[But it is my opinion that this system will not be successful in the long run. It is doomed to fail.]

No follow up to that statement???

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This is my answer from my latest book The Digital World Brain:

"However, this “perfect system” that is supposed to help us make the “right” decisions from the cradle to the grave and that can shut down society at the push of a button has weaknesses. However well planned it may seem, it can never beat the natural intelligence that binds us together.

The artificial intelligence is not an actual consciousness that can imitate our human characteristics. It has no ability to understand, feel or give love. It instead represents an empty, machine-like, cold and mechanistic view of man and life where we are just blank sheets that can be reshaped according to the will of the demagogues.

We must not allow ourselves to be duped and tricked into signing a social contract where we surrender power to a soulless machine intelligence in exchange for “personal security”. We should not be tempted to choose the path towards the totalitarian digital dystopia in order to “save our planet”.

The wealthy power people who have pushed this agenda have in an insidious way tried to control the truth by taking over and controlling the production of knowledge. But the truth is not something that can be built from lies. Truth is absolute and is the real sovereign. You cannot own the science. Science is a method for arriving at the truth, not a worldview in itself.

It is not possible to hide behind layers of lies in the long run, no matter how much money, power and influence one possesses. This applies especially to all those who, by sophisticated means, have made the lie the religion of our time.

The time has now come for this fraudulent game to be exposed. There are no longer any chess moves left that can save their situation. Each move that is made instead awakens more and more people who start to see and ask questions.

It is now that we must make the choice to be freed by the truth or shackled by the lie. It is my belief and conviction that a force is brought to life within us when we as a species are threatened and that brings us together with all the people we need to overthrow the forces that ultimately threaten us. It's like a law of nature. No human or machine intelligence can ultimately defeat the natural intelligence or life force and set itself above the truth."


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That is a lovely comment Jacob and it actually gives me hope about the future, something that is in short supply these days…

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The Rockefeller-WEF system is designed to fail, so that our financial overlords can maintain control over humanity.

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OK, good one, let me get my thinking cap on. First, it was global warming, could absolutely prove that lie as we were freezing, so they changed it to climate change, well, geo-engineering can absolutely change the weather, so that became their stick, and stuck. When they came up with carbon dioxide, my skull exploded, which brought into vogue carbon taxes, then I understood.

Now, back in 2010, I happened to be in New Orleans at the time, just a couple months after the BP oil spill in the Gulf, remember that? I do because oysters were pulled from the menu, all gone. Beach was cordoned off. Smell was ghastly. Bourbon Street, God hear me, may I never go back.

Right after the spill an Italian oceanographer, dag, I didn't write his name down, noticed that the Gulf stream "stalled". He said the impact was world wide. Norway came to our aid, US said no thanks, we got this. Even Kevin Costner had a plan for cleanup, US said, no thanks, we got this. This gotcha was Corexit, like allopaths, covered the symptoms and left the disease. That disease was a 10 story high concentration of oil tall enough to stop the Gulf stream from going through.

Fishermen and shrimpers came out showing videos of their ghastly contaminated catch. Others went contrarily along and sold their Gulf shrimp in all the stores while I, having been there and heard and saw what was happening, never picked up a bag of Gulf shrimp.

But here's the kicker. That October, Orly and Heathrow, shut down from massive snow storms preventing all flights. IN OCTOBER!! I landed at Heathrow one October and again in March and both times it was 75 degrees. It's the Gulf stream, that goes up our coast and somewhere off the coast of North Carolina, travels across the Atlantic and warms Europe. With thanks to that Italian oceanographer who showed me, perhaps unbeknownst to him, how Climate Change was spun on what I consider a deliberate catastrophic event of sabotage to prove their point. Not if you connect the dots it doesn't.

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Excellent comment.

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That's very interesting. So i read that the flow of the Gulf stream was affected by warming and that's what's causing the freezing winters.

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Hummm, Geographically, the Gulf stream is inherently warm. Stopping it created harsh, unheard of weather conditions. Conversely where I live, historically having severe winters, are now mild, last 2 years I didn't need a shovel. Weather manipulation can pick & choose their geographic locations to foment anomalies to further any agenda they want and call it climate change. No need for standing armies, btw.

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" Killing the Planet: how a financial cartel doomed mankind " a 2019 book by Paul L Williams and Rodney Howard-Browne is basically all about the history of the Rockefellers and the Pilgrim Societies and how they control policy and are behind practically every event in modern history. For example, Rockefeller was behind Prohibition in the United States - not because he was a temperance warrior but because he wanted to remove competing ethanol as a fuel for cars, to create a monopoly for his oil based gasoline.

