A famous surgeon who was my father's mate, my father was a doctor, told me many times never to go for "routine" check of any kind.

He said " you go for a check when you ARE sick, before it is not only useless, it is dangerous. Too many of the checks they do are dangerous."

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Regular "checks" attempting "early diagnosis" are simply the machines way to maximize business and sale "opportunities. It's a magnificently corrupt "public-private partnership".

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100%. Have I had two (?) physicals -- those typical, invasive, useless "exams" for women -- as an adult? Maybe two...and then I said, "Nope. God never intended me to need any of this to be healthy or stay healthy. I'm done with this sh*t."

That has to be close to 40 years ago. Had one mammogram probably 25 years ago? Husband's urging. Went and while undergoing that utterly horrific procedure, I swore then and there that I would never, ever do that to myself again. 𝑬𝑽𝑬𝑹. And I've kept my word.

Modern "medicine" is a grotesque, deranged sh*tshow.

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Modern medicine is about sadism. Everyone gets to do it which delights the sadists who come up with these ideas. The money guys, they love to extract all the money to themselves and watch the "useless eaters" fall for it.

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So true, Denise! So many years ago I began to see doctors -- even nurses -- as kind of weird. "There's something wrong with them," I can remember saying to myself. I do everything in my power to stay as far away from them as possible and have done for years.

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Great that you figured it out. They do the most horrific things - like putting needles into people's eyes. Don't tell me there aren't now better ways of doing things but the vile procedures just keep on coming. Many of them truly believe they are doing good for the patient and many of them just like to inflict pain and be over someone else. I would not be caught alive in a doctor's office or hospital. I have learned how to cure myself and my dog.

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You are correct in "their view". I will say this to them now, "we are extremely useful people. HERE WE ARE LOOKING RIGHT AT YOU". WE SEE them. I am looking right at them. Their trickery of "useless" doesn't land with me. We are heroic and valiant. We are discerning and we are creating the rest of this story. I am grateful that this subject came up. Every interaction with the sick care model or a hospital is just glaringly obvious at this point. The "people who are extremely useful," have had enough. Money isn't real. We can turn this around. THEIR model is based on lies. They pay themselves with lies. You would think they could fortify themselves with something real this whole time. But they cannot. That's how weak they are.

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I did my first mammogram ten years ago. It was so traumatic -- painful and needlessly frightening due to its inaccuracy -- that I refused to get another one, even though I was pressured heavily every year from my gyno.

A brilliant naturopath I used to work with told me that breast tissue acts like a filter for the female body, much like the liver, which is why environmental toxins affect breast cancer rate. She said the prostate performs the same function in men.

The medical profession has been reduced to a bunch of technologists. All they're really good at now is anything mechanical -- heart transplants, broken bones, etc. Healing is not a machine, its an art.

Thanks for bringing awareness forward! The documentary sounds terrific...

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This is my favourite Bob Moran painting about doctors.


What an embarrassment they are.

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I love it! My son’s GF has a brother in medical school and she is going to school to be a physician assistant and everyone thinks that’s great….except me. All I can think is “ if he marries her, their future kids will be vaccinated with everything.”

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My niece is a PA and her husband is a medical salesman and both got injected. She had the J&J and he had Moderna and now he has arthritis really band in his hands. My niece is so bought into all this medical BS and can’t see what is really going on…crazy.

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Now THAT'S true art. Thanks for that!

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will study this, last time I got digital 3D (more radiation than traditional 2D) in 2019 they had me come back same month for a re-do (false positive) which insurance didn’t cover… think I’m done with it… may look into thermal option if insurance covers.

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Find whoever does it near you and give them a call. There are programs that you simply fill in an application for, it's very simple and they help you to pay for it. They may know of one that helps people in your area to pay for them. They are highly prevalent now. There is a program here, where I live. I just filled in their app and they paid for it. Even if you have to pay for it yourself, it's totally worth it. I know not everyone has an extra $100 or $200 laying around. Also, I went just for the breast thermography but I told her I had been working with my thyroid issues, so she scanned it really quickly too, for no additional charge. Usually that would be part of the "whole body thermography" package that they had. Good luck :) PS everyone will tell you that you HAVE to get Mammography or your insurance won't pay for follow up care. That's not true. I had a thermography (bad grade)and was supposed to set up an Ultrasound to learn more. I was worried that my insurance wouldn't cover the ultrasound, but it turned out that they would. I never required it because cutting coffee was my fix. But I had verified with the insurance that with this thermographer asking for a follow up ultrasound, that was enough to warrant the insurance paying for it. Good luck :) At least you are aware of your choices. Most people are not!

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Pardon, let me add that the trick was to ask my doctor to order the ultrasound based on what the thermographer had requested. That was the ticket to getting it covered with insurance.

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Makes you wonder why X-rays for soft tissue? Why not ultrasound?

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I had that last time but still it hurt like h@ll. I’m going thermography if I need one. Outside places do it if your doc won’t order it. I’m not a regular tester though. Maybe 2 or 3 mammograms in the last 12 years.

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I was also informed in my last mammo how dense my tissue is. I’m going to look into ultrasound

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The documentary does a great job of explaining thermography/ultrasound combination.

