Western medicine still has a blind spot concerning any form of spiritual or emotional damage and the cascades of 'real' illnesses that follow them. Historically that is because western science wanted to usurp the power of the church and so it denied any idea of the soul. Unfortunately with the bathwater so too the baby. This thinking flies in the face of common sense as much as provable data; we all know that humans get sick under forms of stress, in fact it's the backbone of the pharma industrial business model.

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I had an “aha” moment while reading this. The people who moved and lost community then suffered from stress induced heart disease. The metaphorical broken heart is actually literal. A beautiful and sad confirmation that our hearts are more than a mere physical body part.

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I thought the same thing.

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This got me doing quite a few searches for images, maps.

Great information thank you.

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Maybe the whole social experiment surrounding the 'pandemic' is what is causing heart disease tot rise in most countries that were strict in their 'covid rules'. These rules must have resulted in social stress. A comparison with Sweden is in order, I should think?

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Wow! Amazing data. I was close, but no cigar. You do not know how this excites me. I can show this to so many people to prove that statins do nothing that really helps. Having support, and feeling comfortable in your skin and surroundings will help so much more. Thank-you!

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My cholesterol is very high but my doctor wasn’t alarmed and didn’t medicate. Your article will move me to discuss that axis with my doctor. Thank you🙏

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Thank you so much for writing this. Very interesting.

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Thank you, such a great expose! Much appreciated.

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Finally, someone writes about this again. It's high time.

The cholesterol scam was revealed about four years ago, but hardly anyone seems to have noticed. It was the same time, when Psychiatry lost its footing, because its paradigm, "imbalance in the brain," was also refuted, and at this point it is still empowered to destroy people's lives, while its practitioners have no idea what they are doing.

Actually, the largest ethnic population transfer happened in 1920, when two thirds of historic Hungary was annexed to neighboring countries. I don't have the statistics on ethnic Germans after WW1, especially because millions of their civilians were lynched or killed otherwise, and only the lucky made it to West Germany after WW2.

Also, WW2 started by France and Britain declaring war on Germany for "attacking an ally," (Poland) after Germany re-occupied German-majority territories that had been annexed to neighboring countries. Stalin took the rest of Poland (which is why Poles are still not fond of Russians, besides the mass killings performed by the Red Army there), but France and Britain generously forgot to declare war on the Soviet Union.


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Thanks Ray, appreciate the comment.

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