This interview is brilliant and thought provoking. Thank you Twilah for sharing your story. You are absolutely correct that most people do not scrutinize themselves with the same critical eye as they do with others, which is why first hand accounts are simultaneously so necessary but also so difficult for each of us to write, especially as it concerns our flaws and limitations. I often ponder if there is a righteous anger that could ever be justified and whether all souls, even those who have perpetrated the darkest crimes against humanity, can be saved. It's clear that your thought processes have evolved. Let us all try to do that...
I have not experienced what Twilah has gone through but I have seen others and experienced for myself grave conditions, that had I not investigated alternatives to allopathy, I would not be typing today. Yet Twilah doesn't mention it. I can see why people don't know because allopathy has done everything possible to destroy and malign Chelation that you can barely find it in medical books, other then "stay away, it will kill you". Well, it absolutely saved my life.
For 10 years I was chelated, among other very vital intravenous treatments, to remove heavy metals and supplement myself with necessary vitamins & minerals. I learned how to avoid the heavy metals in the future. I eliminated all seed oils, all aluminum, all GMO's, all restaurants and organicized the best I could. I've eliminated 80% of the grocery store aisles, purified my water, never see a allopath and never vaccinate, never mask, never don't socialize.
As for spirituality I believe God helps those who help themselves.
Incredible interview with Twilah. So mindfully & intellectually intelligent. As a mom to a son with autism and verbal apraxia, who I was told when he was not yet 3, he would never talk, or be independent in daily activities of life, read, ride a bike swim and much more, the Doctors all lied. He can do all the above. They had no right to come to that conclusion based on their limited assessment. When I look back at that assessment, to the areas he scored very high on, I knew deep down how intelligent he was and that’s where we got to where he is today. He’s still improving.
They lied about the vaccines. Their lies about everything has been my wake up call. Most physicians are just trained puppets for the medical industrial complex. A few have had their eyes open and are now great at promoting healing and recovery.
Thank you for your comment. My experience contributed to the negative opinion I now have of his many Doctors that saw him over the years, that did nothing to help and caused more harm to him. This has forever destroyed my faith in medical field. (I’m also a nurse)
People like yourself have echoed the same things I have witnessed in my son. I have yet to check out “spellers” but when my son is struggling to find the right word to search on the internet, he also has trouble typing it, it’s like playing charades. He asks me to type it. But I eventually get it right. But don’t you dare spell it wrong or he lets me know!
Excellent addition to your incredibly valuable library…thanks for introducing me to Twilah….my only pushback, if you want to call it that, is, if not righteous anger, then what is the “proper” response to murder, child abuse, etc? I can see easily how the perpetrators of horrible deeds may have had beautiful souls in the beginning (or not) but at the moment they are committing atrocities, I feel that they must be stopped (f possible). The “why” and sorrow for the state of their souls would come later….i believe righteous anger, when actually righteous, is a god-given tool to prod us to defend the defenseless. I used to use the term “Dick Cheney energy” as a euphemism or substitute for “evil”.. I’m not sure the term has resonance anymore….Upon seeing a baby, or puppy, or any young life in general, most of us feel love, tenderness, compassion or joy. The “Dick Cheneys” of the world are seized by a desire to kill, mutilate, abuse and defile that same beautiful expression of life and love. I pray fervently that I will always feel enough anger and repulsion to push me to stop the abuse, if it is within my power.
Thanks again to Twilah and this Substack for a great, though provoking and elucidating read….
Hi Joe. That's an excellent question. I'll do my best to answer it. In the Buddhist tradition I practice in we have a term called "discriminating awareness". Discriminating awareness is a kind of skillful, yet dispassionate discernment. This discernment allows a person to recognize, in cases like you mention, child abuse, murder...that the person perpetrating these crimes is clearly in a state of mind where they are causing harm and that appropriate actions should be taken to stop them. With discriminating awareness, one can evaluate that another is causing great harm, and while still regarding that extremely harmful person with compassion, put them in prison, perhaps for the rest of their life.
Another situation would be domestic/family violence. If you're the person being abused in a domestic/family violence situation, you can give your abuser all the compassion in the world and it won't keep you alive. With discriminating awareness, you understand that it is the right thing to get out of that situation ASAP, even if the abuser says their feelings will be deeply hurt or that they will kill themselves if you leave. You don't stay to protect the abuser's feelings or keep them from killing themselves. You recognize that the skillful thing for you to do is leave because you can't do what you're supposed to do in life with someone beating and/or controlling you all the time. You can hold them in compassion in your heart, and leave to your protect yourself. And you can call the police and have them arrested. Then once you're not getting beat up every day, you can forgive them in your heart (though this is something no one should EVER be pressured to do) and while forgiving them understand through discriminating awareness that forgiveness in your heart does not obligate you to ever include them in your life again in any way, shape, or form.
