Interview with Dr Mathew Maavak
On Depopulation, VAIDS, Vaccination, Groupthink, The Great Die-Off and much more.
I’ve recently come across the work of Dr Mathew Maavak, a Malaysian researcher and writer who evolved from media professional to expert in foresight, Big Data, and AI, while maintaining a fierce independence. Through his Substack platform "The Eye Opener," he now shares analyses of global power structures, health policies, and what he sees as hidden agendas shaping our world.
With thanks to Dr Mathew Maavak.
The Eye Opener | Dr Mathew Maavak | Substack
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1. Mathew, can you please share a bit about your background and the journey that led you to focus on topics like depopulation, biosecurity, and global geopolitics?
This would be the most difficult question to answer as even I find it hard to describe my journey thus far.
I was born in Malaysia at a time when the relatively new nation was still grappling with its postcolonial identity. Without getting into prolix details, let’s just say that in terms of provenance and history, my identity diverged greatly from those of my peers. This was a crucial differentiator in terms of the development of my worldview. I have faced countless setbacks and challenges across diverse environments, and I continue to confront them even today. (My career began in the media and ended in the fields of foresight, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence).
Even as a child, I could see through people and situations where others dared not. I abhorred groupthink; was largely an autodidact; and had eclectic interests. As a result, I began to think, talk and act differently and these traits are reflected in my research interests and writings. This developmental trajectory was however tortuous and painful as the "hive tries to keep its drones in line, to think and act solely within the boundaries of its prison-nest."
I refused to be a drone…and this is what led me to write on eclectic topics like geopolitics, depopulation, Artificial Intelligence, and after the onset of COVID-19, biosecurity as well, among numerous other subjects. I have long been intrigued by global and systemic risks. My doctoral thesis was on this subject.
2. What inspired you to write "The Depopulation Blueprint," and how has the public reception evolved since its original publication in 2022?
The public reception, at least among discerning individuals, was excellent. The more mainstream platforms however did not want to touch it, not even with a continental-long bargepole. I had originally submitted the article to where I was a casual, voluntary contributor for nearly three years.
Mass depopulation is a centuries-old idea that is often canonically traced to the works of Thomas Robert Malthus. It gained momentum a century ago, with the advent of the concept of technocracy, and accelerated after WWII and the emergence of newly-independent nations. These were nations that were "independent" on paper only. In reality, however, the management of these nations merely passed from colonial to local managers working for the same hive. This is why the mainstream narratives in these nations parrot the globalist line without exception. Many of these nations, or at least its peoples, are now seen as a burden to humanity. This is where the "depopulation blueprint" comes in.
Entities like the Club of Rome as well as celebrity intellectuals like Jane Goodall, among others, have frequently invoked the need for a drastic reduction in the global population. The Israeli historian and World Economic Forum (WEF) ideologue Yuval Noah Harari continues to rubbish the vast majority of humanity as "useless people." The Georgia Guidestones served as a stark and highly-visible testament to the depopulation agenda for decades until it was mysteriously blown up at the height of the so-called pandemic — when people began to suspect that COVID-19 was part of that very plan. While the Malthusian dilemma is publicly discussed every now and then, the inevitable depopulation solution remains categorized as a "conspiracy theory."
I also believe that the COVID-19 hysteria was part of an updated depopulation blueprint. But the plan thankfully failed as our world is led by morons and managed by cretins. Just look at the calibre of our politicians and "thought leaders" today. Ironically, these are the kind of "useless people" whose ineptitude had ironically thrown a few spanners into the depopulation machinery, at least for the time being.
However, COVID-19 was successful in one vital area; it facilitated the greatest wealth transfer in history. The billionaires got richer at the expense of the middle class and the poor.
Therefore, the depopulation blueprint is not dead; it needs another update or a Plan B. I think I have an idea of what Plan B is…
3. You’ve mentioned the term "VAIDS" (Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). Could you elaborate on how this concept ties into your broader thesis about global health and governance?
The idea is simple. Once you are administered with certain vaccines (specifically mRNA types) and a host of newer medicines which are designed to impair your immune system, you will gradually get sicker as time goes by. An impaired immune system will give rise to any number of ailments, ranging from cancer to organ failures to infections etc. Such prolonged ailments will ultimately necessitate state intervention as the vast majority of mankind will not be in a position to afford increasingly expensive treatments. The trade-off would be the relinquishment of personal sovereignty and independence. This is why the WEF released its now-infamous video a few years back which began with the ridiculous prelude of "You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy" by 2030.
