Metanoia is a term that originates from Greek, where "meta" means change and "noia" means mind, meaning "a change of mind" or "a change of heart." It is often used in a religious or spiritual context to signify a profound transformation in one's way of life, usually involving a shift towards a more spiritual or ethical existence.
Toney Brooks recently subscribed to my Substack and in his profile he’d written:
"Metaphysician and author; former War News Editor, American Forces Vietnam Network, Saigon; former president Sandusky Newspapers Radio Division."
The first thing I thought was “interesting guy, might be worth interviewing.”
As you will see from the interview, my initial impression was an absolute understatement, as we cover:
Career Journey: From War News Editor to metaphysician and author.
Spiritual Awakenings: Experiences in Medjugorje and Cornwall leading to profound personal change.
Cultural Shifts: Reflections on societal changes witnessed over the decades.
Advice to Younger Self: Caution against trusting politicians and mainstream media.
Chrysalis Tarot: Inspiration and differentiation from traditional tarot decks.
Akashic Field Theory: Scientific explanation behind tarot and spiritual connectivity.
Spiritual Practices: Role of Chrysalis Tarot in fostering self-awareness and spiritual growth.
Aquarian Paradigm: Discussion on the transition to a new societal paradigm.
Ethical AI: Considerations for aligning AI development with human values.
Marian Apparitions: Insights into the spiritual and historical significance of Marian apparitions.
There are so many interesting threads and things to learn in this exchange. Something for everyone.
With thanks to Toney Brooks, PhD.
Personal Story and Key Moments
1. Reflecting on your diverse career journey from a War News Editor in Saigon to a metaphysician and author, what have been the pivotal moments that shaped your path?
I can recall two pivotal moments, and both were spiritual awakenings. The first occurred in 1988 when a friend informed me of a group of journalists who would accompany Martin Sheen and a film crew on an overseas trip to a small village in the then Yugoslavia called Medjugorje. The reason for the journey was to document Marian apparitions that had been occurring there since 1981. The occasion was the seventh anniversary of the first apparition. Fifteen thousand people from all over the world were there. Since 1981, over 40 million have visited Medjugorje.
Our trip quickly became more of a spiritual pilgrimage than a secular journey, a fact that caught me totally unprepared; I hadn't been motivated to go because of religious fervor but rather out of curiosity. The trip changed my life's path; every other experience pales in comparison.
On the tour bus from Dubrovnik, Croatia, to Medjugorje, one lady's rosary turned a golden color. Stories were shared of other miraculous phenomena in Medjugorje by those making a return visit. I personally witnessed inexplicable events. However, the real story of Medjugorje was not so much the presumed supernatural activity, but the way hearts were being changed. In spiritual terms, it's called "metanoia" - adopting a totally new way of seeing things.
The second life-changing event involved my moving from Colorado to Cornwall, England in the late 90s to research and write a booklet on the prophesied return of King Arthur, "Rex quondam, rexque futurus," - our once and future king - which Thomas Malory wrote about. Making sense of Arthurian legend is a tall order. The spiritual lesson is that it is not so much the factual account but the mythical account that's important. What does the "future king" prophecy mean?
The concept of the 'eternal return' (Eliade) suggests that certain archetypal figures—like Arthur—transcend linear time, appearing whenever their presence is needed. With regard to King Arthur, who was not a historical figure, the eternal return points to what's called the Arthurian Cycle. Arthur's eventual return signifies a time when Britain will need him most—when the land faces peril, chaos, or a lack of true leadership. My book predicts this will occur around now.
2. At 80 years old, you've witnessed and participated in significant historical, cultural, and spiritual shifts. How have these experiences influenced your personal beliefs and professional endeavors?
There was a huge cultural shift in the 60's propelled by opposition to the Vietnam War. I was in Vietnam at the time of the peak American military presence - around 550,000 troops. Of course, that shift also pales in comparison to the dismantling of Ameria and Western Civilization we're witnessing today. We are living through a major paradigm shift - a type of 'civilizational metanoia' in which new worldviews are formulated and tested. It's impossible for anyone to articulate this emergent worldview today. We have to live through the change, which is both exciting and terrifying.