Compassion in the form of discriminating awareness is kind of like evaluating things with a cool-headed and loving mind, like an experienced judge who truly wants the best outcomes for everyone.
Discriminating awareness doesn't come naturally to us, anger comes naturally to us. This type of compassionate discernment is a quality that must be cultivated with practice. It isn't only found in Buddhism, but I think it's what Christ was calling for when he told his disciples to be as wise as serpents and as harmless as doves. You'll find the same idea in many schools of Hinduism also.
It's difficult to understand in the abstract, but once a person masters it, there's a lightness felt within oneself that is amazing. Anger puts a heavier burden on us than most of us realize.
Actually, this is such an incredibly important question/criticism that I'll offer another explanation that may be helpful. Consider a situation where someone has hurt you. It feels bad. Your feelings and needs may have been completely disregarded by a selfish person and now you bear the burden of that hurt, while the person who hurt you appears to skip away unscathed. The goal going forward for most people is to feel better, to be rid of the hurt, right? Well, while the injury may have come from the actions of the selfish person who hurt us, anger arises from within ourselves. Why carry two burdens? We may not have been able to stop the other person from hurting us, and we can eventually be freed of that first burden of the hurt they caused. But we can decline to even create, much less carry, the second burden, which is anger, because anger is created from within, not from the outside. I've already been hurt and forced to carry a burden once, I'm not going to pile on more hurt and carry a heavier burden when not doing so is within my control.
How incredible to get to meet her, through this medium. This really does make me reopen my curiosity about other people I encounter. I'm grateful she was willing to do this interview amidst having chosen a very solitary life for this time. I will also be very thoughtful about the idea of identity and egotism she mentioned around trauma, and the anger.
Thanks Unbekoming & thanks Twilah. Amazing! On my site I refer to the phenomenon described by Twilah as the "Medical Merry-go-Round," and have watched untold numbers of people ride it non-stop. It's always fun watching people figure out how to slow it down and eventually get off. It's what every doctor's practice should be dedicated to! Unfortunately, the system is geared towards keeping people perpetually spinning....
Full of great insight. Most especially your response to the last question Twilah! That really spoke to me as I am on a similar path. Thank you SO much for sharing your knowledge. 🙏💖
And thank you for doing the interview Unbekoming. Excellent.
This interview is brilliant and thought provoking. Thank you Twilah for sharing your story. You are absolutely correct that most people do not scrutinize themselves with the same critical eye as they do with others, which is why first hand accounts are simultaneously so necessary but also so difficult for each of us to write, especially as it concerns our flaws and limitations. I often ponder if there is a righteous anger that could ever be justified and whether all souls, even those who have perpetrated the darkest crimes against humanity, can be saved. It's clear that your thought processes have evolved. Let us all try to do that...
I have not experienced what Twilah has gone through but I have seen others and experienced for myself grave conditions, that had I not investigated alternatives to allopathy, I would not be typing today. Yet Twilah doesn't mention it. I can see why people don't know because allopathy has done everything possible to destroy and malign Chelation that you can barely find it in medical books, other then "stay away, it will kill you". Well, it absolutely saved my life.
For 10 years I was chelated, among other very vital intravenous treatments, to remove heavy metals and supplement myself with necessary vitamins & minerals. I learned how to avoid the heavy metals in the future. I eliminated all seed oils, all aluminum, all GMO's, all restaurants and organicized the best I could. I've eliminated 80% of the grocery store aisles, purified my water, never see a allopath and never vaccinate, never mask, never don't socialize.
As for spirituality I believe God helps those who help themselves.
Incredible interview with Twilah. So mindfully & intellectually intelligent. As a mom to a son with autism and verbal apraxia, who I was told when he was not yet 3, he would never talk, or be independent in daily activities of life, read, ride a bike swim and much more, the Doctors all lied. He can do all the above. They had no right to come to that conclusion based on their limited assessment. When I look back at that assessment, to the areas he scored very high on, I knew deep down how intelligent he was and that’s where we got to where he is today. He’s still improving.
They lied about the vaccines. Their lies about everything has been my wake up call. Most physicians are just trained puppets for the medical industrial complex. A few have had their eyes open and are now great at promoting healing and recovery.
Hi Chelie. I love to hear about your son's healing! How beautiful!
Thank you for your comment. My experience contributed to the negative opinion I now have of his many Doctors that saw him over the years, that did nothing to help and caused more harm to him. This has forever destroyed my faith in medical field. (I’m also a nurse)
People like yourself have echoed the same things I have witnessed in my son. I have yet to check out “spellers” but when my son is struggling to find the right word to search on the internet, he also has trouble typing it, it’s like playing charades. He asks me to type it. But I eventually get it right. But don’t you dare spell it wrong or he lets me know!