That's the only explanation for Prohibition I've ever heard that makes sense. Henry Ford's first cars ran on ethanol which was produced and sold by private farmers all across America for 14¢ a gallon - cheaper than Rockefeller's gas at 22¢. Being a monopolist who wanted to control both production and retailing of gasoline at his filling stations, John D bribed the politicians to outlaw alcohol across the entire country and put the farmers out of the fuel business. That's how the Rockefellers roll. Controlling the game - from start to finish. It seems they still do:).

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Thanks for pointing me to that book!

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Once the threads start being pulled, reality is coming apart at the seams... What HAVEN'T the Rockefellers had a hand in?

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Not much. They have to leave a few things to the Rothschilds, just to be fair:).

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Between the Rockerfellers and the Royals back in Jolly Old and their conniving about the Middle East Oil with Kermit Roosevelt. Add to that the Cecil Rhodes machinations about getting us back to the fold with the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House Rules don't ya know) and those out in the open Rhodes Scholars and CFR traitors and it's no wonder we are collapsing.

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Great interview.. Rockefeller-Gates Biotech Mafia a favorite subject of mine and every rabbit hole a trove of toxic evidence. In late 1990s there was a rumor that Ida Tarbell's 1905 History of Standard Oil was on officially denied CIA burn list which spurred me to immediately locate and read.. wow what an SoB and the American public knew it.

Wayback copy w images well worth the reading <3 Ida big time!!


Flexner nice blueprint for standardizing medicine & pushing chemicals


Last favorite that's more Gates built on Rockefeller w best compact broad view James Corbett 2021 Who Is Bill Gates.. excellent stuff!


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Recommend interviewing Ben Davidson, one of the creators of Suspicious 0bservers. Discuss the theory of Global Cyclic Catastrophe and a review of current research literature supporting it. I think this is the MOST important idea not being discussed and debated.

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Will check him out, thanks.

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Ah life on the third planet away from the sun. according to the data the next cycle change should be on us in about 20 million years! Run Away! Run Away!

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I’ve checked out his site and have a hard time believing him. He’s made all kinds of “predictions” over the years and none of them have come true.

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Dear Jacob, the corona poison was also developed in the same place “Bellaggio”, I wrote about in 2020 and 2021, in my letters from the edge of dystopia Pt4


About cov ID 19, if you are still not aware of the fact that the so called pandemic of 2020 was a “ Global preparedness monitor board” (OGPMB) exercise written in 2019, you need to look no further than their official 2019 document entitled “a world at risk”, on which, on page 39 under the title “Progress indicator (s) by September 2020”, you will find the following phrase:-

-“The United Nations (including WHO) conducts at least two system-wide training and simulation exercises, including one for covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen.”

A screen shot of the paper is my letters from the edge of dystopia pt1

Note, you will find some typos which I deliberately left there at the time “to avoid censure”, but you should be able to understand what I wrote.

Anyhow thank you for shining the light on this dark pages of our history.


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Still looking for that Steering Committee list from the Center for Health Security at Johns Hopkins. It's hardly a conspiracy when they are actually colluding.

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Very good interview.

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"I’ve heard far too many people say that they don’t want to have kids, because “what’s the point?” ". I remember discussing this as a student in the 1970s, except the reason not to have children was that with America & Russia at loggerheads in the Cold War aiming zillions of weapons at each other, why have children if they all get vaporised in a nuclear fry-up?

I now have grandchildren. I'm with Robert Frost, who when asked in his later years what he had learnt about life, replied "it goes on".

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Sure does. Love often and love well. Take it as it comes.

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Whew! Just further confirms what I have been thinking and reading. We are in way over our heads! Thanks for this interview.

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Your interviews are great, as always.

And perhaps the time has come to start counter-balancing these with a few messages of "hope."

Anyone who is truly awake at this point realizes we are in a spiritual battle. The core error of choosing self-love and materialism over divine-love and humility before God drives all of this.

There is another way. The Bible shows us, as do other traditions. (Hint: the solution is not going to be found "better ways" to manipulate the material world. As nice as better health/monetary/other-topic decisions will be, they won't change the fact that we are on this planet for a limited stretch. One's life had better be about a higher calling. And it's easy for people to lose sight of that when they lose hope.)

