Oh boy-oh-boy!! I have to read this later, but clicked "Like" due to the subject!!

Dr. Northrup was my "Red Pill" in 2019. I followed her FB page at the time, and she was posting about the childhood vaccine schedule and the 1986 Act. At the time, I was dumbstruck that I didn't know any of this, and it sounded awful. But, as a childless person, I wasn't sure how much to speak up.

Then, one of her posts ended with "And they are coming for the adults next..."

THAT statement is what woke me up.

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Thank you for being willing to wake up!

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Your DV/SA stats are inflated.

This is like listening to the WHO and hearing their inflated relative risk % claims with systemic flaws in design of study...








Here is some reading for you. It's doubtful you'll look it over.

Also, OBGYNs mutilate baby boys' penises in the USA.

Circumcision is male genital mutilation.

All non-life saving procedures should be banned on all minors.

Your literature is gynocentric and contains veiled continuous misandry to occasional blatant misandry.

Not saying this to make you feel bad, but just letting you know.

I have notifications disabled so I may or may not reply.

I'll have to withdraw from this publication/subscription.

Feminism is the Trojan horse that global elites use to weaken society. Follow the money, funding sources like George Soros and the likes.

Those stats you used are tantamount to using deeply flawed WHO studies to convince people to get the mRNA jab.

Nothing against you personally, modern medicine is dangerous to women, too, but - the gynocentric angle and ignorance of damage and trauma that society (which has relegated men to narrow existences just like women, historically) and modern "medicine" has had on boys and men...should not be ignored.

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I completely agree with you about circumcision. That is a procedure that should be banned. I did dozens of these as part of my job. And I could never talk any parents out of it-- despite telling them how unnecessary and painful it was. I have a large section on this in my book Women's Bodies, Women's wisdom. Happily, more and more parents are refusing this dreadful procedure which also changes the brain of boys from the trauma. I keep wondering why its in the Bible. I could go on and on about this topic. Thank you for bringing it up.

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Thank you for creating such educational and informative content. You never disappoint.

Dr. Northrup is a national treasure. She is so smart, intuitive, and giving. Her essence is so calming. She is an empowering soul who is a great example of someone doing GOD'S work by educating people on the mind-body connection and helping people realize they have the power to heal.

Dr. Northrup was and still is one of my go-to's for all things rational when it comes to healing. And if, you've read my story on this stack, I healed from BC by the Grace of God using mistletoe and lifestyle changes. I took a formerly very negative mind with no concept of mind-body and embraced the concept of the "mind is the builder" and rebuilt my body to wholeness. Excellent health is our divine right. We only need to claim it as such. ✌️💜🙏🇺🇸

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Really enjoyed this information.


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I’m love that Dr. Northrup focuses on what our bodies can do right and not the standard sick care mentality. I am currently struggling with the pros/cons of annual mammogram screening and will look for Dr. Northrup’s opinion of this issue.

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Thank you!

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Jun 26
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Excellent advice to stay calm. Fear makes everything worse.

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very interesting interview. thank you.

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Excellent Dr. Northrup! I had the pleasure of bumping into you a few times at GSIc last year. I’m so grateful for the information you brought to this event and not holding back! I resonated completely with you. I’ve been on my self healing journey with the guides of many like you! Thank you immensely for what you’re doing! Menopause was the best thing that happened to me! ♥️🙏

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Maybe some good info here…and I 100% agree regarding allopathic doctors not knowing nearly as much as they portray themselves as knowing. All good…but you can’t just make shit up. Your statistics are completely outlandish: “Over her lifetime, one in three women will be the victim of rape. Forty percent of women are incest survivors. According to FBI statistics, 50% of married women are victims of battering.” Where the hell does any of that come from? You don’t help our cause if you make us look ridiculous.

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Thank you!

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