Had a doc who raised my medication as I got more anxiety from her raising my dose and threatening me with heart damage . Just a feedback loop. I was so stressed she gave me a Rx for anti stress drugs. I didnt take them. I quit seeing her and turned off all sources of stress (mainly the MSM right at lockdown time.) that prevented me from absorbing the massive propaganda campaign of fear. I was then able to get the truth of what was really going on through my alternative health sources. It’s still off and I remain unvaxxed. Maybe this saved my life although I don’t give this crap doctor any credit. I give that all to God.

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Great story, thanks for sharing it.

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When they came out with 2nd & 3rd hand smoke to justify why non smokers were getting lung cancer, I knew this was a lie. You never smoked, but your neighbors smoke is coming over the fence, or your child in school is sitting next to another who's father smokes, I was like, "say what??" That was over 30 years ago. My research showed, from the AMA & CDC that there were about 12 cases of actual lung cancer that particular year. Say what!! Showed me that lung cancer was very rare, unless you had black lung from being a miner.

Then came eliminating salt and saturated fats bringing in a deluge of new products pushed in grocery stores. But what really knocked my socks off was cholesterol. Turns out normal cholesterol has alway been considered at the level 250-280, ignoring btw those coastal Mediterranean countries, who had "normal" 600 levels. But that's another story. I mean, really, this was genius what they did. Let's lower the level of normal cholesterol to 200 and snatch every American into that category. Talk about a cash cow.

That slight of hand got everyone to believe Cholesterol causes heart disease, when it's actually that low fat eliminating seed oils (that the Med countries never used) caused. And our store shelves were inundated with every seed oil, low-fat tasteless garbage food imaginable.

I have alway had low BP, 25 years at 70/50, next 25 at 90/70 and now 120/70 so I can see how BP rises with age, lack of exercise, sitting in front of a computer like I'm doing right now. But I have seen the difference come over those who have taken BP meds and it ain't pretty. At the time I attributed these changes as age related until I saw a young person on them. One person who took one pill who, in 15 minutes, blacked out and fell off a bench and crashed onto the floor. That dummy was me. And I never took another BP med and never will again. As big a lie as cholesterol

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You are correct there. Before it came off patent statins like Lipitor were the highest selling drugs of all time. A giant cash cow for pharma.

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Needed some physical therapy recently for an achy knee. Part of the intake is blood pressure. First measure 126/76. Physical therapist was like, wow, that's great...

Month later, asked him to take the pressure again, this time in the other arm. 123/73.

Decided to see just how I measured up, figuring the goal posts had probably moved, which has been done with just about everything. Sure enough, why...I'm "pre-hypertensive."

What a$$ wipes. (Sorry for the foul language...) Seriously? I'm "pre-hypertensive?" At age 66. Right...I'm also pre-dead...

The whole field of "medicine" is a caricature of itself. They're a joke. As I've said a thousand times before -- Blood gushing or leg broken? Sure, I'll see a white coat. Otherwise, I stay as far away as possible -- as I've done for decades.

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I told my aunt years ago there was a new dx coming…Pre-dead🤦‍♀️. Because her docs kept putting ‘pre’ everything on her chart and insisting she needed more medications to be healthy! Of course she didn’t listen to me and took everything thrown at her until her liver and kidneys began to fail!!! Her docs refused to talk to me so I could get more info and give them research to show they are the problem.

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𝑹𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕? I mean...really? "Pre-hypertensive??"

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Thank you for this truth! As a older retired health care professional, I saw these medication and guideline changes that did not ring true!! Many older patients had dizziness and unsteadiness secondary to their physician prescribed medicine!!!

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Sadly elderly still follow doctors orders without even asking questions

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The blood pressure med I was on was destroying my kidney function. I took myself off of it and began taking magnesium and Lugol's iodine. My kidney function has returned to normal and the BP is normalizing. My sleep is improving.

