I have a lot of time for Neema Parvini. I loved my interview with him.
Interview with Neema Parvini - Lies are Unbekoming
And I highlighted and took plenty from his lecture, The Octopus.
The Octopus - Lies are Unbekoming
I watched this recent short clip of his, that I recommend, and I’m glad that he mentions Lennon and Imagine.
The Core Concept of the Boomer Truth Regime The "Boomer truth regime" emerged after World War II as a moral paradigm structured around two opposing forces: the ultimate evil, represented by Nazi Germany and Hitler, and the ultimate good, embodied in John Lennon's vision of unlimited individual self-expression. This framework was established through the Nuremberg trials and the 1960s counterculture movement, which systematically dismantled traditional moral certainties in favor of individualized moral codes.
The Three Pillars: Democracy, Individualism, and Progress Parvini identifies three fundamental myths that support this worldview: democracy, individualism, and progress, forming what they call a "new Holy Trinity." This emphasis on individualism has created a society where people, especially younger generations, often refuse to make moral judgments about collective issues, instead defaulting to personal preference as the only valid criterion for decision-making.
The Myth of Inevitable Progress Within this framework, progress is seen as a one-way street that cannot accommodate "backward steps." Any questioning of established progressive victories – in civil rights, gender equality, or sexual liberation – is viewed as fundamentally threatening to the entire moral order. This explains the intense reactions to events like Brexit and Trump's election, which seemed to challenge the narrative of inevitable forward movement.
The Democracy Illusion Parvini challenges the democratic aspect of this regime, arguing that many significant social changes were not actually products of popular will. Using examples like immigration policy and desegregation, they contend that these changes were implemented by organized minorities with institutional power rather than through genuine democratic processes, despite the popular narrative suggesting otherwise.
System Maintenance and Vulnerability The entire system is maintained through social taboos and linguistic controls that make certain topics undiscussable. However, Parvini suggests this system is increasingly fragile – when people begin questioning one aspect of these established narratives, they often start questioning others. This explains why defenders of this regime resist any "backward steps" so forcefully, fearing that allowing any questioning might lead to a broader unravelling of the post-World War II moral framework.
It reminded me of Peter Myers’ wonderful book The Cosmopolitan Empire, where Myers, who I also interviewed, outlines the subversive background to Lennon and the song.
The game has been the same for a very long time.
No Religion. No Country. No Family. No Sovereignty.
No Borders of any kind.
Just “World Peace” which is code for World Government.
By the way, hundreds of genders are a perfect example of a world without borders.
With thanks to Neema Parvini and Peter Myers.
The Cosmopolitan Empire: One World but Whose?: Myers, Peter Gerard
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The Cosmopolitan Empire
Germaine Greer came under Trotskyist influence during her formative years in Sydney, but later grew out of it. In her first book The Female Eunuch she wrote (1971), "Hopefully, this book is subversive ... the oppression of women is necessary to the maintenance of the economy ... If the present economic structure can change only by collapsing, then it had better collapse as soon as possible. ... The most telling criticisms will come from my sisters of the Left, the Maoists, the Trots, the I.S., the S.D.S., because of my fantasy that it might be possible to leap the steps of revolution and arrive somehow at liberty and communism without strategy or revolutionary discipline." (pp. 21-2).
The I.S. are the International Socialists, a Trotskyist group; by "the Trots", she probably meant the Socialist Workers' Party, since renamed the Democratic Socialist Party, and now Socialist Alliance.
John Lennon donated money to a Trotskyist group. The following report, dated March 2, 2000, is from the wsws Trotskyist website: "A former agent for the British Security Service (known as MI5) has alleged in a sworn statement that the agency received reports from a high-level spy inside the Workers Revolutionary Party during the late 1960s. The ex-agent, David Shayler, is currently living in exile in France, where he has fled to escape prosecution for his exposure of state secrets. In his February 18 affidavit, Shayler asserts that the spy provided MI5 with reports of financial support given by John Lennon to the WRP" (North, 2000).
John Lennon's philosophical song Imagine can thus be assumed to reflect Trotskyist utopianism:
Imagine, the Trotskyist anthem by John Lennon
{my comments thus}
Imagine there's no heaven {no religion}
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...
