Oh, and “Amish Virus Protection~Turn Off Your TV” and one about Vaccine passports. I have a lot of t-shirts along those lines now. People can call me whatever they want. Sadly, many around me have taken the jab and are cognitively impaired or ailing in some way.
Oh, and “Amish Virus Protection~Turn Off Your TV” and one about Vaccine passports. I have a lot of t-shirts along those lines now. People can call me whatever they want. Sadly, many around me have taken the jab and are cognitively impaired or ailing in some way.
Love it!!! I bought a Non-Compliant T-shirt for myself and the security team at work who are all ex-military! I may find an artist who can design a giant tinfoil hat that can be printed onto a shirt! An artist, I am not!
Oh, and “Amish Virus Protection~Turn Off Your TV” and one about Vaccine passports. I have a lot of t-shirts along those lines now. People can call me whatever they want. Sadly, many around me have taken the jab and are cognitively impaired or ailing in some way.
I have that Amish shirt too! Love the looks on people's faces when I wear it. Hah!
I also got the "It's not a conspiracy anymore" shirt. A few (not-so) brave souls have asked me "What isn't a conspiracy anymore?"
I answer "Pick a topic, there are plenty that fit ...."
Love it!!! I bought a Non-Compliant T-shirt for myself and the security team at work who are all ex-military! I may find an artist who can design a giant tinfoil hat that can be printed onto a shirt! An artist, I am not!
Jive Talking by The Bee Gees is my pandemic promoter song. I don’t believe a word of it.
Oh I forgot one that reads, “Still complying? They’re coming for your bank account next” from Corey’s Digs. The looks I receive are priceless!