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Excellent! My step-mother is a victim of these meds. She has been complaining for years of dizziness but won't listen to reason. She is constantly monitoring her blood pressure and never feels well anymore. She also has constant pain from the statins she took for years.

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Found out last spring that the Germans had used Vitamin B1 complex for blood pressure management with better clinical results than actual blood pressure medications. Started taking a 500mg thiamine and benfotiamine supplement every morning in March '23 along with a Vitamin K2 type mk4 in the afternoon. The K2 is to make sure new calcium you consume and any old stripped out of arteries goes into your bones. I was underweight and gained 20 lbs from March to June. When I visited a primary care practitioner in early June, my blood pressure was 108/65, whereas it had been running 140/90 for years. I have to believe the calcium plaque (not cholesterol) in our arteries is the cause of high blood pressure, not the other way around. So yes, B1 can strip calcium from the arteries just like EDTA. And even though my blood pressure is now low for my age(57), I got my complexion back-peaches and cream my step mother used to say, and now have much more rosy glow than I have in years. So far no I'll effects from the lower pressure, and my veins still look huge compared to most people. Something to consider if you want to quit your blood pressure medications. Another part of this was transitioning from vegetable and seed oils to butter, beef tallow, coconut oil and olive oil that has not been heated. Promoting polyunsaturated fats as healthy has caused plaque in the arteries, whereas the brain is 75% cholesterol. My mind is much clearer now!

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Oh by the way, during this time I began having a pinch of Sea salt with each glass of water. You don't need to drink as much. Fact is, by sipping water constantly and not eating enough quality (natural) salt, most Americans suffer low brain sodium, just as I did.😀

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Yes, excess hydration without salt leads to many health issues. Salt is vital.

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Great article, however nowhere did it mention the role of proper hydration and the role of mineral salt. I lowered my reading (and yes now I'm reevaluating whether or not it was an accurate measure of hypertension) from Stage 1 to 'Normal' by drinking water and using Celtic salt after a Barbara O'Neill video. The salt is actually crucial as it allows the water to penetrate the cell wall and without it your body just passes the water. It didn't take long either.

But overall it seems it's yet just another Big Pharma scam to get us to buy their toxic suppressants. What a surprise.

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Plenty to chew on here - excuse the pun. Most oldsters will be on both cholesterol-lowering and hypertension meds - statins plus the BP drugs. Eventually this destroys a person's health and they usually have a stroke and pass away shortly after - which is how the medical cartel murdered my poor mother a few years ago.

Incidentally the medical system also killed noted American science fiction writer Philip K Dick. While he did have high blood pressure, probably due to poor diet, alcohol, and amphetamine use, he was put on powerful diuretics and other drugs which resulted in the stroke that finished him at age 52.

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Another factor in the increase in hypertension…those electronic BP machines. They are known to increase BP by about 15 points systolically. In fact a few years ago a mass notice was sent out to healthcare providers telling them this, and to double check all new cases with a manual syphgomanometer! Few did because they have been told repeatedly that human ears can’t hear well enough…arghhhh, Not True! Plus those electronic ones HURT because they pump up to high. Pain increases BP. Duh

It’s all a $$$ chase game and your health is never improved.

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My husband had stroke. It’s hard to navigate all this. It’s complicated. He’s hyper focused on his Heath and these doctors all prescribe him medications. All he does is fret over the medication. He also has Alzheimer’s.

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The blood pressure med I was on was destroying my kidney function. I took myself off of it and began taking magnesium and Lugol's iodine. My kidney function has returned to normal and the BP is normalizing. My sleep is improving.

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The key aspect is missing in this article: what is all this (HBP) about?

The body, with all its core liquids, is a closed-loop system. We do not leak blood in the natural condition of the body (aka health). The blood is kept inside a (sort of) reservoir (in the form of vessels - an interesting term, by the way) and is circulated within this reservoir.

