When people ask me why I am so 'strange' I show them this video. This is actually how I 'see' the world. I physically see the optical plane in this way. I showed it to someone I love very much and they finally understood me. It is completely overwhelming to be 'bothered' in this manner, in waking and sleep, and not have people understand how I see things. So, thank you for sharing my reality.

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Thank you! Always love your informative writing.



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Mesmerising. Ominous.


It felt like a humanitarian descent into the pits of hell (which I suspect is exactly the artist's intention).

Stellar work.

It reminded me of this one and the dark road technology has taken us down:


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Thanks, hadn't seen the full clip, only parts.

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No ... no it’s just dust or something in my eye ... shut up! Am not. Wow that was really moving. Thank you for that short animation “In Shadow.”

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I loved your last article by the way - thanks.

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Thanks for another great presentation and links. Yes, His art is 'very stimulating', to say the least. I posted some of his work on Facebook several months ago, but had no response. Bless You and thanks again for your work.

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Not sure why people love to quote Solzhenitsyn. What they think they know about him is propaganda which has been foisted upon them for particualr interests.

The guy supported Franco's fascism among many other buried historical facts.

His books came about through support from Nikita Khrushchev. His and Robert Conquests claims are nothing but lies and exaggerations as documented through archival records which are purposefully ignored in the Western academic and media circles.

His books were widely published and catapulted in capitalist countries, as he became one of the most valuable instruments of imperialism in combating the socialism of the Soviet Union. His texts on the labor camps were added to the propaganda on the millions who were supposed to have died in the Soviet Union and were presented by the capitalist mass media as though they were true.

The methods Solzhenitsyn, Medvedev, Conquest and others used for deriving the numbers of those who died in labor camps were completely fraudulent.

In 1974, Solzhenitsyn renounced his Soviet citizenship and emigrated to Switzerland and then the US. At that time he was considered by the capitalist press to be the greatest fighter for freedom and democracy. His Nazi sympathies were buried so as not to interfere with the propaganda war against socialism.

Solzhenitsyn also supported US military intervention in Portugal which, according to him, would join the Warsaw Pact if the US did not intervene. In his lectures, Solzhenitsyn always bemoaned the liberation of Portugal’s African colonies.

Live Not by Lies?

Beyond ironic.

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Thanks Allen, interesting and useful as always.

At least from my end, I don't know any of that, so I guess my understanding of him is unbalanced and propagandized.

I can see, now that you have said it, how he would have been useful.

I guess I am now curious about his "Nazi sympathies" and the fudging of the numbers.

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He is probably another made hero, by propaganda, and he was against communism and the tyranny of stalin, as was the rest of the western world,alll shows. They only tell half truths and usually most people don't catch up by the omittance of the other half of the truth. I used to enjoy his books a lot, as i am a keen russian literature fan..i always was curious why some big writers made it, while other just as big writers did not, like isaac babel....is it the ones that were bought that made it to the western world like solz, because he was a puppet all the way like zelensky?

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I had no idea. I enjoy scrolling through the comments to essays such as this to look for other perspectives and otherwise-unknown sides to a story. If you don’t mind, and at your convenience, would you mind sharing any references (books, articles etc.) for followup reading? Thanks in anticipation.

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There aren't any. Because he is touting lies and is likely a troll.

The N.Y. Times extolled the virtues of Stalinism during the 1930s, as they were murdering millions of their own citizens. The commenter has sucked up the propaganda.

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I thought I should share this video by After Skool (Canadian?), who remixed a video by Angry Hippie (for sure Canadian), who took part of “In Shadow” and added to it a reading of “Thoth Prophecy” by Graham Hancock. Which makes the whole thing make a lot more sense... I’m not sure whether it was created for these words, but it sure does look like it to me. They fit too perfectly together...


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That was great, thanks for sharing.

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I dunno if you’ve already done an article on this but I think you’d really like looking into sunscreen—a cancer CAUSE! A good resource is https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/wise-traditions/id1072618042?i=1000568722574 or just Dr. Elizabeth Plourde.

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Thank you. I haven't yet, but it's been on my list for ages. Thanks for pointing me to Plourde, didn't know her.

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I almost stopped watching, too grim. But I didn't. It does seem to end in a rebirth, a Phoenix rising, a better place.

At least that was my take.

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I can’t believe I’ve never seen this. What an amazing work of art/truth perception!

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Great stuff!

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Oh Wow!!!

Still searching for better words but stuck at BRILLIANT, BRILLIANCE…

Every second of it is screaming relevance … how could we be asleep for this long people???

Thank you! Thank You for reaching out.🙏

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This video says in images what words can only indicate or suggest. A deeply disturbing piece that unveils the horror of the world we live in and where we're headed. So relevant, so incisive, so profoundly moving. Thank you for posting and for introducing the work of Lubomir.

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Wow, oh wow!

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