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They did a chest X-ray on my husband when he went to er for high bp. I asked the same question. Why X-ray when there’s no bones in the heart?

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A chest x-ray shows a surprising amount of information for high BP. Is the heart shadow enlarged? Is there fluid in the lungs? Is the diaphragm elevated? etc.

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It’s getting to where I question everything

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Thank you for this.

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I quit mammograms 15 years ago. A mammogram would never have seen my tiny tumor because it was against my chest wall. It was caught by MRI and ultrasound.

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More fraud in the medical establishment? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you. 🤡


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🤣 Indeed, it's like coming across a repeat offender for the 15th time..."oh, it's you again"

They have run the same playbook everywhere they could get away with it, which is pretty much everywhere.

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I interviewed with Nurse Michelle from the Nurses Out Loud podcast. In our conversation about the distrust with healthcare systems I mentioned the fact that I came across this substack article which led me to watch the documentary. Then she lead me to this traveling ultrasound service called, Herscan. You can get scheduled for breast ultrasound in an area near you so I am getting one this afternoon! Here’s the website https: //www.herscan.com/

Thank you for making me aware

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Thank you, that's great.

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Not that I needed validation, but it's good to know this information is out there. I'm 71 now, and never ever had a mammogram: it seemed preposterous to me. Nor a flu shot for that matter.

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SAME Joanie

No jabs ever and now 60

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I had thermography twice last year, it was great. "Certain individuals in my life" (edited the first version) wouldn't even let me TELL them about it. They think you are supposed to go around doing whatever THEY tell you to do. If you google it, you will find in the first five returns that it's the "safest", of course. So, they trust Google. Well, I had a thermography done and got a medium grade on it, so I had to go back 6 months later. I got a worse grade. She told me to cut coffee. I cut coffee and went back 6 months later - grade of a 20 year old. A plus. Imagine that. By the way, if you don't know, ladies, changing estrogenic levels can be effected by too much caffeine. Too much caffeine can cause you to have breast tissue issues. The Lady in charge sent me a comprehensive PDF on how it works and how they read it. It's really fascinating. I will NEVER get a mammogram. I am not interested in SICK CARE. It's nice to be here. I was alone in the world (in regard to the sick care model) until I found Substack. I feel so much more sane now. I appreciate every single one of you. This was a great piece of work. For those who are considering thermography, call your local thermography center. (I hope you have one - I would be willing to travel for this, it's a much better option) They might have a program to help you pay for it. My thermography center sends me the application every year for a group here, locally that helps you to pay for it if it's too expensive. I think I paid around $100 the first time and the second one was free due to that program. It's a fast process, too. Non invasive and simple. Now why would we want to do that? CRAZY lady, out.

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Thanks for all your insights and with the new year hours away I would like to take out my 1/3 of a cup of half decaf and half caf coffee.

Just don’t really need it and wonder about the coffee breast/hormone issue.

I do love tea

Jasmine tea ...... which has caffeine as well 😭

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Hey, you are welcome :) I hear you. I drink half caf/ half decaf now( I swore I would never drink decaf. PAH) , or green tea. I just wanted to add one other thing I learned during all of that. Matcha is really good for breast tissue and lymphatic tissue. I don't know if you ever make that. You have to go to a little extra trouble, but I just wanted to throw that out there. If you look it up, you will discover that it is extremely good for the boobages (technical term) :) Happy new year. May 2024 be a great success for you in whatever you endeavor.

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This is a truly great article. Ebook summary?

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Thanks Dan. Can you please explain what you mean by eBook summary? Are you referring to Gotzsche's book?

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This article is interesting and attractive as a short intro to the subject and informative for those who suffer from the issue or think about following the trend. Making a PDF from this article will be a nice way to share good information.

A bit in the style of my downloadable PDFs (at the end of the text): https://thepathishere.substack.com/p/darwin

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I stopped getting mammograms many years ago due to the health-risks they pose and the fact that they do not reduce mortality due to breast cancer. I really don’t miss the pain of this useless procedure that causes women so much anxiety and unnecessary follow up testing because of false alarms. Definitely, imo, an all-risk, no-benefit procedure.

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I watched the full documentary here and I have a Dr appointment for my annual checkup where I will be asking for ultrasound going forward because my last mammogram reported dense breast tissue which I vaguely remember being told but now it’s in writing. Being told you have dense breasts didn’t come with additional information on the problems with detecting.


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This article popped up in my Substack and could not have been more prescient as I have been reluctant to go for any more mammograms and now I can see why my intuition was telling me to stop going for them. Very much appreciate your detailed analysis and suggestions on alternate screening methods. Happy New Year.

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👍 Happy New Year!

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The movie "Boobs..." has been blocked on Bitchute!

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Thanks for letting me know, looks like they have gotten to Bitchute now.

I have added a link to Rumble where it is still up.

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Ultrasounds! When I had the very last mammogram I'll ever have, they got me in to wait, weeping in the corridor for.....an ultrasound. I remember thinking, "well if if this is the last word, why did you not give me an ultrasound to begin with?" Dr came out and (she) said "it's a cyst, see you in a year". Cute. After putting me through that (far less than many) I wasn't going back at all, ever, unless I was at death's door already.

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You will appreciate this, if you haven't seen it already


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