☙ How do we shed these psychopaths who are hell bent on destroying everything; locking us up, poisoning us, killing us; who — in a sane society — should never have survived the playgrounds of childhood and who will never stop ?
❧ I wonder who ever spent time talking about Wuhan when we all must have know the nitty gritty of it was it was an in-house op ?
There are plenty — by now innumerable — malefactors participants in this murderous world destroying operation. We all honestly know this fact. The difficulty … the only remaining questions are who is not in on it and who can help stop it. There isn’t much time left is there ! All the rest of the noise is part of the problem/the operation: lab rats rustling in their box.
The Fifth Risk came first. He had sold out to - or been captured by - the deep state before the Premonition. I can’t stomach even his earlier books now.
I have a similar reaction to yours when it comes to this writer— and a number of other people whom I once admired as unusually gifted in their ability to perceive and communicate things. With covid, it really was so peculiar, almost as if a switch in peoples' brains had been flipped and some sort of perceptual iron curtain locked into place.
Yep. But we already saw indications of that switch pre-Covid. It was those who were reporting early and often media talking points on social media. They felt this need to virtue signal and spread the news, which amounted to hills of propaganda. Whatever the issue of the day was, they were the first to trumpet it. For those of us not getting inebriated on mainstream media we watched with concern over the rhetoric and ridiculous arguments supporting their narrative talking points.
Ditto. Another guy pushing the narrative is David Quammen, with his earlier book Spillover setting the fear of "zoonosis" or species crossover of viruses from animals to humans, a further tome on Ebola, and 2022's Breathless about the "deadly" Covid virus itself. Another oddity is Karl Taro Greenfield who somehow went from being an Asian American backpacker on Koh Phang-gan to Hong Kong editor of the Times New Asia where he penned a 2006 book called The China Syndrome about the so-called SARS "epidemic" in 2003. I well remember the overblown hoopla about SARS at the time, being a bit of an Asia hand myself. Evidence Covid was planned a long way in advance. Then there was MERS and others.
The CIA-Tavistock nexus certainly cover all the bases:).
I just couldn't finish reading this article. How embarrassing for all people to have actually fallen for this in-your-face, watching as this was going down, insanity and all giving in to it. Same with the JFK, RFK, MLK, and Malcolm X murders, 9/11, Covid/climate change, vaccines are safe, 6 million died, Russia Russia Russia, Iran/China, trans culture horse shit which displayed in living color the abject obtuse stupidity of the majority of human beings who believe the MSM lies. Who needs enemies with a gov't that's bleeding us dry, killing us softly. My God, this is an insane asylum.
I still am a huge Stephen King fan, but I definitely separate the man and his political views from his fiction writing. It is not easy with the book "Holly" which I have been reading on Audible. "Holly" is rife with Covid propaganda. I propose it will not and has not aged well. All of the concerns over testing and masking are recited like the catechisms of a cult.
Without the propaganda and the imposed counter-measures, we would not have noticed anything going on. You can murder a lot of people with un-thinking medical staff and protocol.
RNA virus cannot pandemic. It can be transcribed to DNA and manufactured fast and cheap.
Michael Lewis, for the most part, is an excellent storyteller. I didn't think Liar's Poker was all that great, but it was well paced and reasonably well written. And it had several memorable parts: Herman the German and "Some people are just born to be customers" [spoken while dumping some poor investment on some trusting client].
He hit his stride in Moneyball and The Big Short (I recall a sadly pathetic book he wrote about himself--he is much better at shooting spitballs at others than telling his own domestic (yawn, meh) story. Both the books and the movies are great.
But with the pandemic he used his storytelling tricks to propagandize. As with the CDC, actions taken during the scamdemic have permanently damaged his brand.
Conservatives need to defend Matt Gaetz from the ridiculous allegations Democrats are dredging up against him.
The claims against Gaetz are but another information operation, however, mirroring the ones that previously targeted Donald Trump and Brett Kavanaugh. And this pattern will continue unabated unless Americans unflinchingly condemn the tactic — no matter the target.
We should have learned this lesson from Donald Trump’s first presidential run and time in office. From Crossfire Hurricane, to the pee-tape dossier, to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, unsupported and unbelievable accusations leaked to the public hampered Trump’s ability to advance his agenda. Time and again the charges proved unfounded, and yet in advance of the 2024 election, the lawfare continued. The country, however, had wised up by then and recognized the various criminal and civil charges leveled against Trump for what they were: an effort to interfere in the election.
Scientist manipulated Colo drinking water tests for years before coverup ensued
A government scientist in the Polis administration is accused of intentionally reporting inaccurate testing data pertaining to certain metals in the state’s drinking water since 2020.
But not to worry, state officials assure Denver news outlets in a written statement.
Only smaller systems in about 3% of Colorado’s drinking water systems were affected.
So, if you are in that 3%, it may or may not suck to be you. More on that in a minute.
The chemist was busted for manipulating data that impacted thousands of water samples back in December, but a “culture of fear” delayed any response to the problem, Denver 7 News reports.
The public was never informed, and neither were the water districts, until (checks calendar) almost a year later.
"I don’t know anyone better that Lewis when it comes to investigative journalism/storytelling.
And then he wrote The Premonition, and I lost my favorite author.
Lewis become a State Propagandist. I can’t even look at the guy now, he still invokes a visceral reaction in me."
I had the same experience at the same time.
☙ How do we shed these psychopaths who are hell bent on destroying everything; locking us up, poisoning us, killing us; who — in a sane society — should never have survived the playgrounds of childhood and who will never stop ?
❧ I wonder who ever spent time talking about Wuhan when we all must have know the nitty gritty of it was it was an in-house op ?
wuhan is not irrelevant. it may even be that the chinese are partners
"maybe" ?
