Knock me over with a feather, why doncha. This is one of the best Unbekommings I have read. Some things didn't feel right as I was growing up. Basically (almost) everything I was taught in schools about the greatest country on the face of the earth. Then came my work history, affirmative action and the execution of 4 good men, I think great men, that tore me up. Repetitive stories, same plots, same conclusions, ahh no, I think not. Then here comes the 80's.

OJ dominated the news media for just about a year. It struck me that there must be other news in the world, no, that's not being reported other than the OJ trials daily blow by blow. Turns out a lot was happening during our distraction.

I remember when you could set your watch to meteorologists weather predictions, that's gone. Major store & school closings due to snow storm coming in, then no snow. Now we have HAARP, astounding people don't know about weather manipulation. they never look up. When you bust out of Catholic school, 10 years looking down in humility, you finally look up and I did. Foreign crops, that we depended on, our own citrus industry literally frozen out, being destroyed, oh well, Juan Valdez won't be shipping us coffee this summer. Always put the blame elsewhere. What made me wake up? 9/11. Nary a second did I believe the story. What put me in the stratosphere?.

Covid. I read everything I could get my hands on. I read the law. I looked up 10,000 words to read definitions in medical abstracts. I listened to crazy medical doctors, turns out they weren't crazy. Repeat articles, I skipped. Once and done, went back, repeat that. They knew too much so they were wiped off but I saved those.

It's been about 40 years now. I alway knew the only thing necessary to make a lie the truth, is repetition. No proof though, except that gut feeling. Why am I getting sick after taking a FDA approved drug when taking nothing and listening to my mother, I was fine. FDA hit my radar 1st. Covid made my bullshit meter work overtime. Now we have all the information at our fingertips if you know where your source material is coming from, who owns google, youtube and facebook.

A budding serial killer would be more truthful than those guys. Christoff......good show.

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Outside my cabin window, the late winter camellia bush is bursting in full magenta glory. The setting full moon at 6am sunrise was otherworldly, wreathed in silken streamers of misty fingers. Listening and reading this Stack sitting in the sun next to the humming pittosporum bush brimming with bees, I’m speechless. It’s as though timeless awareness has split into fragments and I’m floating on an island of pure beauty while witnessing a lifetime of bullets dodged, unknowingly, like a foolish cartoon character.

Once again thank you Brother, for illuminating another fragment of my hapless ignorance.

My chanticleer salutes you in full throated joy!

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I remember what it was like to stop avoiding cholesterol and begin to just eat a natural diet. A little scary. But I was part of an online group that was doing this, and nobody had any problems with it that I can recall.

With regard to resisting mind control, belonging to such a group can help or it can hinder. This group wasn't just looking at food. We were looking at mind control, and other things relevant to what's going on now.

I'm not part of that group now, and I don't promote it, but I don't pan it either. They are still around, unlike certain other "aware" groups with which I have been involved. I think you've even bumped into some of their messaging from time to time. I learned much of value from being part of that.

I didn't read this post in its entirety but I read through all the questions, checking each one off as a "familiar topic". These former groups of mine represent a large part of how I could do that, and how I happened to be prepared for the monster that emerged from the shadows in 2020. As I said above, belonging to such groups can help or hinder, and in my experience it tends to go both ways. The idea is not to find the perfect one or to see how long you can stay, but to learn from participating in each, moving on when the time comes to do that.

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Thank you for this one! Much of this I was aware of, but it's great to see it from a man who puts it all together and shares it for free. I subscribed to his email list before I was even done reading.

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Wow interesting interview 🙏

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Wow. That was a tour de force.

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I've discovered through my homeopathic research that even ALL dairy is contaminated. It doesn't matter what you source is. I was helping the farmer up the road with his sheep milking. We had to "wash" their teats in an iodine solution, potassium iodide. I have consumed a lot of raw dairy and I suddenly became very ill when 5G was turned on. Why are some people more sensitive then others? I thought it was too much calcium in the milk. Turns out potassium iodide is a potent poison in minute amounts. As usual the thing that is supposed to protect the thyroid from radiation actually destroys it. Here is the proof, from the Materia Medica of homeopathic Doctor John Henry Clark "Though it has not been extensively proved, the recorded and attested effects of over-dosing are numerous enough. P. Jousset (L'Art Médical, October, 1899, 241) has referred to Rilliet's experiments with the drug on the healthy. He experimented on twenty-eight persons, mixing their table-salt with one ten-thousandth part of K. iod., so that in two years each would have taken 40 centigrammes. Here is one of the cases: A man, 45, of very strong constitution, never had any illness. At the end of seven months he began to waste; had palpitation; became sad and melancholy; had fixed ideas, weakness, indefinable malaise in the lower abdomen with constipation. The iodised salt was accidentally suspended during January and February, and he completely recovered. Returning home in the month of August, he commenced the salt again, and the same symptoms returned with much more intensity than before: notable and progressive wasting with voracious appetite; trembling; palpitations; fixed look; yellow complexion; above all the moral disturbances were very pronounced agitated even to tears; irritability; disgust and discouragement agitated sleep. It took two months for him to recover this time. The record says that the man's health was again "completely restored"; but this is not quite correct. After the first poisoning, although complete health was apparently regained, there was left an extreme susceptibility to the drug's action, so that a much shorter period of poisoning was required to reproduce the symptoms in a greatly aggravated degree. And two years after this, although health was apparently perfectly restored, a visit of twenty-one days to the seaside nearly cost the man his life. The same symptoms reappeared. He was reduced to a skeleton, the appetite being all the time exaggerated. In walking he was almost bent double, trembling and out of breath at the slightest movement. Pulse weak and very frequent. Finally he was compelled to keep his bed, and had great difficulty in reaching his home in Geneva. There he promptly got better. But in spite of the apparent recovery a very profound change in the organism had occurred; and from this experience "< at the seaside" must be numbered among the conditions of K. iod. Two others, both women of sixty, had the same symptoms as this man, one at the end of two months, the other at the end of four. On the rest of the twenty-eight experimented upon no symptoms were observed. Joussett quotes from the same authority experiences with the same salt in the treatment of goître...." https://www.materiamedica.info/en/materia-medica/john-henry-clarke/kali-iodatum. Here are the Proving Symptoms of Lac Vaccinum, cow's milk (a proving is when a diluted and succussed/dynamized vibrational energy of a substance is taken by a healthy person and all their symptoms are recorded) https://www.materiamedica.info/en/materia-medica/john-henry-clarke/lac-vaccinum.

