I live in Amsterdam and attended the protest on Sunday. The turnout was huge, and the atmosphere for the most part terrific, but the massive show of force was completely over the top. The protest had been prohibited by our Green Party mayor, and a massive police presence was mobilized, including Marechaussee (military police). At precisely 1pm, like clockwork, this huge phalanx, including two water cannon trucks, swept clean the Museumplein. A small number of protesters were kettled, and those ugly skirmishes took place, but then, again like clockwork, they all jumped in their trucks and vans, and drove off, leaving the very large crowd in peace. We headed to the Westerpark about 2 km to the west, where there was a smaller rally. The whole thing had a theatrical quality to it. I suspect our feckless mayor was pressured from on high to make a show of force; it had a whiff ill-considered desperation to it. It seems the biosecurity authoritarians still have the upper hand, and it is thought that the new Cabinet, which will be sworn in next week, will recklessly impose an odious G2 and vaxx mandate regime, despite slowly but steadily growing opposition to it. Approval ratings are plummeting, and one has to wonder how long this fragile new coalition will last. This once highly functional, socially cohesive society is, like so many others in the West, heading implacably towards a massive political, economic, and social crisis.

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Thanks for the note Colin. Sounds very similar to the tactics used here in Australia and especially in Melbourne. Also, thanks for pointing me to Daniel's Substack, I don't read Dutch, but that's what Google translate is for :)

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See this Dutch substack from Daniël van der Tuin. The Netherlands is now a "low-trust society", something astonishing and previously unthinkable.

Vertrouwen in Nederlandse regering bereikt dieptepunt: laag-vertrouwen samenleving

Het vertrouwen in de Nederlandse overheid is verder gedaald. In november 2021 heeft de regering een fors deel van de steun verloren. Nog maar 16 procent van de mensen is positief gestemd.

Lees verder hier: https://danielvdtuin.substack.com/p/de-laag-vertrouwen-samenleving-vertrouwen

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But those tough guys are too gutless to confront a few terrorists and towel heads.

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