There are plenty — by now innumerable — malefactors participants in this murderous world destroying operation. We all honestly know this fact. The difficulty … the only remaining questions are who is not in on it and who can help stop it. There isn’t much time left is there ! All the rest of the noise is part of the problem/the operation: lab rats rustling in their box.
The Fifth Risk came first. He had sold out to - or been captured by - the deep state before the Premonition. I can’t stomach even his earlier books now.
“as a regular doctor who surprisingly found himself in national security meetings”
Yeah, I hate it when that happens. The other day, just out of the blue, NASA called me and wanted my advice on a new space probe. Weird.
I have a similar reaction to yours when it comes to this writer— and a number of other people whom I once admired as unusually gifted in their ability to perceive and communicate things. With covid, it really was so peculiar, almost as if a switch in peoples' brains had been flipped and some sort of perceptual iron curtain locked into place.
Yep. But we already saw indications of that switch pre-Covid. It was those who were reporting early and often media talking points on social media. They felt this need to virtue signal and spread the news, which amounted to hills of propaganda. Whatever the issue of the day was, they were the first to trumpet it. For those of us not getting inebriated on mainstream media we watched with concern over the rhetoric and ridiculous arguments supporting their narrative talking points.
I agree. The fashionable virtue signalling was getting dialed up way high in 2018, 2019.
Yes it did, and 2020 was a chance not only to spout it, but to invite others to participate in it.
Ditto. Another guy pushing the narrative is David Quammen, with his earlier book Spillover setting the fear of "zoonosis" or species crossover of viruses from animals to humans, a further tome on Ebola, and 2022's Breathless about the "deadly" Covid virus itself. Another oddity is Karl Taro Greenfield who somehow went from being an Asian American backpacker on Koh Phang-gan to Hong Kong editor of the Times New Asia where he penned a 2006 book called The China Syndrome about the so-called SARS "epidemic" in 2003. I well remember the overblown hoopla about SARS at the time, being a bit of an Asia hand myself. Evidence Covid was planned a long way in advance. Then there was MERS and others.
The CIA-Tavistock nexus certainly cover all the bases:).
I just couldn't finish reading this article. How embarrassing for all people to have actually fallen for this in-your-face, watching as this was going down, insanity and all giving in to it. Same with the JFK, RFK, MLK, and Malcolm X murders, 9/11, Covid/climate change, vaccines are safe, 6 million died, Russia Russia Russia, Iran/China, trans culture horse shit which displayed in living color the abject obtuse stupidity of the majority of human beings who believe the MSM lies. Who needs enemies with a gov't that's bleeding us dry, killing us softly. My God, this is an insane asylum.
I still am a huge Stephen King fan, but I definitely separate the man and his political views from his fiction writing. It is not easy with the book "Holly" which I have been reading on Audible. "Holly" is rife with Covid propaganda. I propose it will not and has not aged well. All of the concerns over testing and masking are recited like the catechisms of a cult.
Without the propaganda and the imposed counter-measures, we would not have noticed anything going on. You can murder a lot of people with un-thinking medical staff and protocol.
RNA virus cannot pandemic. It can be transcribed to DNA and manufactured fast and cheap.
some of your most important work.
I think people would be shocked to know just how far and wide this went.
Okay but first I’d really love to know what your prompt was for this posts cover art
Michael Lewis, for the most part, is an excellent storyteller. I didn't think Liar's Poker was all that great, but it was well paced and reasonably well written. And it had several memorable parts: Herman the German and "Some people are just born to be customers" [spoken while dumping some poor investment on some trusting client].
He hit his stride in Moneyball and The Big Short (I recall a sadly pathetic book he wrote about himself--he is much better at shooting spitballs at others than telling his own domestic (yawn, meh) story. Both the books and the movies are great.
But with the pandemic he used his storytelling tricks to propagandize. As with the CDC, actions taken during the scamdemic have permanently damaged his brand.
That’s how I feel about listening to Celine Dion and Barbara Streisand. I used to adore them and played their music endlessly. No chance I can now.
I've thrown away some records of other musicians and I've lost a lot of peoples' phone numbers.
Republicans Need To Defend Gaetz To Stop Dems' Political Games
Conservatives need to defend Matt Gaetz from the ridiculous allegations Democrats are dredging up against him.
The claims against Gaetz are but another information operation, however, mirroring the ones that previously targeted Donald Trump and Brett Kavanaugh. And this pattern will continue unabated unless Americans unflinchingly condemn the tactic — no matter the target.
We should have learned this lesson from Donald Trump’s first presidential run and time in office. From Crossfire Hurricane, to the pee-tape dossier, to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, unsupported and unbelievable accusations leaked to the public hampered Trump’s ability to advance his agenda. Time and again the charges proved unfounded, and yet in advance of the 2024 election, the lawfare continued. The country, however, had wised up by then and recognized the various criminal and civil charges leveled against Trump for what they were: an effort to interfere in the election.
Scientist manipulated Colo drinking water tests for years before coverup ensued
A government scientist in the Polis administration is accused of intentionally reporting inaccurate testing data pertaining to certain metals in the state’s drinking water since 2020.
But not to worry, state officials assure Denver news outlets in a written statement.
Only smaller systems in about 3% of Colorado’s drinking water systems were affected.
So, if you are in that 3%, it may or may not suck to be you. More on that in a minute.
The chemist was busted for manipulating data that impacted thousands of water samples back in December, but a “culture of fear” delayed any response to the problem, Denver 7 News reports.
The public was never informed, and neither were the water districts, until (checks calendar) almost a year later.