Excellent addition to your incredibly valuable library…thanks for introducing me to Twilah….my only pushback, if you want to call it that, is, if not righteous anger, then what is the “proper” response to murder, child abuse, etc? I can see easily how the perpetrators of horrible deeds may have had beautiful souls in the beginning (or not) but at the moment they are committing atrocities, I feel that they must be stopped (f possible). The “why” and sorrow for the state of their souls would come later….i believe righteous anger, when actually righteous, is a god-given tool to prod us to defend the defenseless. I used to use the term “Dick Cheney energy” as a euphemism or substitute for “evil”.. I’m not sure the term has resonance anymore….Upon seeing a baby, or puppy, or any young life in general, most of us feel love, tenderness, compassion or joy. The “Dick Cheneys” of the world are seized by a desire to kill, mutilate, abuse and defile that same beautiful expression of life and love. I pray fervently that I will always feel enough anger and repulsion to push me to stop the abuse, if it is within my power.
Thanks again to Twilah and this Substack for a great, though provoking and elucidating read….
Hi Joe. That's an excellent question. I'll do my best to answer it. In the Buddhist tradition I practice in we have a term called "discriminating awareness". Discriminating awareness is a kind of skillful, yet dispassionate discernment. This discernment allows a person to recognize, in cases like you mention, child abuse, murder...that the person perpetrating these crimes is clearly in a state of mind where they are causing harm and that appropriate actions should be taken to stop them. With discriminating awareness, one can evaluate that another is causing great harm, and while still regarding that extremely harmful person with compassion, put them in prison, perhaps for the rest of their life.
Another situation would be domestic/family violence. If you're the person being abused in a domestic/family violence situation, you can give your abuser all the compassion in the world and it won't keep you alive. With discriminating awareness, you understand that it is the right thing to get out of that situation ASAP, even if the abuser says their feelings will be deeply hurt or that they will kill themselves if you leave. You don't stay to protect the abuser's feelings or keep them from killing themselves. You recognize that the skillful thing for you to do is leave because you can't do what you're supposed to do in life with someone beating and/or controlling you all the time. You can hold them in compassion in your heart, and leave to your protect yourself. And you can call the police and have them arrested. Then once you're not getting beat up every day, you can forgive them in your heart (though this is something no one should EVER be pressured to do) and while forgiving them understand through discriminating awareness that forgiveness in your heart does not obligate you to ever include them in your life again in any way, shape, or form.
Compassion in the form of discriminating awareness is kind of like evaluating things with a cool-headed and loving mind, like an experienced judge who truly wants the best outcomes for everyone.
Discriminating awareness doesn't come naturally to us, anger comes naturally to us. This type of compassionate discernment is a quality that must be cultivated with practice. It isn't only found in Buddhism, but I think it's what Christ was calling for when he told his disciples to be as wise as serpents and as harmless as doves. You'll find the same idea in many schools of Hinduism also.
It's difficult to understand in the abstract, but once a person masters it, there's a lightness felt within oneself that is amazing. Anger puts a heavier burden on us than most of us realize.
Actually, this is such an incredibly important question/criticism that I'll offer another explanation that may be helpful. Consider a situation where someone has hurt you. It feels bad. Your feelings and needs may have been completely disregarded by a selfish person and now you bear the burden of that hurt, while the person who hurt you appears to skip away unscathed. The goal going forward for most people is to feel better, to be rid of the hurt, right? Well, while the injury may have come from the actions of the selfish person who hurt us, anger arises from within ourselves. Why carry two burdens? We may not have been able to stop the other person from hurting us, and we can eventually be freed of that first burden of the hurt they caused. But we can decline to even create, much less carry, the second burden, which is anger, because anger is created from within, not from the outside. I've already been hurt and forced to carry a burden once, I'm not going to pile on more hurt and carry a heavier burden when not doing so is within my control.
Astonishingly good. Wow! Thank you to both of you! 🙌
Her answer to #15 really stopped me in my tracks. How profound.
All that came to mind next was Luke 23:24 "... Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do ..."
How incredible to get to meet her, through this medium. This really does make me reopen my curiosity about other people I encounter. I'm grateful she was willing to do this interview amidst having chosen a very solitary life for this time. I will also be very thoughtful about the idea of identity and egotism she mentioned around trauma, and the anger.
I liked Twilah calling out the absurd notion that autism could suddenly grow from very rare in society to its current supposed prevalence.
Thanks Unbekoming & thanks Twilah. Amazing! On my site I refer to the phenomenon described by Twilah as the "Medical Merry-go-Round," and have watched untold numbers of people ride it non-stop. It's always fun watching people figure out how to slow it down and eventually get off. It's what every doctor's practice should be dedicated to! Unfortunately, the system is geared towards keeping people perpetually spinning....
Full of great insight. Most especially your response to the last question Twilah! That really spoke to me as I am on a similar path. Thank you SO much for sharing your knowledge. 🙏💖
And thank you for doing the interview Unbekoming. Excellent.
There is a lot going on in that medical butterfly image too. It's so full of symbolic referents and allusions that it is actually disturbing.
Was it AI generated?
Pure eloquence.