Thanks for posting this interview as most people do not know of homeopathy's remarkable efficacy. Unlike mainstream medicine, which tries to suppress symptoms with synthetic pharmaceuticals, homeopathy aims to restore whole people to full health. As a practitioner myself, I have witnessed homeopathic medicines cure people of problems—e.g. ulcerative colitis, bipolar disorder, psychosis—that mainstream medicine considers incurable.

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Do you treat according to Hahnemann's miasmatic theory, which he wrote was necessary to cure chronic illness?

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Love Dana Ullman and so glad to see you covering homeopathy!

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Another great interview. Thanks 😊

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I don't think Dana explained the vital force question. Are LM potencies for example China LM 18 in the realm of nano medical technology? Homoeopathy is a system of medicine formulated before we understood genetics, immunology and modern medical science. It is interesting to take a remedy, have a strange dream and later realize the dream is a match for the rubric under dreams.

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I used to fear Winter like the plague. I'd actually cry when Summer would end because I knew what was coming. For 50 years Winter meant non-stop sickness, colds, pneumonia, coughing my guts out, was lucky if I had a 2 week respite before the next round came. In August I would scrape together enough money to buy everything I could at CVS to help alleviate the dread that I knew I was about to endure. I knew nothing of vitamins, but my mother helped a lot. Especially that drop of kerosene onto a teaspoon of sugar that eliminated my cough. Without that, my bruised ribs from coughing wouldn't heal as I would bind myself (which helped) from the pain of the next coughing fit. By that time antibiotics replaced penicillin and no love or money could get me a shot of penicillin that forever worked for me as a child and young adult. Progress, huh?

I finally found a homeopath who literally performed a miracle on me. Something as simple as Vit D cured me. He did so much more, but the Vit D, intravenous B's and Oxidative therapy eliminated, any and all cold symptoms thereafter. I have not had the slightest cold since 2012. Imagine, not the slightest degree of sickness since then. For me, that was a miracle.

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