I thought 2020 was the Year of the Revelation. We all learned so many new things, masks, 6 feet horizontally not down there, ventilator savior killers, asymptotic, anti-bodies, overcrowding empty spaces, new mathematics (2 weeks = infinity, so far) and stuff. We were introduced to a lot of people who, as it turned out, were actually deciding about or health, life and death, not necessarily in this order. And we were taught the new business accounting in which our generous money is used to make trillions for undisclosed stakeholders at no risk. What a ride.

Then came 2021, 2022, 2023. Three years in which we have been progressively learning that the medical clan basically is out of touch with reality and us, do what they want without asking anyone, hide what they know is illegal and regularly violate their own standards. We also learned that the teaching playground in medical schools is far behind the current knowledge, but they manage to pack the whole vaccine knowledge in half a day of theory over the entire medical curriculum.

The public discussion has been successfully derailed onto the “high medicine” tracks. There were so few voices about quality of air, contamination of water, destruction of the electromagnetic environment and massive spreading of fear and terror in a multitude of forms.

Now we are coming to the core issue: what you put inside, will live inside, but you may not survive. All courtesy of the food industry which is no longer about food, but a mere subsidiary of the chemical branch. Guess what, the expert professional doctors and nurses have no idea about it, simply because nobody came to the understanding that you take a pill once a day, but you stuff yourself with “food” 24/7. Maybe, just maybe, that pill is simply irrelevant in the face of the avalanche of garbage which you intake and strive to digest, squeezing the tiniest nutritional values which have been left there by accident by the manufacturers.

Way to go.

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Fascinating interview.

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How very refreshing to hear a nutritionist say these things! I have known for years that MDs get little to none on nutrition and its effects on the human body. Yet evening telling people this they just see understanding foods impact on health as too much to understand because it’s easier to just believe allopathic BS even as their health continues to decline.

Was especially pleased to read this: “Top 5 items to have on hand for illness: Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol, chlorine dioxide, hydrogen peroxide, DMSO, and a nebulizer.”

I have kept and used these items for years now, and as the Covid BS ramped up I sent them to loved ones and friends letting them know how and why they work. Health never has come in a Pill or Injection…and it never will.

Thank you reform being another light in a chaotic world helping to educate people on what real health is and how to achieve it.

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I've had the same experience making aged garlic - very frustrating. I do know a local guy who does it well, but he guards his method because he sells it. I don't think I'm willing to potentially destroy my home grown garlic again! Instead, I ferment much of mine. It's quite delicious too, but certainly not the same.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one! Would love to know his secret!

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If I ever find out I'll pass it along!

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Fantastic interview!

Sealed the deal for me on some of these therapies.

Thank you

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What a plethora of invaluable information—yet again! Thank you for sharing this and for all the critical information you share! 🙏🏻

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Naturopathic doctors are the exception in the doctor-y world as they do learn nutrition primarily, followed by herbs then layering in supplements as needed. Licensing varies from place to place and doesn't necessarily imply quality.

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Love your interviews.

I think you might find this interesting concerning supplements:


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Vitamin D supplements are indeed toxic and should be avoided. It screws up your calcium metabolism. So are multivitamins and unsaturated fatty acids and herbs.

People would benefit from following The Nutrition Detective, Dr. Garrett Smith, on you tube. He has years of clinical experience testing for toxicities and deficiencies, and treating people by teaching them to first avoid toxins in their diets, especially glyphosate, so-called vitamin A, and copper. Second, most people are deficient in Selenium, Molybdenum and Zinc, which are needed to run your detox pathways. Third, most people need to supplement Potassium and magnesium. Most people don't absorb oral magnesium supplements so topical magnesium is generally required.

Those are the basics. Herbs are at best temporary bandaids, and can eventually cause issues, because no herbs are required by the body. If you use them, it is no different than taking a pharmaceutical. They can easily cause and/or exacerbate liver injury.

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Ann, I agree that we need to do our best to avoid toxins, however they are ubiquitous and thus why having functional detox pathways is vital. But I am not in alignment with a few of your other comments such as all vitamin D supplements are toxic and that herbs are band-aids. I am working on a vitamin D post currently. Herbs can be very useful tools to give the body extra support to function properly- this depends obviously on the herb and the individual. Herbs can be used in many situations for therapeutic short term durations. The key is working with a professional who will take the time to know that person and create the best protocol for them. Magnesium orally, in the right forms can be useful. For instance magnesium should be chelated such as magnesium glycinate and magnesium oxide should be avoided. However, transdermal magnesium is a useful option too.

