Because we all keep chipping away at the lies, the truth will seep through to the masses despite the brainwashing and censorship. A blue-pilled conservative friend, at least three boosters and counting, still only consuming MSM, surprised me recently with his outrage about something deemed highly conspirational three years ago. And I thought, wow, how on earth did he learn about that?
I have a mate that took all of the jabs and boosters and seems to get all of his information from the msm. It is hard to talk to him about anything other than the weather or cricket. He gets really hostile and raises his voice and yes, uses the term "conspiracy theorist", like he has been conditioned, if I bring up the obvious that he refuses to see or believe. He has also been racked with cancer but won't see the connection. It is sad. He used to be capable of critical thought. Maybe there is something in the jabs as well as they are too stubborn to admit they fell for it.
People find it hard to come to terms with having made a massive mistake. For example, there are still people who will defend having voted for O’Bama and Joe Alzheimer (and George Bush).
My neighbour was not hapoy I didnt belleve in the vax. She goes to so many funerals of friends and family sadly.The other day, she said, It didnt stop transmission or infection!! The penny has dropped. She is over 80 and said "I wont be around to see where it all ends up." Well I will, and I am glad she has woken up because if she can wake up so can many younger people. In the end its not how many dogs are in the fight but how much fight is in any one dog! 🙏
My brother in law who was on the vaccine merry go round has stopped and showed my ex the photos of the fibous clots embalmers are taking out of people. You never know what might wake someone up so keep trying!
“They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern. You cannot change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information, even if you prove that white is white and black is black you still cannot change the basic perception and illogical behavior. In other words, these people, the process of demoralization is complete and irreversible…
As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures. Even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him concentration camp he will refuse to believe it until he is going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When the military boot crashes his balls, then he will understand, but not before that. That’s the tragic of the situation of demoralization.”
Through pain, be it direct personal experience or publicly exposed information (think EAS or Congressional hearings), the populace will have its eyes opened.
Statistics: Just off the top of my head, 57,000 soldiers died in Vietnam, as we killed 1/3rd of the entire population. The Vietnamese kicked our ass, yet only 57,000 of our men died.
Dresden and Hiroshima, about 100,000 died in both cities. These were known sanctuary cities refugees flocked to. IMO, the death toll was 10x's that figure.
Iraq to this day has a death toll of less than 5000 of our soldiers. A known general reported on Veterans Today, less than 6 months in, that over 25,000 troops had died. I was stunned that our National Guard was recruited to fight. Why? Because too many of our men died? By keeping the death toll low we could convince the public of our military prowess.
9/11, 3000 died. You have got to be kidding me. There were 3000 response team on the street alone. Maybe Jesse Owens could have outrun the 5 second drop, no one else did.
Conversely, today, Israel killed 40,000 Palestinians. That figure is known to be 250,000. WW11, provable 330-350,000 Jews died in work camps. Total figure 6,000,000 Jews died.
Covid vaccines estimates show 1 billion worldwide have succumbed from the shot. 10 million of that number reside in USA. An actual provable study showed 20 flu deaths in US yearly but is reported every year that 45,000 people die of flu.
I could go on to Katrina, Maui, No Carolina, so called acts of God, but you get the point. Statistics are there to push a belief. So far, I have not come across a reliable stat.
Thanks Gecko, but already know. One thing I forgot to mention that galls me is the millions of dogs killed every year for a disease never shown to exist in the US, via a rabies shot.
Yup. 100% vaccine-caused excess death in Australia. We went from a 5-year avg all-cause mortality of ~161,000/yr (2016-2020) to a 5 yr all-cause mortality of 174,00/yr (2019-2023), or +8%. At the same time our population increased from 25,334,826 (June 2019) to 26,638,724 (June 2023), or +5.1%.
I do actually have a (currently) unpublished article comparing our population growth to all-cause mortality (i.e., changes in all-cause mortality as a factor of population). It shows. Our 5 year deaths/100k pop. avg (2015-2019) was 654 deaths per 100,000 population.