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Kelli. “on this planet for a limited stretch”. Perfect. Exactly. That “stretch” in the Biblical perspective involves exactly 7 days or 7,000 years of man’s experience. On the Divine calendar we are presently at the end of the 6th day. A great upheaval separates the conclusion of this present dispensation from the last Day. The Day of the Lord. The Millennium. The Millennial reign of Christ. That Day will serve to drive out of this earth all remaining rebellion in the Gentile nations. Then Gods Firstborn Son, Israel, will both rule and bless all nations in a Theocratic Kingdom, until all enemies have been put under His feet. Thanks for your post.

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The details of your comment are things that have been resonating with me more and more lately. Thank you.

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This is an excellent, point-by-point summary.

Just two minor irritations with your intro...

Why the trademarked "The Reality"? For some time I've considered these sorts of actions as part and parcel of the 'Abolition of Reality', which I consider an accurate description of their method, if not their objective. But it's not my phrase - don't know who coined it other than when I first came across it somewhere he was described as a "French sociologist" (Bourdieu?) and it dates from the 1970s, so I wouldn't dream of putting my own little 'TM' next to it. One can offer variations, such as 'assault on Reality" et al, but a trademarked 'Reality' would only make sense (to me) if used ironically to suggest that THEY had trademarked 'Reality' and would prosecute anyone who proposed another version. That it?

The other irritation is the use (all-too common on posts by resisters) of AI-generated art. It.may be the slick and easy way but it's letting the enemy in the gates (no pun on Gates intended) little by little.

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Thanks for the comment.

"The Reality" is indeed part irony, but it mainly refers to the constructed reality that they have built. The is capital R "Reality" vs small r reality which is where the sane people are trying to live. The idea isn't mine and TM is irony again, I've been using it for several years here in my writings with the original idea coming from the work of CJ Hopkins.


As for AI images, yes I am aware that it irritates some, and I understand and respect that, but I'm of the view that AI is just a tool, like any hammer, it's how and why it's being used that makes it good or bad. My advice to dissidents it to get to know AI as best you can, because we know they will use it against us for their totalitarian aims, but at the same time it is also the most powerful tool we have to mount a resistance.

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Excellent article! Thank you very much.

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Scripps formed a Global Health section and pushed the virus Covid-19 story. They also may have been looking into whether or not the excreted lipid nanoparticles from the shots are already showing up as an ocean contaminant. Been looking for studies on persistence of modRNA encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles. Due to the particle size, if this hits public water supply systems that use rivers with upstream "purified" return flows from wastewater, likely there is no effective mechanical filtration system.

Question is ozonation able to degrade lipid nanoparticles and

modRNA? How does biotech involving modRNA, saRNA get rid of bad batches? What about pharmacies? We do know that use of expiration dating doesn't always mean a product has degraded and must immediately be thrown.

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because Rockefellers, et. al. are moving toward global governance and control does not belie global warming. are you saying that the melting of polar ice is a fiction? the extremes in temperature?

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In a manner of speaking, Yes. It is supranational grade propaganda, data manipulation and fraudulent science (or simply fraud).

This doco is a very good place to start.


Tony Heller does the best work (imo) on showing the data fraud




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interesting for sure. thanks. I see there are scientists on both sides of this issue. your scientists certainly seem to make a good case, and I'd like to believe it.... I do believe that humans are doing great damage to life on earth and this is largely the result of capitalism.

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"I do believe that humans are doing great damage to life on earth and this is largely the result of capitalism."

Capitalists sure do make a lot of money in the process though, don't they? I'm sure you're familiar with the innumerable chemically-induced environmental problems that they cause and I'm sure that you also know that they would go to great lengths to protect the money that they make from producing these destructive products. It would be mighty convenient for them to have a boogeyman (CO2/climate change) to draw people's time, money, and attention away from what REALLY harms the planet and its people.

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yes, I am aware of the power of big pharma. and, yes, your boogeyman theory is a good one. however, my guess would be that those who are concerned with climate change are also concerned with disastrous chemicals, big agrabusiness, etc.

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Ah Marie. I just want to say we all make the choices of what to support and not. It could be Marxism, Authoritarianism, Fascism, or any number of ideologies that require our energy and consent to run. Hint. They all do great damage. Go out to a solar or wind farm in the Mojave desert and consider the plight of the Desert Tortoise and if you are in favor of progressive liberalism you now are in that damage realm without full on capitalism. One thing about the planet is it's resilient.

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I checked out coup d’état just now. FYI George Floyd was not killed by a policeman. He was stoned on drugs (fentanyl?). See documentary by Joshua Philipp on Epoch Times. It’s been some time since I watched it, so I can’t be more specific. It’s disturbing that this untruth is still promoted as true.

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