The misconception about cortisol's role in the stress response is all over the internet. I have always found this confusing so thanks for this clarification. I have to supplement cortisol. (The book on how to do that is called "Safe Uses of Cortisol" by Dr.William Jeffries.) I can't sleep properly unless I supplement it, which points to it not being the cause of stress, but showing up to mitigate stress.

I wish good doctors like this one were more aware of the work of Andy Cutler on chronic metal toxicities. He has a chart in "Amalgam Illness" showing the ten places that mercury interferes between the brain and the hormone producing glands in the HPA axis. It interferes 3 or 4 times between the brain and the adrenal cortex which produces cortisol, but not ONCE between the brain and the medulla which produces adrenaline.

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Under eating can and will lower metabolism. Eating such as low carb, keto, carnivore or IF and too much fasting does this in the long run and causes damage to your metabolism and other organs like thyroid . I’ve been a year getting off these and repairing the damage. I have added easy to digest carbs like fruit and, yes juice, plus some white rice, potatoes, cooked, not raw veg. Lowered my fat intake substantially. My temps and pulse are up—sign of a repairing metabolism. Sleeping better. No more IF or fasting. There is no magic in high fat intake—most just lower calories and metabolism in the end and lose weight because you get sick of eating this way. I did. We do need carbs. Just a nutshell here. It’s all about metabolism. Looking like Cancer is a metabolic disease. One of many.

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Many thanks for a tour de force of healthy living. It’s a great pity our doctors are only trained in allopathic medicine and nothing on preventative care, which would make a lot more sense and save a lot more lives. My mother was a centenarian, and was born before vaccinations, but managed to survive polio and smallpox and TB, she cooked all her own foods from natural ingredients which, I believe, gave her a Noah’s Arc biome to fight off all diseases, even dementia.

Thank you for this highly informative article.

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Great for you. Your mother was pure human. Proves my belief that all disease comes from vaccines. She had none and her body's immune system behaved as God intended. My grandmother also, lived to 103, never vaxxed, never went to doctor, drove a car till she was 95. Extremely limited diet, as she was a widow, except for Sundays when we could expect her around dinner time where she would spend the remainder of the day, and then drive home to her small apartment where she would subsist on lard, cabbage and potatoes during the week (her native diet). Growing up, what a joyful time Sunday's were.

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