2020: 642/100k (-1.83% of 5 yr avg)
2021: 668/100k (+2.1%)
2022: 732/100k (+13.8%)
2023: 681/100k (+4.1%)
The other place it clearly shows is in the deaths/week metrics. Here they are (total annual mortality in brackets):
2015: 3,017/wk (159,916)
2016: 3,047/wk (158,454)
2017: 3,152/wk (163,928)
2018: 3,058/wk (159,084)
2019: 3,161/wk (164,388)
2020: 3,109/wk (164,788)
2021: 3,302/wk (171,718)
2022: 3,660/wk (190,326)
2023: 3,500/wk (182,038)
How did our weekly mortality go from 3,000-3,150/wk to 3,500/wk and stay there?!!!
Fuck you, Australian Government. You're all lying ****s.
So, so sad the so, so many people who prefer the simple answer that allows them to just continue not thinking, not doubting, not confronting - least of all themselves. When I dig deep in my heart I can find thin threads of empathy for the utter shock to their system it would be to face all this, how completely overwhelming and destabilizing the experience would be. And how frail most are, totally uneducated and unequipped for healthy, expansive self-confrontation. Truth is not for the faint of heart.
You're doing well! It has become almost impossible to identify any 'thin threads of empathy', being surrounded by a legion overtly hostile to any interpretation deviating from MSM talking points. Divided families, erased friendships, shattered social cohesion and trust ... possibly an orchestrated chaos. And now one observes colleagues allegedly devoted to life explicitly submitting to the narrative of euthanasia.
Nonetheless, out of such omnipresent and seemingly seductive evil, goodness and grace still emerge while hope springs eternal.
I get it, this thread of empathy doesn't flush out into my consciousness, I have to decidedly look for it inside myself and, as I have been trained in empathy (yes, it's a learnable skill) I can muster some semblance thereof. So many people have gone so far into their contempt and hatred of the dissidents that they have no path for redemption without losing face. How do we not perpetrate the same hatred in return? If we do no more than turn the table, we remain at this same *fu#k*!ng* table of dehumanization, moving forward NOT AT ALL in the direction of the world we want to live in.
Be grateful for your heart, your character and see if you can find it in yourself to extend the hand that says "I know, it hurts, and after it feels empowering, I love you, we are truly all in this together now." Or something, you know?
When your hand is caught in the cookie jar, it's amazing how it inspires an incredible burst of creative but transparently phony excuses. All of these "explanations" are declarative statements made without supporting evidence, or by rigging the statistics to create the least unfavorable view of the government. These murderers should be brought before an independent court where they can present the "evidence" for their excuses. An independent judiciary can determine the validity of these lame excuses and then sentence the criminals to murder and lying under oath.
Very good. You missed most of the ways, but it's much better than anything else I am aware of. The best way is to fudge the actual mortality numbers, dump migrants into cities, lower speed limits, convert lanes to bus-only, etc.
Thank you for a very interesting comment. If I understand you right, had they not implemented this Agenda 2030 smart cities BS, the relatively empty roads would've looked deserted due to over-capacity, yet they're now more clogged than ever with less people using them. Per usual, their nefarious deeds have multiple benefits for them.
It's wrong to point to something so specific though. Where I live the reasons for some of these things had to do with construction, but, as expected, even after the construction was over, they kept it all. (They claimed they are extending it as a pilot project in the interest of public transportation, but that's incorrect due to the fact that the buses are mostly empty. You'll note they recently tinted the public bus windows, almost certainly for this exact reason...
The fact that there has never been and likely never will be any effective (let alone safe) "vaccine" against ANY cold or flu virus (or other respiratory pathogen) seems to have escaped the entirety of the Rockefeller allopathic medical establishment throughout the sorry saga known as the Covid-19 "pandemic". I am mindful of those who claim all vaccines to be harmful and ineffective. I'm tending to that viewpoint myself now. Medicine is all about money, not health. And biotech and vaccines is a multi-trillion dollar industry. That is our problem.
While the data for 2024 are almost complete for both Australia and Sweden, and completed for New Zealand, the running total of excess deaths above the 2015 - 2019 mean since 2020 appear in the staggering figures below:
Couldn't reply to Being Nobody, so let's try this.
