YES, yes, I have seen these videos, forgot all about them till now. Q#15 says it all for me. Soul Harvesting. Without a doubt, 9/11 rocked my world. Everything slowly but surely came into focus after I realized my gov't killed there own people to gain a foothold in creating one of the greatest disasters in The Middle East. Arabs, a people equal to our American Indians who had to be destroyed to steal their land and what better way than to label a peaceful, generous, and dare I say, a holy people into the enemy, by calling them savages. And therein started my understanding.

My ancestors were Navajos, and if you saw my uncles, you'd know there would be no denying it. They would walk in the door spinning and dancing like they were around a campfire. So I kinda, really know, about by heritage. So, 9/11 happens, and for those who have never been there, been inside the buildings, their abstract feeling would be to believe the made up narrative. As my daily route to work gave me the vantage point of watching this construction in real time and being there after it was finished, showed me that a plane hitting that structure was tantamount to a golf ball hitting a garbage truck, and could never have happened. And were there any planes at all?

That day, above all, made me come to the realization of what slavery actually is. Convenience is slavery. Easier to believe something than to critically invest the time to investigate. Will it ever end? 9/11, moon landing, magic bullet, dinosaurs, giant people, satellites, climate, safe & effective, terrorists, 6 million, AI, he's good, he's bad. Like little kids, "he hit me". OK, not good, but tell me WHY he hit you. Oh, now I see, he hit you because you hit him first. Element of truth to the declaration "he hit me", but not the whole story. Listening and believing thru that lens will never allow you to see the entire story unless you ask the question WHY. Enervating, to be sure. But today is Sunday, so I think I'll spend time in my kitchen cooking and baking for my grands and save problem solving for another day.

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17 hrs ago·edited 17 hrs ago

Great comment. These psyops like the faked "space" program and the real 911 are in the first instance massive billion dollar (now trillion) boondoggle money laundering operations where the idiots in Congress approve the taxpayer funds allocations to NASA, to the Pentagon for (fake) nukes, and so on. The Soviets couldn't even build a transistor radio or decent vacuum cleaner but they put men and objects into "space"? Right.... As you imply, there is no real proof that things called satellites actually "orbit" the earth. Interestingly though, and given the huge contrived and likely CIA-instigated media fuss about the "Chinese" spy balloon, some have claimed NASA is the world's largest user of helium and was doing mucho high-altitude ballooning since the 1950s. Maybe this is where the real action is above us in the sky. Whatever, the authorities are lying their heads off about "space" and a whole lot more.

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Agree. I have read, reliable sources that should know, that there are 2300 cell tower installations in the US. That's it, there you have it. Those square looking butterflies we see in space known as satellites are NASA CGI. For all I know the round globe images taken from space are also CGI. If you haven't been to space how do you know the earth is round? That's a huge rabbit hole that I admit I've stuck my toe into.

The preponderance of evidence to disprove other gov't conspiracy theories is all there, rather easily proven lies except for the media silencing all of us. But, a flat earth theory? That's a monster of a lie if true. Like I said, I only stuck my toe into that pond but the arguments and circumstantial evidence are so compelling, so fascinating, I believe one day I'll put on my bathing suit and jump into that pond for a swim.

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Sep 22Liked by Unbekoming

Thank you for introducing me to a person whom I am not familiar with. After reading your interview , I can’t wait to watch the two films and explore those topics I am well immersed in, but from a new, artistic perspective.

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Seldom talked about story from the Bible … just finding some coincidence in this. :-)

There was a town known as Ai. (Roughly translates to “heap of ruins.”)

God’s people went to battle at Ai, and were soundly defeated because one of them had defied God’s commandment to take no treasures from their previous victory at the wicked town of Jericho. (One man, Achan, stole property as he left Jericho.)

Once the sin was purged, and Achan was punished, God gave Joshua and his people victory over Ai.

From Joshua 7 & 8.

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Wow. Thank you.

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17 hrs agoLiked by Unbekoming


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