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Thank you to Mr. Lelievre for sharing his story. I wish him success in his future endeavors to counter the current narrative brewing on campuses. My wake up call came years before Covid when, after having other children successfully complete their degrees in higher education, my youngest daughter fell for the insanity and become a believer of the filth spewing from these institutions. She turned "trans" and there was no saving her until she woke up and exited the cult years later. It has been a slowly broiling frog on campuses for decades but with a captured media I was blindsided by this as are many parents. Youth are easily manipulated and traumatized allowing the monster to spin out of control. Today college entrance exams ask "gender questions," campus clinics dole out cross sex hormones, "wellness" assessments have morphed into data mining for gender identities, referrals are given to the local castration surgeons, and more. Please continue speaking out.

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I have 4 daughters aged 6-13. I write to help me comprehend the dogma I’ve experienced in higher Ed and help my girls identify it at public school. How did your daughter wake up and extricate herself from trans ideology?

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Your question is a good one but with what was an estrangement, I only know so much. I suspect in time I will learn more. I suspect it was love that ultimately brought her back. She also seemed to question many other narratives that are spinning today. I remember a female detransitioner who questioned others on this. They all came around after about 4-6 years. These though were late teens/ young adults when they began to dabble in this. What worries me the most is the young kids who never were permitted an adolescence. I think it might be different for them. They say in cults if people are not out in 10 years, they are less likely to extricate themselves. Then there are the families aiding and abetting this and this in the long run this can only tether someone to the lie it seems.

They also say there is commonly an 'aha' moment in cults and always questioning in the back of their mind. I would say read up on cults and propaganda. I spoke with our high school principal after this happened to warn her. This I was able to do where some places there is no chance of this. She listened and could not believe it either. But - she did believe that some people are 'trans.' That to me says a lot. The line will always move in favor of industry. Today the teachers are deciding who is 'trans.' I wonder if our conversation moved her in any way. A friend told me in her daughter's class at the same public high school years after mine had graduated that there were like 10 girls doing this. Becoming savvy on cults/ undue influence propaganda is helpful. And be very wary - cults do not discriminate.

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Thank you for answering my question about such personal experiences. Love. Questioning the narratives. The more you learn the more you can love. I hear your point about teaching children such gender confusion. I agree. How our institutions (and their leaders) promote cultish untruths and exploit adolescence are what interest (and disturb) me. The normalizing of it. The partial answer is the education system promotes and rewards no assessment of poor ideas, of their effects. It’s like some districts can’t be burdened by the effects of harmful policies and bad ideas. To use basic logic and rhetoric to evaluate. The bureaucracy serves itself. Job security in the midst of this incentivized cult craze likely plays a role in any teacher or admin employee. With such a bleak picture, parental love seems a requirement and antidote for a child to discard the cultish craze and return to life.

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