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virus do not exist. FLCC docs keep lie of viruses and contagion going. there is nothing to catch.

no need for any pharma treatment. its all snake oil sales


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This is great stuff, but to what purpose? What’s the game plan for? Is it just control, or something far bigger. Where on a planet where one third is dying from obesity and two thirds is dying from starvation. That suggests the planet can only support 2 billion people, at most! Is that why elites “talk” about electrifying the planet into a sustainable net zero biosphere with renewables, but are actually automating the planet into a zero job corporate dystopia, with human obsolescence on UBI issued through CBDC’s in a Uyghur surveillance state?

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the planet is big enough to support all life. there are too many people for the elites to comfortably control. first they destroyed big families. biggest families fed and took care of each other took care of aging parents grandparents in own homes. now elderly being sent to hospitals and old folks home because not enough family to care for them. and the govt bankrupts you first to go there. its all a sick racket. my siblings and i took turns staying with mom kept her in own home she died at home with family like it should be. www.VirusTruth.net

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Infinite growth on a finite planet is a recipe for disaster. We are all living on Easter Island, we just don’t know it!

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why would it suggest that?

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If we can’t feed two-thirds of the planet, it suggests an over population of two-thirds. Correct?

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its a fake job, there is more than enough earth to feed all living beings.

bill gates doesnt plant fruit trees in poor cities by design. the elites tax land by design.

I have a pear tree overflowing, cant give them away. like zucchini. one plant can feed a neighbor hood. i cant give those away either. my freezer can only hold so much i.

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Infinite growth on a finite planet is a recipe for disaster! Greed is good is the highway to hell.

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You've been brainwashed, my friend. If a tiny minority of the population weren't hoarding wealth and resources, there'd be plenty for everyone. Certain populations are kept intentionally impoverished. They're the slave class everyone can see. Work for cheap, in dangerous conditions westerners wouldn't put up with. If you lived where I live, you'd see how much land goes uninhabited. It's like that most everywhere. There's plenty of room for all of us.

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There is more plastic in the ocean than fish, more uranium waste than heavy water, more coral bleaching than coral reefs. We dump 43 billion tonnes of carbon waste into the atmosphere whilst cutting down the forests that provide life giving oxygen. 40,000 babies are at risk each day from malnutrition and we have resource wars raging all over the planet, with 8 billion, soon to be 10 billion people, whilst the glaciers are melting at 20 trillion tonnes of fresh water each decade. If you call that a sustainable planet I can recommend swamp land in Florida for you to buy.

What you call brainwashing, others call critical thinking, like infinite growth in a finite planet. LOL!

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You’ve been watching too much CNN, me thinks.

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Never watch TV at all, except sport!

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Where you getting all your normie viewpoints from then, the touch line? Anyhow, I wish you well.

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Most of my information about the planet comes from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s website and the Living planet index, UNHCR- hunger has no borders, World Food Program, Children’s International World Poverty facts. Any other facts I would be happy to help you find. FYI this year has been declared the 4th World Coral Bleaching year.

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can't ?

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Awesome. Love Jason Christoff, his podcasts helped kick my coffee addiction!

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Re: "when you get powerful, the power you're getting comes from them. They have your power. You just got to get it back." Maybe I'm just exceptionally dumb and disagreeable, but I thought the power comes from the sun and beyond? I prefer to keep searching and experimenting with alternative forms of energy and developing novel forms of power. I realize that this sounds like I'm pro-Technocracy, I am leaning that way. Questions I have.

Is the fear of death the primary fuel powering the addiction to power and control? Or perhaps also, simultaneously, a lust for death, a deep disgust towards the very idea of being born?

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The Ethical Skeptic wrote an essay awhile back about one of the pyramids and how it contained elements designed to measure the angle of the earth when the earth's poles flipped. I find the idea of a "ruling elite" very, very interesting from the perspective that at least someone knows what the hell is going on and is at least figured out ways to observe and predict when the next next solar induced global catastrophe will occur. They're not lying when they say we are about to endure a Great Reset. They just don't want us to know the truth, so they can continue to control the narrative when all the dust settles and the waters recede. We're in the Red Zone.

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Definitely one of the very best. I thank you for publishing this. Jason Christoff is just incredible and I am so very glad to be on his mailing list.

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Watch immediately:


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I have done all of Jason’s programs and still I learned more from this one. The quality of the questions did it.

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Great interview. Thank you for posting this.

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'circumcision... This was known in ancient Egypt as the mark of the slave'. Really? Is there any evidence for this claim? The Egyptian Book of the Dead describes the sun god Re as having circumcised himself...how does that fit in with the slave theory?

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American Circumcision was a doco I watched recently - pretty sure there was links back to slavery. Shocking doco whatever.

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