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Just to be clear: glycinate ok, oxide not ok?

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I take glycinate daily myself. Gave some MgOx tabs to my sister as someone said it may help with migraines...

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Chelated forms are preferable for absorption so glycinate form is good. Oxide or citrate form is useful for constipation.

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I am actually working on a response to the rat poison post as I would like to clarify what that substacker posted. I should have part 1 up by tonight discussing synthetic supplements. In Part 2, I dive into clarifying what was incorrect in his post about vitamin D and hope to have that out tomorrow.

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I read your response and I’m now freaked out by if my supplements are ok. I can’t afford a nutritionist for me, my husband, and my son so I’ve been doing my best finding us supplements. I always at least make sure the field listing who fulfills the orders are the company selling it and not a 3rd party when I buy supplements on Amazon. I’ve noticed that even USP certified stuff allows PEG in their Vit D capsules and remembering how that was in the jabs I avoided those.

Please see my comment about vitamin D drops (on this post) if you get a chance!

And do you know about Smidge brand?

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Hello Dani, if you do use Amazon, then yes, make sure they are coming directly from the main source so nice job on that. I am not familiar with Smidge brand. Avoid products with sucralose and a long list of added ingredients.

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Also how did you get your son to finally gain weight? (If you’re ok sharing)

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Bravo! Excellent Post!

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"It’s actually a resource that I, and others I think, will keep returning to."

I agree.

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I lived in Italy in my formative years and returned in the summer to spend time with my mother’s family. I was surrounded by my aunts and uncles cousins and my beloved Nonna. None of my family had much of a formal education as a consequence of WWII and other factors. Though they did not have a degree or PhD in anything they could tell you what nutritional value was in each vegetable, fruit, fish, and meats. Every meal was constructed with nutrition and vitamin value in mind. There is always an abundance of vegetables of every variety, especially green vegetables, healthy oils ( only butter and olive oil) beans, and fresh fish, organic chicken ( because there was no such thing as factory farms chicken) and red meat only once a week. Needless to say, the food was amazing and the cooking was beyond this world delicious. We seldom had anything with sugar in it because everyone knew how unhealthy sugar was. My mother didn’t permit it.

It was only when we returned to live in North America, I realized that not everyone ate the foods we had. I often envied the lunches kids had like Kraft dinner, peanut butter, and jam on white bread, SpaghettiOs( imagine that), Coca-Cola and lucky kids got to eat at McDonald’s. When I was old enough to try these so-called foods I didn’t like them and turned back to my Italian diet.

My point is that you don’t need a PhD to understand nutrition. This knowledge is

something that’s passed on from generation to generation. We have been dumb down, and marketed to heavily, and have come to believe that takeout food, frozen dinners, and sugary drinks and snacks is food. People have always had the knowledge regarding how to sustain the human body, but we have been subjected to deliberate famine’s, dumbing down of society so busy and expensive to live in, but there’s no time to even think about proper food. We actually have health food stores which make you wonder about the other stores we shop at for our nutritional needs. Nutrition had always been understood but the knowledge has been lost by the majority. Food is healing. If you are under nourished, you may feel unwell and big Pharma is there to give you a pill where chicken soup had been the solution in the past.

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I have a lot of supplements from Mary Ruth Organics. But when I went through the airport metal detector I had the baby vitamin D drops in my pocket and some veggie stick snacks in a ziploc. The metal detector went off!! I called Mary Ruth and they expressed not hearing this issue before, and sent me a new one. I asked “Don’t you want this one mailed? So you can look into it?” Nope. On the return trip I tried testing again but because I wanted my son to walk around the metal detector instead of through it they made ME do a whole pat down, looked through our luggage, and made a big deal even though I was ok going through. If I let him walk through they would not have pat me down. No logic. They put the bottle through the conveyor X-ray and the guy said he saw no metal. So I don’t know.

My son needs vitamin D drops since he and I are not getting enough from the sun for sure and I’ve been supplementing in hopes that that transfers more to him but now I don’t know if the brand I also take (MegaFoods) is even good after reading this 😰.

Anyone have baby Vit D brand suggestions? And any suggestions on high dose adult Vit D?

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When they started adding vit D to milk it killed babies. Don't believe the hype about vit D. Please watch Dr. Garrett Smith's videos on you tube. "Vitamin D is a poison" and he also often discusses vit. D in his weekly livestreams, which are all available on his Nutrition Detective channel.

If you are worried about vit D, get a sunlamp, and start with short exposure to see what's right for you.

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