3. Looking back, what advice would you give to your younger self at the start of your career, especially considering the unusual and interesting life you've led?
Don't trust Washington politicians or the mainstream media. I would date this postcard advice to my younger self -- November 1963. That's roughly the time the media and many American institutions were captured by the Military Industrial Censorship Complex. I view the assassination of President Kennedy as a coup by the very Military Industrial Complex that President Eisenhower presciently warned us about in his farewell address in 1961.
Chrysalis Tarot Co-Creation
4. What inspired you to co-create Chrysalis Tarot, and how does the deck differentiate itself from traditional tarot decks in terms of design and utility?
I became online friends with an artist, Holly Sierra, on MySpace around 2008. One day, she asked if I would be interested in helping her create a tarot deck, one of her life's goals. At the time, I was reasonably familiar with tarot and psychic phenomena. I trace that familiarity back to my childhood: my great aunt was psychic. I recall telling Holly that I would be interested only if our efforts steered clear of woo-woo fortune-telling and such New Age fiddle-faddle.
Consequently, Chrysalis is entirely different from other tarot decks. We remained true to the spiritual dignity of tarot, which is to increase self-awareness and engender personal spiritual growth. My ability to contribute to Holly's dream could not have happened had I not lived in Cornwall and written a book about the return of King Arthur. The myth of the "Eternal Return," attributed to Mircea Eliade, is expressed in tarot as the "Hero's Journey," as articulated by Joseph Campbell. In fact, one of the Chrysalis archetypes is Ariadne. In Celtic mythology, she is the guardian of the gates of time. Curiously, I took a serendipitous journey to the Island of Cyprus for no particular reason, or so I thought. It turns out that Ariadne is also a Grecian mother goddess archetype. I, again serendipitously, found her tomb on Cyprus. That trip represents a third pivotal moment that did not occur to me when we began the interview. On the 'Goose Bump' meter, my trip to Cyprus, which I now regard as a pilgrimage like Cornwall and Medjugorje, wins hands down.
5. The Chrysalis Tarot has been recognized for its innovative approach to spiritual growth. Can you elaborate on the scientific explanation behind how tarot works, as explored in the Chrysalis Tarot Companion Book?
My theory is complex. Boiled down, it postulates that there exists a cosmic record of information called the Akashic Field and that we are able to communicate with it. A bit of information has an equivalence with energy, just as matter does. Information has mass, and although science presently lacks the means to measure how much mass, it's estimated to be around 3x10^-38. That's a decimal point followed by 37 zeroes and then a 3 - very tiny!
This Akashic Field or record includes what C.G. Jung termed humanity's "collective unconscious," which has 'information nodes' known as archetypes, like Ariadne. These archetypes are represented primarily by the Major Arcana cards in tarot. It's important that these archetypes are culturally relevant, so a new schema had to be developed. That new schema became Chrysalis, an updated version of tarot, published by U.S. Games Systems. Chrysalis won Deck of the Year honors in 2014. The first printing sold out in weeks, and U.S. Games had to fly part of our second printing from China to the U.S. to meet the demand.
Human communication with the Akashic Field is explained in part by the theory of panpsychism - the idea that consciousness exists throughout the universe and is the Ground of All Being. Our mental states and thoughts create vibrational patterns that "resonate" with the Akashic Field. As Nikola Tesla said, "If you wish to understand the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." I believe my openness to the Akashic Field's flow of information accounts for my trips to Medjugorje, Cornwall, and Cyprus. None was intellectualized beforehand. It wasn't fate, but destiny. Jung draws a distinction: fate is contrary to free will and therefore does not exist. Destiny, on the other hand, is explained by Jung as something like being born with a psyche that's a photographic negative - blurry and indistinct. Through a process he calls 'individuation,' we have the means to transform ourselves into a color photograph - or not. That's destiny. It involves choices, falling down and getting up again. And most importantly, in my opinion, being open to inspiration and trusting our intuition.
6. How do you envision the role of Chrysalis Tarot in contemporary spiritual practices, especially considering the growing interest in metaphysics and personal transformation?