This means that its “pressure” is a constant feature, resulting from the configuration and operational characteristics of the reservoir. Considering the unimaginably enormous reservoir, with all kinds of branches and functions, no-one can say definitely what “pressure” is ok and what is wrong. If the body (sustained by the blood) continues to be alive regardless of blood pressure, great.

The point of interest is why we measure BP at the point which is basically meaningless. We are told that the key function of the blood is to transport something and distribute it all over the body. If this is true, the most important are those points at which the distribution takes place (“nozzles” or “valves” in mechanical systems, not some random places of the piping).

Also, the mechanism of “pumping”, or ensuring the continuous flow of the blood is much more important than the pressure of the fluid at the most convenient (and not the most important) place to “install” a meter. We have no idea how the blood is put into motion and kept in this state throughout the lifetime of its vessel system (the body). Maybe this ignorance is the reason why we “measure” only what is easy to measure and not what is paramount for the working existence of the body.

Besides, measuring BP at a random time of the whole lifetime of the body sounds like (science) fiction. A self-proclaimed engineer of the body (“physician”) reads your BP at the time when HE/SHE can (when you visit them), pronounces the sentence and prescribes “remedies”. The rest of your 24-hour daily, 7-day monthly, 4-season annual life cycle is disregarded completely. Your habits and stresses on the body are omitted. How you manage your body is neglected and is never verified, unless you are a valuable source of profit (in sports, enforcement services, driving various vehicles, etc.).

What if... high BP is a compensation mechanism to cope with something happening within the body (including the mind)? Why is it not so dangerous when you are sleeping? Why are you advised to let go of “stresses”? BP is always fluctuating, most of the time below our perception needs. Why? Why does the body self-regulate its BP?

What if... you (the whole being) need high BP to ensure effective transportation of the critical something to the brain? The brain is the highest point of your body, most difficult to supply with “nutrients”. It needs high BP. Lower your (“usual”) blood pressure and your brain will malfunction, from restriction of perception and mental functions all the way down to “losing consciousness”. Clearly, your elan vital comes with (natural) high blood pressure. And when this pressure drops down to a critical level, that mysterious something is no longer being transported and effectively delivered where it is needed - and you die. Well, not really, because folks around can start you up with electric shocks - why can electricity reactivate blood flow and its life-supporting functions?

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Awesome comment. I agree 100%. What if "they" are all wrong about BP? Time to think outside of the box. I have been questioning all "truisms."


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This comment is only indicating some discrepancies between applied fluid engineering and the medical take on the bloodstream. Plus, we don’t really know what is happening with the blood in the body - like the unexplained difference in size of the smallest capillaries vs. the size of blood components which somehow is transported through there.

No intention to question or challenge anything on my part. I’m just saying that we don’t know much, and of what we know we don’t know which part is universally true and which is merely a temporary workaround to cover up our ignorance.

Plus the most obvious gap in the Western medicine: the death. The mandatory paradigm is that we die when the heart is malfunctioning beyond repair, the brain is not responding to our established routines, or both. But these both are only outward manifestations of a deeper process. And that deeper process has never been even discussed by the mainstream medicine. Which is a lot like painting the walls of a building which is in the decaying process and the painters don’t even want to acknowledge it.

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Having just read mid-western Doctors substack on DMSO it occurs to me that if DMSO helps clear plaques from arteries it should help reduce blood pressure. Does anyone have any experience in using DMSO to reduce blood pressure?

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I'm using DMSO both orally and topically. Not for BP, just general use. I have several books on it. Some individuals have used it for over 40 years. I view it as something that stabilizes body systems. I use it on my knees and hips to ward off arthritis.

Don Rudy's comment is important - vitamin B1 may solve BP issues.

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I believe "medicine girl" is a troll and a site to disparage legitimate people.

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Fairly elaborate trolling operation, then:). There are far more effective ways to "reduce" BP through diet, exercise, and adequate quality salt intake to improve kidney and other vital functions. If, indeed, the BP needs to be reduced at all.

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