Here's more from my new book Cassandra's Memo, free download here: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/t2feeen29q

1 The updated Golden Rule is that those with the gold make the rules, so learning the funding source explains a lot. I used to think it explained everything until I understood psychopaths. See chapter two, three, and four to learn about them.

2 If you do not follow the reasoning, someone is lying to sell you something. You are just as bright as lawyers, doctors, Ph.D.s, and financial advisors. These eggheads are at a disadvantage—they are so lost in the weeds that they seldom see the whole picture. The easy path to the truth is to look for lies. There are many tipoffs if you are awake.

3 Confusion, controversy, and contradictory evidence about small numbers prove that any study is worthless. Never conclude that “reasonable people disagree,” “the science is developing,” or that tiny percentage differences mean anything. Your default should be to disbelieve whatever you are told about science, for “90 percent of everything is crap.” This is Theodore Sturgeon’s law.

For medical studies, this number is higher. Why? Researchers must produce the results that their funding sources dictate. Roughly 75 percent of their financing worldwide is corrupt money from the Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, and Fauci’s NIAID agency. Want proof? Richard Smith, editor of the British Medical Journal until 2004, titled his 2021 editorial, “Time to Assume That Health Research is Fraudulent Until Proven Otherwise.” For more, read The Real Anthony Fauci by RFK, Jr., with its 2200 references.

Best, robertyoho.substack.com

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so many books to read. this part was a bit of a silver lining that I appreciated from the excerpt from Handley's Book, 'Literally. At the same time, it’s astonishing how many people already know the truth about the autism epidemic and what’s happening to our kids. Hundreds of scientists, thousands of doctors, and tens of thousands of parents, all saying the same thing. Heck, there’s the camera man on Larry King Live, the makeup person on the set of The Doctors, the wife of the famous radio host, the Time magazine reporter who just can’t tell the truth for fear of reprisal, or the board member at Autism Speaks, so many people know the truth. In fact, surveys show fully one-third of Americans today feel vaccines and autism are linked. Attempts to dismiss people who “believe” vaccines cause autism as some sort of minuscule movement are not supported by the facts'.

Its nice to know that as much as I feel crazy for having gone down this rabbit hole we're not alone.

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Nice basic introduction to the corruption. Here is my introduction to my ten chapters in Butchered by "Healthcare" about Pharma frauds, which your readers can download free here: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/4kliod8a9z. This has over 300 five star amazon reviews. The immensely wealthy and powerful pharmaceutical companies have become more and more entitled and emboldened over the past three decades. The FDA requires drug studies for patent approval, so “contract research groups” do trials that spoil science and make questionable medications look good. Mathematicians massage the numbers and bury data that do not support the drugs. Industry employees then write up the trials and send them to the FDA. Since more than half of the regulator’s funding comes directly from corporations, approval is rarely an obstacle.

After the FDA gives permission to sell the drug, corporate ghostwriters spin articles for publication. Then the companies pay prominent physicians to affix their names as authors, and medical journal editors with financial conflicts approve them. Since the journals are primarily funded by the drug industry, publication is nearly automatic. The prestigious authors and publications lend credibility to questionable drugs, devices, and physician practices.

While this happens, physician opinion leaders with transparent financial conflicts such as research grants create prescribing guidelines that minimize risks and exaggerate benefits. These standards of practice are poorly grounded in science, but they authoritatively command practicing doctors how and when to use drugs.

The subsequent marketing campaign goes directly to the public and to individual physicians. Few observers believe either is appropriate, but the former is worse. Along with this, another favored strategy is corporate-funded advocacy groups that disease-monger. This involves spinning horror stories that spread fear to sell drugs.

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Marcia Angell called out the fraud 10 years ago. It’s only gotten worse.

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