Nov 7, 2021Liked by Unbekoming

Another great article. Every morning for the past year, the first thing I've done is jump on my computer to see if the nightmare might be over. Maybe, just maybe, the cavalry arrived while I was asleep and put an end to this. But that day never comes. Your essay has helped resign me to the fact that we are in this fight for the long haul. How we will prevail against such a massive and well-oiled machine I have no idea. But if we're going down we may as well do it on our feet. One thing's for sure: I'm immensely grateful for people like you.

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Thank you Teresa, that's very much appreciated.

I never know who is reading these pieces, they are like messages in a bottle, so when I hear that they are helping, it means a lot to me.

Good will ultimately prevail over evil, but it's going to take a long time. Every person that we wake up is one step closer.

But I am with you, if I go down, I want to go down fighting.

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Nov 7, 2021Liked by Unbekoming

I would like to echo everything you just said. I continue to get on the computer every day to check the same thing. I have to force myself to stay away from reading 'Resistance info and updates' for stretches of time and just live my life. But in many places people already can't live their lives the way they used; I myself just lost my job due to NY's vax mandate. I too am immensely grateful for the brilliant, ordinary people on Substack. It really helps.

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Nov 14, 2021Liked by Unbekoming

I appreciate your service on the 'front line'. I have been donating to Liberty Counsel and ICAN who are able to get some states and companies to back away from their illegal assaults on workers' freedoms.

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Nov 7, 2021Liked by Unbekoming

I'm so sorry you lost your job, sunhawk, but commend you for standing your ground. I think they are coming for us all, so I too will likely be in your place soon enough. Warmest wishes to you from across the ocean.

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Nov 14, 2021Liked by Unbekoming

As the author noted, this nightmare has been percolating for at least 3 decades. In the 80s, gov gave vaccine manufacturers protection and also setup a semi secret database to blackball physicians. Then 9/11 and the anthrax attacks and gov gave the FDA the EUA power. We have been on this road a long time. Dig in. It will be a multi generation war.

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Nov 7, 2021Liked by Unbekoming

I agree, have been doing the same, but I'm no longer waiting for the cavalry.

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Nov 7, 2021Liked by Unbekoming

Nope, turns out WE are the cavalry!

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Nov 7, 2021Liked by Unbekoming

Remarkable comprehensive review of the current plight with many valuable links and references. Keep up the great work! Much appreciated.

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Jun 21, 2022Liked by Unbekoming

The comment about "strategic obeyers" and how they sustain the "Covid State" took me back to the guy walking to his car from some store a while back - no mask. I asked him a simple question. He answered. And that was it. I thanked him and I took my mask off right then and there and never put it on again to shop. It starts with small acts and snowballs. One person inspires another to stop the strategic obedience. And pretty soon, the whole town...the whole community exercises their freedoms. We help each other find our courage.

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A connected thread to this point is that of the "first follower"

Something I wrote about here


Watch the short video of the kids dancing in the park

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Jun 25, 2022Liked by Unbekoming

WOW! That was really amazing. Never thought about "first follower" before - and just how important they are. And that video was amazing - well narrated, too. Second follower seemed to be important, as well. After that is was a stampede! That was GREAT!

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Unbekoming

Thank you. It's always reassuring when I come across someone who has independently arrived at the same conclusions. In this case, that we are in a war and the battle-line is our epidermis. Many fell early and gave in to the fear and propaganda. Once they take the jab, they are POW and don't even know it -- or seem to even care. Most in fact are converted to enemy agents and traitors. But I like the idea that these people can be rescued from their POW camps of the mind. We must keep trying.

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Thanks Ricardo. Yes, we must keep trying, if not us, then who? As you've probably heard the saying by now, that we fall into the mass psychosis/hypnosis (pick your descriptor) en masse, yet wake up one by one. It's hand to hand combat from here to help wake people up one by one.

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Mar 6, 2022Liked by Unbekoming

I am now re-reading this again...such a wealth of insight and exactly correct...War has come for us whether we want it or not. So glad you wrote this...I knew we were in a war back in Jan 2020, but as you state, this war has been going on before the bioweapon attack, and it will be multigenerational. I feel less alone. Thank you, particularly for the piece I couldn't put together...the CCP and the Networks seeming to work in parrellel...now I understand, the CCP will use them and then gobble them up. Makes perfect sense. God bless you! Keep writing.

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Thank you Duchess 👍😊 It remains my personal favourite essay.

