61 years old. My childrend were born 1993, 1995 and a wee little very pre-term girl in 2007, 1.2 kgs. No-one was every vaxxed with anything. All of them are very healthy, hardly ever sick. Don't believe the vax bullshit. Hold the line.
61 years old. My childrend were born 1993, 1995 and a wee little very pre-term girl in 2007, 1.2 kgs. No-one was every vaxxed with anything. All of them are very healthy, hardly ever sick. Don't believe the vax bullshit. Hold the line.
61 years old. My childrend were born 1993, 1995 and a wee little very pre-term girl in 2007, 1.2 kgs. No-one was every vaxxed with anything. All of them are very healthy, hardly ever sick. Don't believe the vax bullshit. Hold the line.