches. better to take Coffee Cruda or Tosta and get off the caffeine cycle. It can cause anxiety and panic attacks along with numerous other health issues. It depletes your body of minerals which then has a cascading effect on all systems in the body.

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If you can process the caffeine. i cannot to that soo. Not everyone.

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Hey. did he consider raw glandulars and accompanying herbs to supports hormone balance?

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