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Nov 7, 2021Liked by Unbekoming

Fabulous essay mate - yes war it is and will remain - as you know I donned my military fatigues early last year - and don’t expect they’ll be back in the wardrobe any time soon unfortunately….

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Thanks mate. As we both know, this is going to be a long drawn out affair...

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Nov 13, 2021Liked by Unbekoming

This is a war...


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Nov 7, 2021Liked by Unbekoming

Thanks for a very interesting piece.

"I’ve heard it said that society falls apart and anarchy sets after a couple of weeks without electricity. Well, that didn’t happen." It's very hard for me to imagine that at least here in the US we *wouldn't* have anarchy if the grid was down for a few weeks, much less six months. Few people have a deep pantry and almost none grow/hunt/forage all of their food. Our food system is completely dependent on electricity (which also pumps oil and gas). Where did you get food??

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The government created a ration system, and managed to provide just enough food for everyone...just. I'm talking about basics like rice, bread, cooking oil etc. Meat became a luxury and obviously nothing frozen. There was a short period where we really needed to tighten our belts and were hungry for a while, but overall the people managed.

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At war? Yep.

My take on it all:


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:::raises hand:::

Yes, it is a war, yet another one waged by the US DOD via domestic military on civilians: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/theatre-of-war-australias-covid-response

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In a battle territory is lost. People are burned, branded, raped, scattered and killed. Trees and crops are burned. Portable treasures are stolen. The land goes nowhere. Grass, trees,. people return. Wars are always lost. God/Nature win in the end.

People were made martyrs on the frontline. People bravely, foolishly, brashly injected poison. The shot takers laughed at the danger they were putting themselves into to shield their people from the ghostly ghastly evil disease. We pleaded with our ignorant brash adult children to stay away from the evil medicine. They couldn't hear the words of experience. Where we go one we go all. We are all harmed by the vaccines and the vaccine pushers shall suffer. The millions they earned will not save them from Our retribution.

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May 27, 2023Liked by Unbekoming

Human Pharming....is streaming now at Brighteon University

To what should we attribute the sudden and dramatic shift in the cultural zeitgeist from favoring natural medicine to synthetic medicine in 20th century America? What nefarious alliance has emerged between the government and the medical industry? Revolving doors will get you in, and a body bag will get you out. HUMAN PHARMING counts the casualties, does the analysis, and looks at the lies and ongoing failures of the pharmaceutical industry and its unholy union with the state.


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Great, thank you!

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May 28, 2023Liked by Unbekoming

You are most welcome..... great substack....this was a repost to me....so glad I got exposed to you!!

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A few insights are missing. China's G5 and annalisis is in the public domain. Schiff's Intelligence committee the assessment on China was pushed under the table and only Russia was reviewed. Remember when WHO declared the Pandemic and the words used? A "programmable virus." IT and Military became aware China had been sitting on our Military and industrial servers for more than a year. The IT community were told the Government could not protect their infrastructure. In 2021 US pipelines came under attack shutting them down. After decades of intrusion by WEF members in all large corporations and government sectors. Biden's rise to power was the US's fall of the Ottoman Empire.

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Sep 13, 2022Liked by Unbekoming

Of course it's war.

Don't take the pod person, clot, slave shot or poison reboosters. Don’t close your eyes, don’t fall asleep (https://pathwhisperer.info/2022/02/11/invasion-of-the-body-snatchers-dont-close-your-eyes-dont-fall-asleep/).

WEF insider and Israeli professor Yuval Harari, says humans are now hackable. What do you think the vaxx is?

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'Tank Man' by Micheal Leunig.


When this Australian cartoonist drew this for the weekly paper, he was 'let go' not longer after. The image never went to print.

The post has one word... Mandate.

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And btw great article! I've gone down a wormhole today searching out more info/ opinions on substack and came across yours... I think upon subscribing to another Substack it offered to subscribe to yours... Have subscribed and look forward to more of your writings. Keep it up!

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Thank you! Do you remember which other Substack recommended me?

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Going back through the History it looks to be this...


Which was 'Recommended' from this...



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Haha amazing! I have not seen that one. Clearly a healthy skeptic for a long time.

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Mar 30, 2022Liked by Unbekoming

First read this when you wrote it during the long lockdown in NSW. I was still grappling with the media hate speech and upsets with family and friends who were all getting jabbed to 'get their life back'. Was learning to live with the agony of losing connection and watching those I love poison themselves. 5 months later, I've developed more stamina and the monograph is remarkable for the clarity you articulated sans the usual stains of emotional reactions. Thank you.

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