> Because we all keep chipping away at the lies, the truth will seep through to the masses despite the brainwashing and censorship
This is precisely why The Blob is trying to redefine any online content that doesn't align with the (pay to play) authoritative messaging content as "terrorism" (yep, over and above "misinformation," "disinformation," and "malinformation").
Mike Benz has been laboring to wake people up to how the Information Control Industry works.
"It was not until the internet allowed peer-to-peer communication that there was a back door to escape the intermediation of the foreign policy establishment [i.e. that was using propaganda techniques on both foreign and domestic populations]. ...I don't think they were anticipating the day when their own citizens might have nationalist thoughts in opposition to their policies, and we would effectively become dissidents. And that's essentially what ushered in the Censorship Age."
Pharma has many intertwinings with the intel cluster. And Pharma uses on domestic populations exactly the same propaganda techniques that used to be outlawed (before Obama signed the Smith-Mundt "Modernization" Act in 2012). It is no exaggeration to observe that Pharma is at war with humanity...but that is a much larger blackpill than most "just regular people" can be expected to accept.
Because we all keep chipping away at the lies, the truth will seep through to the masses despite the brainwashing and censorship. A blue-pilled conservative friend, at least three boosters and counting, still only consuming MSM, surprised me recently with his outrage about something deemed highly conspirational three years ago. And I thought, wow, how on earth did he learn about that?
I have a mate that took all of the jabs and boosters and seems to get all of his information from the msm. It is hard to talk to him about anything other than the weather or cricket. He gets really hostile and raises his voice and yes, uses the term "conspiracy theorist", like he has been conditioned, if I bring up the obvious that he refuses to see or believe. He has also been racked with cancer but won't see the connection. It is sad. He used to be capable of critical thought. Maybe there is something in the jabs as well as they are too stubborn to admit they fell for it.
People find it hard to come to terms with having made a massive mistake. For example, there are still people who will defend having voted for O’Bama and Joe Alzheimer (and George Bush).
Jabs cause micro-clotting in the pre-frontal cortex. This affects decision making, ability to empathise, and critical thinking.
He may also have protein-build up issues.
It's a cult. They are in a kind of hypnotic trance. Intelligent people can use their intelligence to fool themselves in creative ways.
My neighbour was not hapoy I didnt belleve in the vax. She goes to so many funerals of friends and family sadly.The other day, she said, It didnt stop transmission or infection!! The penny has dropped. She is over 80 and said "I wont be around to see where it all ends up." Well I will, and I am glad she has woken up because if she can wake up so can many younger people. In the end its not how many dogs are in the fight but how much fight is in any one dog! 🙏
My brother in law who was on the vaccine merry go round has stopped and showed my ex the photos of the fibous clots embalmers are taking out of people. You never know what might wake someone up so keep trying!
Yuri Bezmenov:
“They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern. You cannot change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information, even if you prove that white is white and black is black you still cannot change the basic perception and illogical behavior. In other words, these people, the process of demoralization is complete and irreversible…
As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures. Even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him concentration camp he will refuse to believe it until he is going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When the military boot crashes his balls, then he will understand, but not before that. That’s the tragic of the situation of demoralization.”
Through pain, be it direct personal experience or publicly exposed information (think EAS or Congressional hearings), the populace will have its eyes opened.
Statistics: Just off the top of my head, 57,000 soldiers died in Vietnam, as we killed 1/3rd of the entire population. The Vietnamese kicked our ass, yet only 57,000 of our men died.
Dresden and Hiroshima, about 100,000 died in both cities. These were known sanctuary cities refugees flocked to. IMO, the death toll was 10x's that figure.
Iraq to this day has a death toll of less than 5000 of our soldiers. A known general reported on Veterans Today, less than 6 months in, that over 25,000 troops had died. I was stunned that our National Guard was recruited to fight. Why? Because too many of our men died? By keeping the death toll low we could convince the public of our military prowess.