Tarot in general, and Chrysalis in particular, is one of many modalities that can foster spiritual growth. Others include meditation, yoga, mindfulness, breathwork, etc. Chrysalis engenders self-awareness and is itself a form of 'active meditation.' Increased self-awareness counterintuitively and paradoxically results in a decrease or sublimation of the ego, which is essential to spiritual growth. The ego does not want you to believe in anything other than yourself, and certainly not in matters spiritual. When we detach from ego-driven desires and fears, we open ourselves to higher states of consciousness and the flow of information from the Universe, or Akashic Field. It doesn't matter how it's defined; it only matters that you are spiritually accessible. That you believe in some-thing higher than yourself. Compassion, interconnectedness, and inner peace then emerge. All spiritual traditions emphasize transcending the ego.
Dissertation on the Aquarian Paradigm
7. Your dissertation discusses the rapid acceleration of societal changes and the emergence of the Aquarian paradigm. Can you summarise the core thesis of your work and its implications for the future of human consciousness?
The paradigm shift is becoming obvious today. The Unipolar world led by the U.S. and collective West is ending and a Multipolar world is emerging. This emergence is being resisted; the West does not want to share the hegemony. The primary resistance to this natural evolution of consciousness is manifest today as Globalism or human-centric notions of a One World Government. The new paradigm - I termed it Aquarian because we are transitioning from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius.
My thesis asserts that while the new paradigm is 'emerging,' the evolution of consciousness is 'emergent'. It will happen suddenly. As I mentioned, like a civilizational metanoia. In my paper, I compared this sudden evolution to the Cambrian Explosion, when most of animal life appeared on the scene. It isn't gradual, like Darwinian evolution posits. The theory is known as 'punctuated equilibrium.' The 'equilibrium' part, I contend, is punctuated by the sudden and dramatic evolution in consciousness facilitated by a feedback-feedforward loop in the Akashic Field - or the 'cosmic plenum,' a more scientific term.
I call this feedback loop Gaia. My inspiration came from chemist James Lovelock's book, Gaia, which he published in the 70s. I discovered his work in the late 1980s after Medjugorje. I've written about Gaia here on Substack and it is also a Chrysalis archetype. Gaia is a force field that, in Lovelock's words, regulates conditions on Earth that are most favorable to life. It's scientific theory, not woo-woo conjecture.
8. How do you see the internet and technological advancements contributing to the grassroots organizational structure of the Aquarian paradigm, especially regarding ecological sustainability and social justice?
Artificial intelligence (AI) and perhaps artificial general intelligence (AGI) - that stage in technology in which AI surpasses human abilities - is certainly one emergent feature of the new Aquarian paradigm. Information technology is having its Punctuated Equilibrium moment. It's all connected, I suppose. I don't have any strong views on ecological sustainability or social justice. Both are highly politicized in our current environment and I'm rather tired of hearing about them, not to impugn your question. Both issues are laced with code words and postmodern gibberish. Both of these topics serve as bumper cars for Globalism, I think. In any event, I'm not naturally attracted to these issues. And I'm more candid than politically correct, I'm afraid.
9. Given the potential for an "Intelligence Explosion" and the blurring lines between human and machine intelligence, what ethical considerations do you believe should be prioritised to ensure a beneficial co-evolution?
The most significant ethical issue for AI is what's called 'the alignment problem.' This intimates that AI must be aligned with human values and controlled by humans. In other words, we need to be certain that SkyNet won't go live when our back is turned. The misuse of AGI has the potential to turn us all into cyborgs. Transhumanism is being promoted by the World Economic Forum and other globalist entities. We best be careful. Presently, the transhumanist globalist agenda is more of an immediate concern than AGI, although they are interlaced.
Fatima Apparitions
10. In your recent writings, you've explored the Fatima apparitions and their implications for the Catholic Church and global spirituality. What initially drew you to investigate these events?
The apparitions at Medjugorje spurred a great deal of interest in the overall subject of Marian apparitions, one aspect of Mariology. Specifically, Medjugorje is an extension of the apparitions at Fatima, Portugal and Akita, Japan. All three warn of dire consequences for humanity if we don't turn away from secularization and the belief that we are our own gods, a belief intrinsic to the WEF and globalism.
11. How do you interpret the significance of the "Miracle of the Sun" and the secrets revealed at Fatima in the context of contemporary religious and geopolitical landscapes?
