Science has devolved to resemble religion more and more over time. Instead of unalloyed faithfulness to empiricism and the scientific method, it appears to have become a set of credos which are impervious to challenge, regarding of their lack of empirical validation. Not only this, those who challenge these credos are subject to excommunication from the world of "science". Science has devolved into "The Science" which is no more than a set of religious tenets spoken as edicts or decrees by the ruling class within the scientific hierarchy, and are nearly completely divorced from the scientific method or empirical truth. That so many people continue to accept "The Science" as actual science reflects the corruption of critical thinking skills within our community. It also is an indicator of the moral hazards of allying science with money. When the prospect of financial gain or the threat of loss of financial support affects what scientific opinions one may express, we no long have science speaking. We have money speaking. To end the moral corruption, to end the transformation of science into a quasi-religious fraud masquerading as truth, when it is more about the influence of money we must cut off the influence of money. How to do this I can't say, but it must be done if we are ever to recover science.

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Indeed. The common denominator for most of humanity’s problems is money. Kill money. Liberate humanity.

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How is HIV a homosexual disease in Western countries and a heterosexual disease in Africa? “ Those who make you believe in absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire

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HIV is not a disease. It's supposed to be a virus called the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Thus, HIV. If you're thinking someone just made that term up, yes they did. This unproven virus is supposed to cause a "disease" called AIDS - an acronym for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Before this term was coined, AIDS was called GRID - Gay Related Immune Deficiency. Confused yet? These days the the condition is usually just referred to as HIV-AIDS. I take issue with this being identified as a distinct disease - because a syndrome is just a collection of medical symptoms, not prima facie a distinct disease in and of itself.

But hey, we all know it's deadly, right? So why bother with the details:).

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"How is HIV a homosexual disease in Western countries and a heterosexual disease in Africa?"

Answer: Quite possibly because "HIV/AIDS," whatever it really is, was spread under the cover of 2 separate vaccine campaigns using 2 very different populations as the lab rats:

(1) - The World Health Organization's "Smallpox Eradication Campaign" injected smallpox vaccine into *heterosexual Africans* in sub-Saharan Africa in the 1970s, from approx 1966 to its end in 1977.

(2)- The NIH-sponsored "Hepatitis B Experimental Vaccine Program" used *only promiscuous homosexual volunteers* in U.S. cities in 1978-79. Monogamous/celibate volunteers were not allowed in the experiment.

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Interesting comment. More info/data about this?

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There's a lot of denial regarding the Hepatitis B experimental vaccine in the United States in 1978-79 as the cause of "AIDS."


99% of discussions about the origins of "HIV" and "AIDS" in gay men prefer to IGNORE what I consider the elephant in the room, namely, the 1978-79 ExPeRiMeNtAl HePaTiTiS B vaccine program, sponsored by N.I.H. in America's cities, which used EXCLUSIVELY promiscuous gay men as its lab rats. Monogamous/celibate volunteers were rejected.


Within months, the EXACT same demographic began dropping dead like flies in 1980.


The behavior of gay men did not suddenly change in 1979. Behavior was the same in 1979 as it was in the decade of the 1970s, with many gay men druggin' and drinkin' and screwin' around with multiple partners, while many other gay men did not do these things. Therefore one cannot blame cases of "AIDS" on a change in behavior.


And AZT/Revtrovir/azidothymidine was not permitted until about 1985. Therefore, one cannot blame the thousands of "AIDS" deaths in the years from 1980 to 1985 on AZT as it was NOT available yet.


Hardly anyone ever even considers the experimental Hep B vaccine as the likely culprit. Certainly not the ridiculous mainstream narrative, i.e., claiming that "AIDS" originated in Africa from hunters eating green monkeys, LOL. And then you have the "Tier-2" people like Duesberg claiming "AIDS" is caused by a druggy lifestyle and/or by ingesting toxic doses or drugs like AZT.


I say BOTH Tier-1 and Tier-2 have missed the main point (the elephant in the room) in that neither takes into consideration *WHAT WAS TRULY NEW* at the time in 1978-79, which was the Hep B vaccine for gay men, the EXACT demographic that starting dropping dead like flies within months of the experimental shots!!!



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P.S. And just to be perfectly clear, the recipients of the commercial Hepatitis B vax product by Merck (approved later by FDA for health care workers) did NOT start dropping dead. I suppose the Merck product was missing the special, secret deadly Fauci ingredient.

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Are you aware of the recent video lectures of Dr. Luc Montagnier, RIP? He spoke out early against SARS COV 2, covid, and the injections, and before he left, he questioned the existence of HIV, even though he had recieved a Nobel prize for his work on it. Here's a link https://rairfoundation.com/?s=Luc+Montagnier

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Ya gotta have an open mind. Rappoport's work on Aids, was a game changer for me. Very few folks out there, including myself, can read between the lines as well as he does. BUT.... he refuses to see weather manipulation as a serious science mastered to such a horrible degree, as to be unreliable and unbelievable. My homeopath as well. He could cure cancer with VitC but did not believe Chemtrails exist. OK, so I'm not gonna throw the baby out with the bath water on both these two men. I guess one can be so consumed with their life's long work to be unaware of forces hell bent on destruction of our natural world, as unbelievable, which to me is plain as the nose on your face. I would think, brains such as these, would be more open to the prevailing treachery around us, given their knowledge and ability to read between the lines. An open mind.

