Thanks for the focus on the important topic. Some of what is said I agree with but as someone who went through this with a pretty normal and very bright child after she left for college with no signs of 'gender dysphoria' ever, I do not buy the diagnosis. 'Trans' operates like a cult. It is a mass indoctrination brought on by undue influences of culture and industry. Campuses are awash in it. Yes, female friend groups fall into 'trans' in groups. The stress of one is catching. It is trending and fashionable and the love bombing starts. It hardly means they all have 'gender dysphoria.' Those are 2 words that have been weaponized and sold via culture and medicine. All a girl needs to do is claim it and a doc affirms it. The diagnosis puts a patient in the system (the transgender pipeline) and this is not where they want to be. It puts a wall between critical families and children/young adults.This system steals time and then it is too late. Exploring 'gender' IMO is unwise. Diversion, redirection, and time are needed along with parental education about what is really going on. This is something far more sinister than a DSM diagnosis.

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I agree, you are right. It's indoctrination. Propaganda. All initiated in schools. And why is that?.. Because they want the children to destroy their own families and they do it willingly. We know better, the children do not. Just go back to Hollywood as I often do. Inch by inch they have planted the seeds. Took decades and then what happened?

Obama. A gay president married to a trans woman, legalized gay marriage, a topic every president we ever had refused to even acknowledge as just. This is not a right/left political paradigm. That died ages ago. Blackmailed to do so, Obama opened the flood gates and we have what you see today.

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I have often thought of what I would do if faced with this challenge. The focus has always been on the victim, the child. Now all cards are stacked against the parents who can do almost nothing. Now the parents are destroyed. Your once loving family is torn asunder. Parents lives, revolving around children they nurtured and loved beyond life itself, are dead.

What happens when you lose a child? You suffer. They are gone. But alive, usually living somewhere else. They come home to visit and the pain starts all over again. The children are living their new lives while the parents are in constant trauma. Never ending.

So what do the parents do? I truly cannot imagine what they do. My personal belief, though I have never gone through this, would be to disconnect from the ongoing pain. To enjoy the visits as best I could but know in my heart that my child was no longer my child. Taken away from me, I would accept my fate and never acknowledge or affirm my child's new identity, knowing full well that the created bridge between us would be a road less traveled.

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I'm in the process of reading this book now. The history of how this came about is interesting. I don't believe everything she says, as she specifically says she lacks knowledge in certain areas and drew conclusions anyway.

But, in terms of all the trans issues, the history she does know about, the influence, and the need for parents to protect their children, 100%. Although, I believe that the politic intends to create division among the populace, and also within the family. When two parents disagree on a political ideology, such as transitioning / sterilizing children, then the state has the authority to be the decision maker. I believe that is by design. And, depending on what state you are in, the state will side with with the parent who reflects the ideas of the propaganda the state is engaged in.

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This should be illegal.

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A voice of reason is always welcome in the cacophony of bleating sheep.

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Horrific heartbreaking 😔

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Any doctor - correction butcher - would do this to a child needs to have it done to them....without anesthesia.

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Well, about European countries being more cautious... I have to say, however, that the costs of the ”Transition journey” are quasi totally refunded by public health insurance, at least in France and Belgium ...

(See https://substack.com/home/post/p-153121556)

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