9/11, 3000 died. You have got to be kidding me. There were 3000 response team on the street alone. Maybe Jesse Owens could have outrun the 5 second drop, no one else did.
Conversely, today, Israel killed 40,000 Palestinians. That figure is known to be 250,000. WW11, provable 330-350,000 Jews died in work camps. Total figure 6,000,000 Jews died.
Covid vaccines estimates show 1 billion worldwide have succumbed from the shot. 10 million of that number reside in USA. An actual provable study showed 20 flu deaths in US yearly but is reported every year that 45,000 people die of flu.
I could go on to Katrina, Maui, No Carolina, so called acts of God, but you get the point. Statistics are there to push a belief. So far, I have not come across a reliable stat.
On 911:
Thanks Gecko, but already know. One thing I forgot to mention that galls me is the millions of dogs killed every year for a disease never shown to exist in the US, via a rabies shot.
The hoaxes are neverending:).
Yup. 100% vaccine-caused excess death in Australia. We went from a 5-year avg all-cause mortality of ~161,000/yr (2016-2020) to a 5 yr all-cause mortality of 174,00/yr (2019-2023), or +8%. At the same time our population increased from 25,334,826 (June 2019) to 26,638,724 (June 2023), or +5.1%.
I do actually have a (currently) unpublished article comparing our population growth to all-cause mortality (i.e., changes in all-cause mortality as a factor of population). It shows. Our 5 year deaths/100k pop. avg (2015-2019) was 654 deaths per 100,000 population.
2020: 642/100k (-1.83% of 5 yr avg)
2021: 668/100k (+2.1%)
2022: 732/100k (+13.8%)
2023: 681/100k (+4.1%)
The other place it clearly shows is in the deaths/week metrics. Here they are (total annual mortality in brackets):
2015: 3,017/wk (159,916)
2016: 3,047/wk (158,454)
2017: 3,152/wk (163,928)
2018: 3,058/wk (159,084)
2019: 3,161/wk (164,388)
2020: 3,109/wk (164,788)
2021: 3,302/wk (171,718)
2022: 3,660/wk (190,326)
2023: 3,500/wk (182,038)
How did our weekly mortality go from 3,000-3,150/wk to 3,500/wk and stay there?!!!
Fuck you, Australian Government. You're all lying ****s.
So, so sad the so, so many people who prefer the simple answer that allows them to just continue not thinking, not doubting, not confronting - least of all themselves. When I dig deep in my heart I can find thin threads of empathy for the utter shock to their system it would be to face all this, how completely overwhelming and destabilizing the experience would be. And how frail most are, totally uneducated and unequipped for healthy, expansive self-confrontation. Truth is not for the faint of heart.
You're doing well! It has become almost impossible to identify any 'thin threads of empathy', being surrounded by a legion overtly hostile to any interpretation deviating from MSM talking points. Divided families, erased friendships, shattered social cohesion and trust ... possibly an orchestrated chaos. And now one observes colleagues allegedly devoted to life explicitly submitting to the narrative of euthanasia.
Nonetheless, out of such omnipresent and seemingly seductive evil, goodness and grace still emerge while hope springs eternal.
I get it, this thread of empathy doesn't flush out into my consciousness, I have to decidedly look for it inside myself and, as I have been trained in empathy (yes, it's a learnable skill) I can muster some semblance thereof. So many people have gone so far into their contempt and hatred of the dissidents that they have no path for redemption without losing face. How do we not perpetrate the same hatred in return? If we do no more than turn the table, we remain at this same *fu#k*!ng* table of dehumanization, moving forward NOT AT ALL in the direction of the world we want to live in.
Be grateful for your heart, your character and see if you can find it in yourself to extend the hand that says "I know, it hurts, and after it feels empowering, I love you, we are truly all in this together now." Or something, you know?
When your hand is caught in the cookie jar, it's amazing how it inspires an incredible burst of creative but transparently phony excuses. All of these "explanations" are declarative statements made without supporting evidence, or by rigging the statistics to create the least unfavorable view of the government. These murderers should be brought before an independent court where they can present the "evidence" for their excuses. An independent judiciary can determine the validity of these lame excuses and then sentence the criminals to murder and lying under oath.