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I am also kind of dumbfounded at smart people who see the truth in one direction, but can't see another, bigger picture. I think they often have tunnel vision. They're completely focused on the one thing they know everything about, and can't put their brain anywhere else. A little Asperger's going on... I joke that they are looking through a microscope, and can't see that the sky is falling in on them.

... Other brilliant people who don't believe in geoengineering.

... People who won't give up on the contagion THEORY. Other people who won't accept that "Covid" is EMR poisoning. ... Other people who are fixated on a virus didn't cause this, so nothing is going on... When it is.

And my own family who live inside their boxes and can't see outside of them!

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Well said. I think, these people who are so smart in their field of expertise, rely on the news for everything else. They haven't considered or learned that NOTHING can be believed coming from the only 3 news agencies we have. I take daily trips to other news agencies in the East, and believe me, they are completely different from Western news, all banned by the West. What does that tell you?

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I appreciate this summary. The AIDS / HIV industry has shifted and morphed over 20 years to encompass the 'transgender industry.' The 'trans' industry would not exist today without the build up of programs around the lies, deceit. propaganda, etc of AIDS/HIV. There is no isolating and purifying the 'transgender' virus. The virus is industry itself selling delusions to the public. The history surrounding HIV/AIDS needs to be widely known.

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The longest single article on substack I've ever personally read. The question and answer section is a bit repetitive but understandably so. There were a few standout bits that weren't repeated that I have since forgotten and don't think I could easily find again given the length of the post. Stuff that as a layman I found substantially compelling. From memory, some of the most compelling bits are the fact that early "isolates" didn't even have a picture of the virus, and that later we came to claim it's genome varied by up to 40%. (That's insane, that's like the difference between me and a banana.) The existence of an "argument" for isolation when I think the VAST majority of people regard isolation as a form of evidence itself. Like, put bigfoot in a room and now make an argument that he's in there. We apparently can't just look in the room, we have to infer he's in there by other means in virology. To me that's just unacceptable. At minimum I think this data conclusively proves that "HIV" is not a single organism. And having established that all notions of what this "one" thing is doing have to be re-examined. I find the idea that a consistent way of life leads to a shared syndrome is a lot more compelling and reasonable. It's like saying people who punch trees get calloused knuckles. That makes more sense to me than some bark borne punching transmitted virus.

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Im really trying to understand all the science behind this scam.

Does all this mean that all of the heterosexual people and the huge amount of Africans with “AIDS” didnt actually have AIDS or at least they had something different than gay men who were having receptive anal sex?

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Short overly simple answer, yes. But longer answer starts with: "AIDS" isn't a stable enough object of knowledge to say it's a "thing you have"or don't have. It's only a list of existing ailments plus (nonspecific!) biomarker test results. Unpacking African AIDS has to be it's own chapter in the saga.

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TLDR but am aware of the Perth group and there arguments. More and more I buy them. I only half believed them when RFK Jr covered the topic in his book. I just wanted to say that I think any discussion of this topic ought to include how South Park covered this disease as I think it is society's way of saying 'hey something isn't adding up with what we've been told on this story.' In the episode they note Magic Johnson has been doing just fine for quite some time and the delve into how that is possible.

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It's all moot now because virology is moving into the digital realm where literally anything is possible. Even Moderna boast that they are 'digitising biology'.

Contagion theory (and by extension the notion of 'viruses') has been disproved by hundreds of real world experiments involving buckets of snot and brave volunteers, going back a century. This is why they had to move everything over to the digital realm..... basically CGI.

Everyone is so engrossed in their smartphones and the 'digital world' that they didn't even notice (or care) that 'covid' was a completely digital pandemic. It's absolutely bonkers and far more far more silly than anything South Park could have come up with!


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I certainly defer to more knowledgeable people on the hard science aspects of this, but as a longtime observer of human depravity, I find myself wondering how Hilary Koprowski’s lying, evil a__ fits into this theory. Or how does Michael Worobey’s work fit into this? Why did Bill Hamilton receive such flak, and how exactly did he really die? Were Tom Curtis and Ed Hooper agents spinning a tale to misdirect and “confirm” the HIV theory of AIDS? Maybe, but after reading this and other criticisms over many years (I first heard about this argument in a Harper’s article in 2001 or so), I still doubt it. I think what happened is that some kind of biological filth was transferred from chimps to humans via vaccines, which are now and always have been a witches brew of random materials coming from the substrates used. I came across a humanities article one time that I thought best described what generally happened in the 20th century. We started sharing fluids and tissues with other animals via our medical products, and then the practice of sharing fluids via fissures in the anus became more and more popular… barriers that nature erected were destroyed by unscrupulous grifters in white coats.

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Don't forget Judy Mikovits and David Rasnick... From Aids to Coronavirus

My understanding is that there is AIDS and there is Aids. AIDS is for gay men who party too much with too many drugs, especially poppers and too much sex.