In the contemporary, mostly secular landscape, the Fatima apparitions serve as a source of inspiration and hope for many, encouraging a deeper commitment to faith and a renewed emphasis on the power of prayer. We are experiencing spiritual warfare - the forces of darkness opposing the forces of light. The messages of Fatima, Akita and Medjugorje are intended to inspire the faithful and give us hope.
From a geopolitical perspective, the interpretations of the Fatima secrets have sometimes been associated with the prediction of significant historical events, such as World War II and the rise and fall of communism. These are well documented.
What is called the Third Secret of Fatima has served as a source of controversy in the Church. In a recent Substack piece, I asserted that the current Pope Francis is an Antichrist Pope. As Western Civilization, which once was known as Christendom, is dismantled, so too will the Roman Church be dismantled. The Bible prophesizes a Great Apostasy when as much as 60% of the church will become apostate.
12. Given your critical perspective on recent papal administrations and the notion of apostasy within the church, how do you reconcile these views with the messages of hope and conversion associated with Fatima?
While the Fatima messages emphasize hope and conversion, they are also warnings of what will happen if humanity fails to convert (turn toward God). At Medjugorje, Mary said that while the "chastisements" may be severe, they still can be mitigated. I don't like the word "chastisement." It insinuates a punishment. In fact, such events are better described as consequences of the extreme secularization of society we experience today. That's the same as asserting that the human ego aspires to be god and must be restrained. Spirituality, as I've noted, restrains the ego and keeps us in balance as both physical beings and spiritual beings.
General Questions
13. With your extensive work on eschatology and Marian apparitions, how do you perceive the role of prophecy in shaping both individual faith and institutional religious practices today?
The role of a prophet is to call people back to God. Prophecy involves the interpretation of human history and connecting of dots. The dots extend a short distance into the future as probabilities and in that instance the immediate future is knowable. Prophets have the gift of "keen sight" called clairvoyance. The human attribute is 'perspicacity.' One field I find particularly intriguing is called 'remote viewing'. I myself know very little about it. The CIA has studied it extensively, which gives me pause.
14. Considering your unique life experiences and the breadth of your work, what do you consider your most significant contribution to the fields of metaphysics and spiritual study?
If I've made any contribution at all, it would be Chrysalis Tarot and perhaps articulating a worldview centered on the evolution of consciousness and spiritual awareness. As Hamlet said to Horatio, "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
15. Finally, as we look to the future, what key message or principle do you wish to impart to those seeking spiritual growth and understanding in an increasingly complex world?
I recently wrote a piece about this topic titled, "The Softening of Evil Hearts." It was inspired by the late Darya Dugina, who was killed in by a terrorist car bombing in Moscow around the time the war with Ukraine broke out. I dedicated the piece to Darya because I was inspired by her book, "Eschatological Optimism." I highly recommend her book. She was an extraordinarily gifted individual. All of my writing on Substack is 100% free.
The Softener of Evil Hearts - by R. Toney Brooks, PhD (
As for recommendations, I have three. First, pray for peace. Second, increase your self-awareness. Those alone will bring you closer to the Divine, however you choose to define transcendent reality. And last, keep yourselves informed, as Paul exhorted the Thessalonians. Red Pill yourself, as Morpheus exhorted Neo. Most of humanity is living in a false reality divorced from truth.
As humans we clutch at comforting fictions, mistaking them for truth, while the universe divulges its secrets to those with ears to hear. Among us are the seekers who peel back the layers in pursuit of the illuminative core of objective reality. These are the philosophers. Daria Dugina was one. They question, they doubt and in their relentless pursuit of truth, they find liberation in this reality or in the one to come.
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Thank you for allowing me to participate in your series. I hope your readers find this interview both interesting and informative.
#4 AGREED and add Big Harma. Like sheesh God forbid they actually wanted to develop medications that aren't harmful and cause 15 other side affects worse than the ailment! In which you got from their dangerous vaccines, (ingredients) bpa, aluminum, chemtrails, pesticides, etc! And funny part...NOW they want us to eat bugs they made pesticide for! wasn't made to kill was made to kill us! Silly us...what WEREN'T we thinking?!