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Traumatising in the extreme.

Never have I been so glad I have lived my life tv free, and that I turned the radio off in April 2020, never to listen to it again. Even without the so called 'news' programs - which I turned off from the radio - I was keenly aware that we were being controlled covertly, by the choice of music directing our emotions and the comments and general discourse interspersed between. I have been spared all this nonsense and I find it chilling to read even some of the details. I am aware that I am cynical and called paranoid. I feel with good reason, and to read about this in such detail substantiates my position more and more as time goes on.

Some folk listened to my concerns at the time, though it was very hard wok to free them from the lies. Most called me daft and far too many cut me off, friends and family alike. Alas, too many are now dead. I wish they had turned off the propaganda, overt as it was, and given considerations to my perspective. It may have given them a chance. I for one cannot see how other people could not see it all for what it clearly was. But I have not been trained all my life by the box in the corner. So sad.

Let's hope it ultimately backfires on them. Somehow I don't think it will.

Thank you Unbekoming.

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I don’t have a TV, either, out of choice. I had helped a neighbor by watching their children during spring break in 2020. I wanted to get the children outside to play rather than watching “the boob-tube” or playing video games. Our parks had yellow Caution tape wrapped around the equipment, which was insane to me because I used to go into BSL labs suited up like an astronaut (I am not exaggerating in the least) so I knew something was amiss with regards to a piece of cloth on one’s face (mask) and fear tactics such as making a playground look like a crime scene. I removed the caution tape and the children were afraid of “getting in trouble”. Their mother is a nurse at the local hospital. I explained what I used to do for a living. I am surprised they did not turn me in now. Children need to be outdoors to play, though, in sunshine. We did play, and I am still glad that I removed our town’s handiwork. I made it my mission to take the children to every single park in our community and remove tape to play. I also wanted to demonstrate to those children that questioning erroneous authority and taking the appropriate action is also necessary. I, too, am called cynical and paranoid. I know what I saw in laboratories and universities from coast to coast, though, and the only thing I can point to that was actually pertaining to “health” was cleft palate research at University of Pittsburg. Pretty much all of the big universities that received federal dollars were my clients at one point or another so I saw things I still cannot explain to this day. Much of it was creepy. It definitely did not serve humanity.

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Hi Elizabeth, I'd love to do an interview with you, if you are interested.

If so, please email me on unbekoming@outlook.com

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Loved Supertramp as a young person and the lyrics of Child of Vision come to mind “And you gave me Coca-Cola ‘cause you said it tasted good. And you watch the television ‘cause it tells you that it should. Wow….how true was that?

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The only cure for "covid" is to stop listening to the lies.

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