Aids is for poor women who are malnourished and under cared for.

No virus needed, unless something was contributed through vaxxines.

Those who were treated by Fauci's protocol died.

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Thank you.

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Thanks for writing this important issue. Another comparison with AIDS & Covid-19, was the use of deadly medicine early in.

AIDS had AZT, with Covid it was Remdesivir.

My uncle died from AZT in the 80’s, along with dozens of his friends. It’s another reason for me to hate Fauci, with a passion. 😡

I’m finally reading “ Turtles All The Way Down”, after hearing so much about it. It’s highly recommended for anyone wanting to understand the process of vaccine authorization & safety of our children’s vaccine schedule. ( Hint: it’s not safe at all!)

Read the book to understand the blanket of trust that keeps most dr.s from questioning the “ science.” It’s mind- blowing, to say the least. I have to admit I felt guilty as a parent, after reading it. Our society, as a whole, have trusted our gov., our agencies, and our medical professionals for too long. It’s time to question everything! Yes, it’s exhausting & time- consuming but we don’t have a choice.

Question & research the answers as if your life, and your family’s lives depend on it. Because they do! Big Pharma does not care about us. Our U.S. government has proved the same. Trust is earned & they blew it.

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What's your opinion on Cancer . Please

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I found Dr Lee Merritt's work on cancer very interesting. She believes, very convincingly, that cancer is a parasite, not a virus. Since no one has actually isolated a virus, that alone gives credence to her work. She's the only one talking about it.

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Ivermectin & Fen-Ben have been all the talk lately in treating cancer. That makes so much sense!

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Can I get information about his work on internet?

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She is on Bitchute, perhaps other sites, but I travel there to get her work.

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Thanks 🙏🏻

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See https://substack.com/@fenbendazole

Dr. Merritt has an informative website with much information relating to the current situations. https://drleemerritt.com

Look into chlorine dioxide https://theuniversalantidote.com There is a telegram channel with a lot of personal stories.

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I think that viruses exist, and can cause disease, but only where the immune system isn't working properly. Most people who are 'exposed' to a virus or bacteria will have those microorganisms in their body, but they don't cause a disease.

HIV may contribute to developing AIDs on top of a very unhealthy lifestyle for those with a chronically stressed immune system, but it will do nothing in someone with a normal immune system.

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We need to be specific about the words we use. Many words have been hijacked, and their meaning changed or twisted. Virus originally meant toxin or poison, specifically wet poison. See Charles Richet, vaxxine inventor and Nobel prize winner for poisoning dogs and people... His original virus was venom, specifically from a sea anemone. He developed sensitivity, allergy, and anaphylaxis to an art/science form.

Virus = toxin, poison, venom

Virus as infectious agent doesn't exist. The concepts of "wild," "live," "dead" virus... Really?

Virus or exosome needs to be clarified

We have a "virome" in our bodies. What does that mean? I think it's sort of genetic programs that have to do with adaptation. Nothing about infection or poison.

Computer virus - something that messes up the program. I guess you could say poison does that.

Viral - something goes viral and it's supposed to be a good thing? I guess that means the video is "infectious" and spreads everywhere rapidly.

If there were contagious viruses that infected cells and replicated themselves, that would be quite a feat. Viruses are supposed to be absolutely minute in size. Theoretically, many would fit on a sperm (I read). How big is a sperm? How would it be possible to have microscopes and equipment so precise and small as to be able to break into their program and create gain of function?

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The AIDS dissidents split into two camps. Team Duesberg says there is such a virus as HIV but it is essentially only a harmless passenger or retrovirus and does NOT cause AIDS and never will. Peter Duesberg is an excellent fellow, a man of true intellectual ability and integrity, and his book Inventing The AIDS Virus is seminal. I was once a Duesbergian but quite a while ago I switched allegiance to Team Perth Group. Who say there is no virus at all. Because for something to be classed as a virus, it has to act like a virus. That is, it has to infect living cells and then replicate. And there is no evidence HIV does this. Duesberg is a very smart man. A professor of molecular biology at Berkeley. But if you read interviews with Eleni Papadopoulos of the PG, who is a PhD biophysicist, you soon realize she is smarter than a tree full of owls and more than a cerebral match for Duesberg. And if she says there is no virus, I believe her. Because it makes total sense. HIV-AIDS is one gigantic - and highly profitable - scam. Robert Gallo was the guy behind it.

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Great comment. Some amount of HIV virus is present in all Americans. Just makes sense that unhealthy lifestyle lowers your immune response. Add to that the fact that anal sex produces abrasions in a mucous membrane that is in contact with fecal matter and it's not hard to believe what a chiropractor told me 31 years ago; that the disease is not necessarily transmitted, but given a pathway into the bloodstream. In the ancient world, oral sex was the only safe sex, and prostitutes both male and female would paint their lips the color of vagina to advertise. Hence the invention of lipstick.

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Does anyone know: From whom does the Perth Group obtain its funding? And what is the Perth Group's annual budget?

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The answer is no one and zero. It's just an unofficial bunch of people. Eleni P recently passed.

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