Agreeing with Mr. Clerc. Interesting his name is one vowel removed from "cleric".
Medicine has become the Catholic Church branch of Scientism. Though I think Scientism is the "new god" that medicine serves, promoting no god at all in the big bang, evolution, etc., as well as the altar of medicine.
Agreeing with Mr. Clerc. Interesting his name is one vowel removed from "cleric".
Medicine has become the Catholic Church branch of Scientism. Though I think Scientism is the "new god" that medicine serves, promoting no god at all in the big bang, evolution, etc., as well as the altar of medicine.
It's obvious that if there were no God, why would there be vast resources devoted to replacing Him with science?
Agreeing with Mr. Clerc. Interesting his name is one vowel removed from "cleric".
Medicine has become the Catholic Church branch of Scientism. Though I think Scientism is the "new god" that medicine serves, promoting no god at all in the big bang, evolution, etc., as well as the altar of medicine.
It's obvious that if there were no God, why would there be vast resources devoted to replacing Him with science?