We are already into 2025 and the scaffolds of this bold new, hi-tech society hasn’t been erected yet. It was nothing but a pipe dream designed to mask the real agenda — depopulation. A global health governance regime would ensure universal conformity worldwide i.e. there will be no safe havens or nations for those wanting to escape this matrix.
4. Your work suggests a connection between vaccine rollouts and long-term population control strategies. What evidence do you find most compelling for this claim?
I have written reams on this connection in my Substack, The Eye Opener, and so have many others. But a picture often encapsulates a thousand words and commentaries. Take a look at the figure below.
Since the COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out, excess deaths, due to various medical conditions, have multiplied by the hundreds and even thousands. These alarming mortality rates can be explained by VAIDS. When your immune system is permanently impaired and suppressed, you can die from any number of diseases and somatic conditions.
A sicker population, in general, leads to a shrunken and demoralized population. The new generation of vaccines seem to be a part of this long-term population control strategy.
5. How do you interpret the role of national militaries and security apparatuses in either supporting or resisting the Great Reset agenda?
As long as the United States remains the predominant military and economic power, there will be little resistance to the Great Reset agenda. The national militaries and security apparatuses of the West, the Anglosphere and its de facto colonies worldwide are all controlled by Washington D.C. Only a fragmentation of the current world order will put an end to the Great Reset.
6. You often critique the role of Big Pharma and its influence on public health policy. In your view, what steps could be taken to counteract this influence?
Nothing can be done to roll back the influence of Big Pharma. Not by conventional means anyway. They have governments, doctors and a galaxy of researchers in their pockets. They are basically an arm of the transnational Big Capital led by the likes of BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street. Many medical journals are bankrolled by Big Pharma. Independent researchers may need to fork out as much as $5,780 to get a peer-reviewed article published by the Lancet at the open access level. The alternative would be to opt for the Lancet’s subscription-based model which may not attract sufficient interest and citations. So, the entire system is profit-oriented and sponsor-dependent.
There are also too many grifters right now who are promising a Nuremberg 2.0 trial, hefty fines and imprisonment for Big Pharma executives. They will post memes of Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci behind bars but nothing will come out of these antics as I suspect many are themselves Big Pharma shills. They are also tasked to muddy the COVID-19 waters — so much so that many casual researchers are no longer able to sift facts from manufactured fiction.
The only way to counteract or combat Big Pharma is by circumventing the current allopathic regime altogether. Try adopting a holistic lifestyle to the extent possible. Avoid toxic (read "processed") food and more so, toxic individuals. Exercise more often and seek naturopathic solutions whenever possible. If you fall sick and need medication, restrict treatment to generic drugs developed and prescribed before the Year 2000.
Big Pharma generally does not make significant profits from generic medicines whose patents have expired, as these drugs are typically sold at lower prices with reduced profit margins. There is a good reason why some drugs are still relevant after 50 or 60 years of their initial rollout. They are effective. But do some research. Some generic cholesterol -lowering medications aka statins are actually bad for health.
7. The concept of a "Great Die-Off" features prominently in your writing. Could you outline the key indicators you believe point to this phenomenon?
Here are some randomized key indicators in a tag cloud format.
Only a few of these trends need to be potentiated for a Great Die-Off. I am leaving out the spectre of a nuclear WWIII as the elites would not want the planet to be uninhabitable for centuries.
In the near future, expect food and pharmaceutical products as well as water supplies to be subtly contaminated in order to accelerate the "Great Die-Off". Digital censorship will be total, facilitated by biometric access gateways and/or Digital IDs.
8. Your writing frequently references the role of misinformation and propaganda. How do you suggest individuals discern credible sources in this landscape?
From my experience, the vast majority of people are already hardwired towards misinformation, propaganda and false hopes. Even when they are briefly "awakened" by something stark or evil, they will swap one lie for another, one political or religious messiah for another and so on. This is a recurrent observation in psychology and neuroscience: humans tend to be conditioned, through both biological and environmental influences, to favor "comfortable lies" over "inconvenient truths."