Very good. You missed most of the ways, but it's much better than anything else I am aware of. The best way is to fudge the actual mortality numbers, dump migrants into cities, lower speed limits, convert lanes to bus-only, etc.
Thank you for a very interesting comment. If I understand you right, had they not implemented this Agenda 2030 smart cities BS, the relatively empty roads would've looked deserted due to over-capacity, yet they're now more clogged than ever with less people using them. Per usual, their nefarious deeds have multiple benefits for them.
It's wrong to point to something so specific though. Where I live the reasons for some of these things had to do with construction, but, as expected, even after the construction was over, they kept it all. (They claimed they are extending it as a pilot project in the interest of public transportation, but that's incorrect due to the fact that the buses are mostly empty. You'll note they recently tinted the public bus windows, almost certainly for this exact reason...
Dear Unbekoming
Excellent. I will publish on Monday. has the largest archive of COVID-19 articles, news stories, and videos online, with over 8,000 posts, and growing.
The fact that there has never been and likely never will be any effective (let alone safe) "vaccine" against ANY cold or flu virus (or other respiratory pathogen) seems to have escaped the entirety of the Rockefeller allopathic medical establishment throughout the sorry saga known as the Covid-19 "pandemic". I am mindful of those who claim all vaccines to be harmful and ineffective. I'm tending to that viewpoint myself now. Medicine is all about money, not health. And biotech and vaccines is a multi-trillion dollar industry. That is our problem.
Australia (OZzzz) and New Zealand (NZzzz) were part of the same arm of the globalist experiment. (Feb 2024) Excess deaths above the mean makes a very interesting if not revealing study.
While the data for 2024 are almost complete for both Australia and Sweden, and completed for New Zealand, the running total of excess deaths above the 2015 - 2019 mean since 2020 appear in the staggering figures below:
New Zealand: 12,670 deaths ~ (population 5.3M) ~ (0.24% deaths) ~ (x 3 Sweden)
Australia: 56,790 deaths ~ (population 26.5M) ~ (0.21% deaths) ~ (x 2.63 Sweden)
Sweden: 8792 ~ (population: 10.7M) ~ (0.08% deaths)
And still they Zzzz.
Couldn't reply to Being Nobody, so let's try this.
> Because we all keep chipping away at the lies, the truth will seep through to the masses despite the brainwashing and censorship
This is precisely why The Blob is trying to redefine any online content that doesn't align with the (pay to play) authoritative messaging content as "terrorism" (yep, over and above "misinformation," "disinformation," and "malinformation").
Mike Benz has been laboring to wake people up to how the Information Control Industry works.
"It was not until the internet allowed peer-to-peer communication that there was a back door to escape the intermediation of the foreign policy establishment [i.e. that was using propaganda techniques on both foreign and domestic populations]. ...I don't think they were anticipating the day when their own citizens might have nationalist thoughts in opposition to their policies, and we would effectively become dissidents. And that's essentially what ushered in the Censorship Age."
Pharma has many intertwinings with the intel cluster. And Pharma uses on domestic populations exactly the same propaganda techniques that used to be outlawed (before Obama signed the Smith-Mundt "Modernization" Act in 2012). It is no exaggeration to observe that Pharma is at war with humanity...but that is a much larger blackpill than most "just regular people" can be expected to accept.
Multiply by 10 and you get a good idea how many died in the USA. Easily 600,000 and the numbers are being hidden.
Cumulative excess deaths over several years do not include the slaughtered elderly who would have died within 1-2 years.
1.2 - 1.3 million excess US deaths from 2020-2022, compared to the pre-Covid normal.
All the player’s and instigators and perpetrators in this 21st century human cull use this "excess mortality” toxic labelling now.
It’s not only slaughter, Unbekoming.
it’s manslaughter if by some slim possibility it was biggest negligence of the last 2000 years of modern civilisation,
it’s mass murder if it was by design.
You are a star , Unbekoming.
So grateful.
thank you