Remember, only introduce one food at a time every few weeks to your child but feck yeah, six jabs at once is soooo cool. 🙄

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Ohmygosh thank you. First time I’ve seen this point and it’s amazing.

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This is SO GOOD.

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Thanks Linda

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Love it! 💖⭐️ Every expecting parent needs to read this letter. Thank you for all your hard work. 🙏

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Thanks Kerry, hopefully it helps a few people.

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I will write soon,

with the story, that the whooping cough vaX,

given to our sons;


Your articles, are excellent.

Thank you!

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Yeah I had a friend say her vaxxed child got pertussis like 3 times under 5 years old. Works great!!!!!!!

Too bad she hasn’t put 2 and 2 together. She takes all the covid vaxxes, and forces her son to as well.

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Many people have lost the ability to think, critically.

Sadly, they have become mindless sheep..

under the influence of govermental propaganda..

that brainwashes them to take experimental jabs;

designed to kill them..

They are taking their children; and themselves;

to the slaughter..

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Thanks Virginia, you can email me privately if you like to


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Saddest part is, the parents do not read the inserts, that is why they believe the dr. The inserts are there to protect him and big pharma when parents don't bother reading, they are too lazy and expect the dr to know better. The biggest and only difference why people did not take the new mrna jabs is because they read and read and read and not just the first stupid msm link or 5 but lots more and because they know they do'nt necessarily trust every dr. My own gp in rsa take out the little papers in the boxes because we are stupid and when i asked the nurse why, she said it is so we don't worry too much..... i rarely visit my dr, just when i wanted a diagnosis and never for prescription. He hated it, and i just said, nope, just for an opinion. The rest i can do my self. People should stop putting all their gp's on a mahogony pedestal. They are just human and greedy. Not all luckily, but many.

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