Thank you for introducing me to Rusere Shoniwa. I have a hard time believing that the majority of our population can’t see the charade and their part in the play. I will follow Rusere to see where he ends up after exploring who the real puppet masters are. I have my own theories and I will say, they are not of this world. Most of this universe is not physical and we need to start exploring and understanding the unseen to even get a partial grasp. And understanding our own consciousness.

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Fabulous read, thank you.

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Thank you for introducing me to Rusere Shoniwa and his excellent article about Free Slaves…I will come back to full interview ASAP

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Awesome interview, thanks muchly!

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Thank you for that excellent article! I will definitely be following Rusere.

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That was an amazing interview and I love that the transcript is available as well. It was so well argued and clear. Thank you, Rusere!

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A wonderful interview. Thank you both.

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Trump's demeanor before the "election" suggests that he knew he would be given a second term. Deals done in secret rooms:).

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The "Plantation Owners" are the ones who created this System, the System we all live in, have grown up in, And have 'Bequeathed' to our children and they to theirs.

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Will Israel fall as a state or reconstitute? Good question. I don't see it falling as they have their hand now into Syria, along with Turkey, US/UK and a gadzillion ISIS, Al Nursa, AlQaeda jihadist all receiving paychecks from the aforementioned countries that created them and fund them to this very day.

Money talks, as they say. Nothing organic about these fighters. I believe the M.E. will explode to bring down the last 3 countries on the togo list. After that total dominance will prevail and humanity will cease.

These 3 countries, see it, know it, are certain they are on the chopping block. United, they will be formidable. Divided, all is lost. This seems to be the beginning of WW3 Pike predicted.

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I like the way Rusere looks at things and expresses himself. Subscribed.

Two points of information for him:

1. Supplemental Vitamin D is a toxin. It is the active ingredient in D-Con, a rat poison. The fact that foods are "fortified" with it is a clue that it is not good for you. The controllers don't give out beneficial substances to their slaves.

2. Atomic bombs are an illusion.

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I am also a nukes-denier:).

Love this guy's work on the topic https://dfreality.substack.com/p/the-coincidence-zone-atomic-edition

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Thank you kindly for the r4eference!

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Vitamin D3 is Cholecalciferol and is naturally produced by human skin when exposed to sunlight. It is toxic for rats just as chocolate is toxic for dogs but that doesn't mean it is toxic for us. Sunshine is good for us and a lack of sun (resulting in low Vit D) often leads to ill health and rickets.

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I didn't say anything about endogenous D or sunlight. I said supplementing D is harmful. It screws up your calcium metabolism, causing calcification in soft tissues, which is bad. It was tried as an agent of genocide in South Africa. The pushing of D for health is another psyop.

The Nutrition Detective has a video about the dangers of supplementing D:


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I will watch the video and always have an open mind. My vitamin D does have K2 with it, and like the response below, I also don't seem to get sick when I take vitamin D in the winter. As for people pushing vitamin D, I thought it was just the opposite during COVID. Many of the news sites were saying it is bad for you and Fauci too even though he was taking it, so I didn't see it pushed at all and just the opposite. I do see people like Dr Mercola and Dr Berg recommending it with access to studies showing that taking over 10,000 IU a day had no toxic effects. As said, I will continue to do research but this one is not obvious as a Psyop.

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Interesting. Why would S Africa take Vit D? As a sun worshiper whenever possible, I take Vit D during the winter. 10 years in and haven't had a cold. Surely the summer sun I absorbed did not last till mid winter? For me, it was the introduction of Vit D that literally eliminated a lifetime of serious illness I suffered during every winter.

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It was used to try to kill certain members of the population in South Africa.

I'm happy to hear you don't suffer from colds. You may be heading for more serious conditions if you continue to supplement D. It would be safer to use a sunlamp or tanning bed in winter and let your body decide how much D it wants to make. There is a reason people warn you to take K with D. To "protect" you from the harmful effects of D supplements.

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Point taken. Thanks

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Excellent, so enlightening. As for the final paragraph on what's ahead for Israel, the prophesies recorded 4000 years ago, in The Bible, lists the rising and falling kingdoms years before the events occurred. ( Daniel and Revelation) The future re-assembling of Israel was predicted and occurred 1948. Revelation , penned 2000 years ago says God himself will protect it after a future world leader is successful in deceiving Israel into a false peace treaty and they disarm themselves. That same writing predicted digital I.d. when it said, "no one will be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast". (The Beast meaning the man given supernatural evil abilities , the one who had brokered "peace". I share this not to preach but to help us freedom fighters see the next steps we should watch for from The Deep State knowing how it ultimately ends. If you are curious, online, the Bible Hub has easy to read translations of the original manuscripts plus the original languages if you wish to read Greek or Hebrew etc.

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I'm confused. Who brokered peace and who are the freedom fighters?

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Indeed, I have heard this song before, and I don't believe in anything that simple, because n reality, Trump's administration was not a mirror image of Biden's, or anything vaguely close.

I strongly believe people who imagine not voting as a revolutionary act are kidding themselves.

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