Imagine there's no countries {world government}
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too {i.e. official Atheism—suppression of religion}
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace... {peace = world government}
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one {world government}
Imagine no possessions {communism; or the Great Reset}
I wonder if you can {John certainly had plenty}
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world... {open borders, one world government}
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one {A whole generation has been led astray}
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one {world government}
Lennon's philosophy may sound idyllic, but he led young people astray with his advocacy of "living for the present". The story of Pinocchio illustrates the outcome.
However, in his last public performance, on April 18, 1975, Lennon sang a different version of Imagine. In place of "And no religion too", he sang, "No immigration too". Thanks to Denis McCormack for pointing this out. Watch it here.
That line is at 1m19s; but at 0m53s he sang "Imagine there's no countries".
If there are no countries, then borders are open to immigration and imported goods (the sort which destroy our industries). Lennon, in rejecting immigration, was belatedly turning against the Cosmopolitanism that marked the earlier version. He was finally waking up to the Trotskyist agenda.
I do agree that he was a great musician—the Beatles, the Beach Boys and the Bee Gees made beautiful music, from which heights, sadly, rock music descended to the depths of punk, heavy metal, rap, and Satanism.
The album cover for Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967) included sorcerer Aleister Crowley at John Lennon's insistence:
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law,'' was the personal motto of Aleister Crowley (1875-1947), once known to the headline writers as ''the Great Beast'' and ''the Wickedest Man Alive''. It was a philosophy that would endear him to the counterculture of the 1960s and make him a hero for rock stars such as Jimmy Page and Jim Morrison. Perhaps the sealer for Crowley's second coming was his inclusion on the album cover for Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967), at John Lennon's insistence. (McDonald, 2013)
John Lennon stated that Crowley was included because of his "Do what thou wilt" philosophy:
Aleister Crowley inspired the counterculture movement of the 1960s.
Most people are quite aware of Aleister Crowley's censored appearance on the cover of Sgt. Pepper among the Beatles' other heroes. Few, though, have gone on to ask why Aleister Crowley made the cut. John Lennon made the connection clear in an interview with Playboy when he said that "The whole Beatle idea was to do what you want, right? To take your own responsibility." Lennon was paraphrasing "Do what thou wilt," which is one of the central precepts of Thelema, the religion founded by Aleister Crowley. Thelema is the Greek word which means "will" and teaches that we each must discover our individual inmost nature, described as the "True Will." (ac2012, 2012)
The Beatles were only the first of many counterculture rock musicians in the 1960s-70s to openly cite Aleister Crowley as an influence, and to turn to Satanism. The photo shows the album cover for the Beatles singles CD Yellow Submarine and Eleanor Rigby. Paul McCartney is making the 666 sign, and John Lennon is making the Devil's Horns. Both are Satanic. Also shown is Anton LaVey, founder of the Satanic Temple, making the same handsign. Note the Pentagram too.
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Anyone can immerse themselves into intellectual entanglements with no beginning no end and no middle part. While the dialogues freshen the soil nothing takes root. So how does one survive the encounter. It’s obvious. Any conversation that seeks to limit your bodily autonomy (vs shots), your freedom of movement and travel (lockdowns and vaccine passports) you being force fed other lame brain deceitful self-serving agenda/disinformation (controlling/limiting Free Speech) and forced to adopt Fake Surveillance, judgement, control and punishment for currency (CBDC’s) or face starvation. If you have the wherewithal to imagine at the helm Bilderbergs, ROTHCHILDS, Rockefeller’s who just murdered 30,000,000 and literally contaminated humanity’s genetic code (DNA contamination, self replicating Replicons, SV40 plasmids etc) natures genetic code (GMO foods, genetically altered creatures.
These monsters are unspeakably evil. They need to be tagged and controlled and arrested and charged with treason, crimes against humanity in the International criminal court. National Corrupt Pardons have no sway internationally. Catch them and let’s start the show. The human race is starving for it.
Wow…I read Musical Truth by Mark Devlin. It was an eye-opener. My father was a VP for Capitol Records during the Beatles heyday through his death in 2004. I used to think his job was “cool” but in really listening and considering the lyrics of many popular songs, learning about Tavistock Institute and social engineering, I have concluded there was nothing “cool” about it. Part of my unlearning/relearning journey has included learning to be very careful about what I watch, read and listen to. Many of my former old favorite songs were, in fact, subtle brainwashing, I think now. Thank goodness for classical music and independent artists as that is what I choose currently. Thanks for this essay.