One way to counteract or reverse this trend would be to remove the agencies or conveyor belts of disinformation. These agencies could be people, particular environments, and even institutional settings like certain churches which toe the globalist line. This is a painful process, replete with constant feelings of being deracinated. Even your body might rebel against the changes you have instituted in your life.
Above all, believe in The Truth Personified (John 14:6). The events of today were foretold long ago.
9. You’ve highlighted the involvement of military personnel in vaccine trials. What long-term implications do you foresee for global security as a result of this?
I will offer a recent anecdotal event to illustrate the dangers ahead. The recent twin "terror attacks" in New Orleans and Las Vegas were perpetrated by the military alumni of Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Were they patsies or were they brainwashed? Did vaccines make these individuals more susceptible to suggestion, leading them to commit acts they would have otherwise considered unthinkable?
Furthermore, once soldiers realise that their contemporaries and families are reeling or dying from VAIDS, they might be tempted to wreak vengeance on their superiors or even their national political hierarchy. This, in turn, will lead to calls for greater censorship against any information that does not toe the official line.
One way to avoid this scenario is by maintaining a series of low-intensity conflicts worldwide. This way, the affected soldiers would be kept busy.
10. How do you view the intersection of global conflicts, such as the Russia-Ukraine war, with the broader goals of the Great Reset?
Another way to achieve the Great Reset would be to decentralise the global matrix with regional overlords. The future New World Order may not be centralised but may be apportioned among major regional powers. Russia will get Eastern Ukraine, the United States may get Greenland, China may be allowed to occupy Taiwan, while Israel will be allowed to establish a vast colony from the Nile to the Euphrates. Various conditions, pretexts and false flags will have to be manufactured to facilitate this process.
11. Your analysis draws on historical events and patterns. Are there specific lessons from history that inform your predictions for the future?
Over the past 5,000 years, mankind has tried everything under the sun to usher in a better order. They have all failed. As Ecclesiastes 1:9 declares: "What has been is what will be and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun."
The historical patterns and cycles were established long back. Man’s propensity for regression is utterly predictable. The only difference this time is that we may be witnessing the final cycle of history.
12. The role of directed energy weapons and nanoparticulates is an emerging topic in your research. How do these technologies fit into your broader narrative?
Along with gene-editing CRISPR tools which can theoretically change our genetic make-up or outright kill us, directed energy weapons and nanoparticulates form the other two components of an emerging troika of New Weapons of Mass Destruction (NWMD). These NWMDs can decimate human life and our collective means of sustenance. A plane or a ship ferrying vital medical supplies to a disaster zone can be targeted by a military satellite. The possibilities here are endless.
13. What role do you believe alternative media platforms play in countering what you describe as a "global medical gulag"?
They serve as information exchange platforms in the area of alternative treatments. It was through the alternative media that the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and ivermectin was disseminated during the height of the so-called pandemic. These drugs are routinely taken as prophylactics in the Third World. Yet, the level of propaganda waged against these drugs since 2020 was simply Orwellian.
You can no longer get over-the-counter ivermectin — not even the low-dosage ones meant for pets — here in Malaysia. Very few doctors even dare prescribe them. Why does the global medical fraternity feel so threatened by these time-tested drugs which, prior to 2020, were prescribed in tablet forms by the billions each year?
14. Your work often references scriptural and philosophical insights. How does your worldview shape your interpretation of current global events?
Any interpretational framework has to hold up under extreme circumstances and wild card events. Long-forgotten Bible verses often flit into my mind whenever I encounter a bizarre narrative, an anomaly or an unusual pattern. Some might call it "confirmation bias" but I have read many other texts since I was a kid. None of them can provide the answers I find in the Bible.
15. What are you currently focused on, and how can readers stay engaged with your work moving forward?
I am now solely focused on my writing. I can no longer return to any form of consultancy as sound ideas and advice are no longer welcome in a lemming-like world. My take on global events can be read in The Eye Opener. I also hope more readers will support me financially. Substack is now my sole source of income.
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It is so heartening, encouraging, exciting, and most-welcomed to read not only a highly informative article but also the Bible references contained in it....truly- our only hope and true comfort for both this world and what is to come. It is all there.
Solutions escape me given the controls top down and human behaviors time proven unchanged! .00001 control the masses with a few exceptions of public outcry and public executions. The currents controls revolve around power derived from money.
CBDC will seal our fate as common slaves of international controls…