It’s the British, eh? Well I’m English, living in the U.K., and whoever is doing this to the USA is doing it to us, too. The cabal may be located in the City of London but this has nothing to do with the British people, who have been a great source of good in the world. Many British lives have been lost in the cabal’s wars, and yet, here we are - invaded by the third world. We do have a WEF king, and I don’t support him or his awful family, but the U.K. is being destroyed just as the USA is.

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It's, usually, not "the people" pushing for the evil plans, it's the people in the governments that push evil, for their own personal gain.

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It pains me to click "Like" on this one, because it's all so obvious by now. :-(

It's sobering to think how much planning went into this.

I feel like the Tom Cruise character in War of the Worlds when he realizes that the attack machines were buried underground millions of years ago in preparation for the invasion...

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I’m friends with a gal whose son is ex military, now working as a secret military contractor always heading to remote areas of the world. He does not disclose any details of his missions, sometimes just the country. He told his mom about a year ago, Be prepared, we will be in war with China, on this soil. I’ve kept his words of warning in my head. What Bret Weinstein said about Chinese camps in South America was truly frightening.

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With help from the Manchurian candidate pResident and occupier of the White House.

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And his main handler Obummer. Plus, the other people behind HiM.

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It seems also a way to clear out all productive agricultural and mining lands of any human footprint (Venezuela and Ukraine?) thus leaving those lands open to invasion by Monsanto and Blackrock.

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I agree, it's all about world government. New subscriber, appreciate this expert analysis!

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Excellent thought-provoking content that stimulates critical thinking and analysis of the root causes contributing to unlawful U.S. immigration.

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It’s not the British. It’s the Jesuit hand of Rome acting against the few remaining strongholds of genuine Protestantism.(and succeeding, so far, beyond its wildest dreams.)

All one need do is read what, in their own infallible words, Pope and Cardinals have had to say regarding our Constitutional protections in the past. And what Adams and Lincoln had to say of the Romish influence during their times. It’s not complimentary. The deceptions run as deep as the history of the Reformation.

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Club of Rome?

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The one thing that is total bullshit is this fear porn about "military aged men" crossing the border etc.

Ok, maybe people don't remember the past, but it's mainly military aged men who come to work, so they can send the money home. It's a big industry to send money home, especially before online banking and cards.

But nah, let's just pretend it's an invasion and all that jazz to foment discord and fear.

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Kalergi plan.

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I haven't read them all but Unherd has written on US civil war, including the film coming out. Coincidence? I will search a link.

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